I have had flares of joint pains for many years, morning stiffness lasting more than 2 hours, alot of I flamation around joints but rheumatoid bloods always normal. GP gave me flucloxacillin and prednisolone last week for 7 days as he was worried it was infected arthritis as I had a slight fever and my wrist/hand was very sore, my ankles and toe joints were too, i had bloods done on day 4 of steroids and my CRP was 6.6, is this normal
? Seronegative Rheumatoid arthritis or PMR - Arthritis Action
? Seronegative Rheumatoid arthritis or PMR

A CRP of 6.6 is in the normal range, but it’s possible to have inflammatory arthritis or polymyalgia with normal bloods. Polymyalgia tends to affect the large joints like the hips, thighs, neck & shoulder. I had it for a number of year before also being diagnosed as having ankylosing spondylitis. It results in extreme stiffness, that in my case only eased slightly with the steroids. I also developed GCA about 3 month after starting steroids. I was classed as atypical as I was only 47, and it’s usually over 50a that get it, so my rheumatologist was initially quite skeptical. I assume if your gp strongly suspects PMR then they’ll continue the steroids.
I just wonder whether ankylosing spondylitis has been considered. It takes an average of some ten years to accurately diagnose this condition. The charity concerned with this is NASS and you might get some advice from their helpline,
Thank you for your reply, I will look into it. My GP is referring me back to Rheumatology for a 3rd time, he is adamant it is seronegative rheumatoid arthritis as my joints become red, inflamed and hot to touch, discoloured too. I'm also wondering if my crp level would of been higher if I had'nt of been on prednisolone for four days ?
That looks desperately painful and I'm glad your GP is helping you.
I have all the RA symptoms but my blood work is OK and the rheumatologist I saw a few weeks ago was unhelpful, lied to me and was dismissive. He didn't discuss anything with me and just wrote to my GP saying he will see me in 5 months time.
I saw my dentist who also thinks it's RA and says that he has 3 or 4 other clients with all the RA symptoms who can't get any help from the NHS rheumatologists because they seem to be set up to avoid helping unless they have to.
I don't know about anti inflammatories affecting the blood test results and I would like to know too! I've been lied to by so many Drs now I don't know who to trust to find out!
I've tried steroids (my cat had them and I have veterinary knowledge so I know what I am doing) and they work for me to bring a flare under control. They are cheap and effective and I don't need them all the time so are a low risk option but I can't get anyone to help me by prescribing them.
It's a horrible situation to be in, isn't it!
I hope you can get some help soon and hope your GP continues to support you.
Steroids are a prescription only med for a reason, they can be dangerous and need monitoring. I have life threatening adrenal insufficiency from taking steroids, it resulted in a severe stroke, as my adrenals had atrophied from taking the steroids. I wouldn’t wish my journey on anyone, but can’t stress enough how dangerous steroids can be. Please inform your gp your taking these. This happened despite being closely monitored by gp and rheumatologist