Hello everyone, I'm Zo
I'm 27 and last year I was not diagnosed per say, but my GP 'suspected' or said it 'may be' early osteoarthritis as tests for rheumatoid arthritis came back negative (my mother has it). I've had joint pain since I was 18, started in my left knee and has since progressed to my back, hips, shoulders, wrists, hands, neck and sometimes my ankles. After getting fobbed off as just being 'fat' or 'too young' (yes this was said by an old GP I had), I went to a new one (still current) years later, who hasn't fobbed me off for anything which I really appreciate. I'm plus size so I am aware some extra weight may give me pain, but I am active, and I have weighed less and weighed more over the years but the pain persists.
Currently I'm having pains in my hips and back, mostly when I sit, bend down or even just shift slightly while I'm standing. My hip locks up sometimes when I stand too. I'm contemplating on whether I go back to my GP about this as the pain has been on and off, flaring up when it rains then settling down slightly to a mild ache when it's warmer. It also hasn't been made better by me tripping on my laptop cable and falling in my bedroom on my left side on Christmas Day. I want to exercise but I always worry about aggravating whatever is wrong with my back. I'm also getting sciatica type symptoms down my left leg, not so much numbness or tingling, but more of an ache.
I'm dreading winter this year because my entire body flares up.