Evening everyone.
I'm going to put a "Trigger Warning" now just incase any of what I am writing about may be upsetting.
I am 5 years post PP episode
I have many different life stresses, conditions and traumas I am trying to work through, and I think I have reached my peak stress limit.
I am very dissociated too, like I am not real, and everything is in third person.
My mind is constantly full of unwanted thoughts and voices talking to me, telling me bizarre stuff that isn't real but it's so convincing some of the time (I only hear things inside my head not outside my head)
I have reached out to a relative today and "first response" who have been able to update my Mental Health notes.
Rest assured, I am safe and have plenty of contact numbers in case of emergency or distress.
I am doing everything I can to keep this all as calm as possible, taking extra quetiapine when I need to.
My kitten is a saving grace atm (starting training her up to respond to commands and hopefully be a support animal of kinds)
I cant keep attention on any activity for very long. And each wave of paranoia/voices/dissociation gets more and more tiring.
I'm scared to sleep incase I wake up and it is the same tomorrow. But I am also hopeful that tomorrow will be brighter too.
Hugs and healing to all, and
very grateful to everyone at APP for all you do 🫂🫶🏻