How long did you wait to try and conc... - Action on Postpar...

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How long did you wait to try and conceive baby #2?

Swirl121 profile image
6 Replies

Hi, my husband has come round to the idea of us trying for a second baby and is happy for us to try from now onwards however I'm curious to know if we are maybe trying to soon? I've been properly well now since April 2015 with no frequent mood fluctuations (I was cycling every few days from high to low). I still have had one noticeable mood swing into mild hypomania but I received a diagnosis of bipolar after I had pp so I guess that was to be expected. I've now switched meds to Lamotrigine and Sertraline and these seem to be working well for me. My psychiatrist said I can take both these during pregnancy so I will continue to do so right through the birth and beyond. I'm just wondering how long you guys waited for. I don't have access to a perunatal mental health specialist like I had in the UK as I'm temporarily living abroad so I can't really ask them about this. I will return to the UK for the birth to make sure I have access to the services I need just incase I get I'll again but that dosent help me in the mean time with my question. I know each of us is different but just curious to know what others did. Thanks

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Swirl121 profile image
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6 Replies
Lilybeth profile image

Hello Swirl121

Thanks for your post. I did reply to your earlier post with details of my second pregnancy so I'm not sure I can add anything more to help.

You have done very well to recover so quickly. It took me well over two years after my first PP to regain my confidence and place. We wondered about having a second baby but as I didn't have any knowledge of how ill I was the first time round, apart from flashbacks and treatment, our second son was born six years later and PP struck again. I was very ill and it took longer for me to get back on my feet as an enduring depression followed although I did eventually fully recover.

I think you also have to consider the stress of moving back to the UK from Thailand. My PP experiences might be outdated now as they were so long ago and treatment and medication have changed for the better. As you will have read in replies to your previous post, some mums did not have PP second time round.

Take good care.

Maxi0501 profile image

Hi Swirl121

We have just started trying again, my son recently turned two. I've been chatting with a perinatal mental health lady in preparation, so we'll have a plan in place. I'm feeling more positive about the whole thing but still terrified that it'll happen again. I recovered fairly quickly after I was discharged from the general psych unit so I suppose I've been lucky that I didn't go on to have depression or anything. In saying that though, if I were younger I would wait another year or two before trying again but unfortunately times not on my side.

Only you can know if you're ready to go again, but my advice would be to 'plan' for it. I don't think you can be too prepared really. There are other girls on here who have posted their pregnancy plans recently. Good luck with everything x

suzannah0 profile image

We r going to wait one year

Hannah_at_APP profile image

Hi swirl121,

Everyone's decision is very personal to them, and for me I wanted to wait to be off medication and so have a 4 year gap between my children. Having good support and plans in place can be important, I was naturally scared of becoming ill again, and I think that's a normal reaction really for anyone in this situation. Having been through PP once, I was desperate to try and avoid it a 2nd time and was lucky to do so, remaining well after my 2nd child. Whatever you decide, there's a lot of info and support here, and hopefully you will also have this from your healthcare team.

Take care, xx

happymommy profile image

Hello Swirl121. I am new to the forum and this is my first post. I have been diagnosed with PP eight months ago, I spent a month in a hospital and went on taking medications since then. My doctor said that I was to take the meds till May (Olanzapine). She also said that I was to wait at least two years before having my second child, no matter how good I feel. Now I feel really well and I am enjoying being a mom, but a had a really, really hard time and I am very afraid of another psychotic episode. One thing's for sure, I really want another baby and we are planning to try in two years. Best of luck! 

Lilybeth profile image

Hello happymommy

Thank you for your reply on this thread.  It sounds as though you are well on your way to recovery after only eight months.  I'm so pleased to hear you are really well after having such a hard time.   I think we tend to forget how ill we were as time goes on .... I had a gap of six years before my second son was born.

Wishing you all the best for the future ...........

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