I am new to this forum. I am suffering from arthritis for the past two years. I have pain in my joints and shoulder. I want to seek your advice that, is it linked with any food habits.
Food and Arthritis: I am new to this forum... - Arthritis Action
Food and Arthritis

i have osteo in my lower back ans both hips,,also athritis in both knees,ankles ans big toes after years of football,,,im also feeling discomfort in my right wrist and left shoulder any advice anyone except for putting me down,,,,

Hello and thank you for your post. We do hope that the supportive community here will offer advice and help.
If that is not enough, our Charity Arthritis Action has a Registered Dietician on the Team to advise our Members on how to amend their food habits to reduce inflammation and feel better. This is part of our Membership benefits. For more information, see our website arthritisaction.org.uk or call us on 020 3781 7120
You can read about my own journey on this very subject foodandarthritis.blogspot.c...
I hold no claim that what's right for me is good for anyone else, but the least to be said is the subject is worth investigating, imo.
On the rhs of the blog are many many links to others who have had / are having similar journeys and/or professional advice giving insights, eg nutritionfacts.org
Hello, well I'm no dietary expert. We just try and eat healthily without getting too obsessive. I take Turmeric tablets daily, drink a concoction of Cistus Incanus daily and a bit of yoga as I have had arthritis from a young age, but it's always manageable. Hubby is the one recently diagnosed with RA though, so he takes a load of meds too. Best wishes, Sue..

Dear Sue06
Please tell me how to procure Turmeric tablets and Cistus Incanus.
With Regards
Hello. I buy turmeric capsules from Holland and Barrett. Wait for their penny sales!! The cistus incanus I actually got via ebay!! You can get everything on ebay!! I only paid £4 for 100g. Lasts ages as an infusion and tastes ok too. Anything's worth a try isn't it? Take care. Sue xx
Many just take the tablets. I argue from my own experience that diet is crucial.
Has anyone tried Astragalis?
Should mention also while we're discussing food habits, that overweight definitely makes arthritis worse by putting more stress on joints. Also under exercising.