I have arthritis and tendonitis in multiple joints and have lived with terrible pain for the last 12 years. I'm 41 and single and don't have many friends to help.
I've had many problems at work as I've needed time of for operations and recovery from tendonitis problems, but the last few years I am finding it so hard to work due to my memory. I'm a seive, I can't absorb information, my vocabulary is terrible, and I constantly forgetting. I work part time but I can't work less hours as I have a mortgage and as I'm the only one paying the mortgage I need to be in work
I recently changed jobs as I had a bad experience with my NHS employer who did not believe that I had any problems as 'i was so young, and didn't look I'll.' my new job is interesting but I am struggling as it's so had to concentrate. I use lots of online tools, my mobile for lists etc but I can't hold information needed for my job. I feel so trapped.
I've not been diagnosed with inflammatory arthritis as I don't meet the diagnostic criteria, but one rheumatologist said she thinks I probably do due to my family history and symptoms.
I wanted to ask if anyone with arthritis is struggling with memory and work and what possible options you considered. Thanks