Hi, this is my first post in this forum,
I used to be a Judo coach, but after a right knee arthroscopy 7 years ago and a left shoulder acromioclavicular stabilisation with lockdown about 5 years ago i was forced into retirement. As part of my rehab (shoulder) i started gentle swims but felt a lot of pain. On visiting my consultant and getting an mri he said there was arthritis in the joint and i was far to young for a shoulder replacement. I asked about exercise and was told the more i use it the more it will wear and the worse it will get.
The pain has been there but manageable (without medication) since then until a few months ago. Had another mri and the arthritis is moderate to severe around the acriomioclavicular joint (acj) but i also have fraying tendon around it. I am having physio at present (due to covid i wont be seen about the tendon until April ) but it seems to hurt more and i am not improving
Should i be exercising the arthritic joint or resting it. Conflicting advice is not helping me