Second Baby. : Hi, Following the birth... - Action on Postpar...

Action on Postpartum Psychosis

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Second Baby.

Allparentswearcapes profile image


Following the birth of my daughter in Aug 2020, I developed pp like symptoms, although I didnt have diagnosis of pp. It was very similar, closer to a bipolar episode (as I have a previous history of one bipolar episode).

My husband and I had been planning to have a second child. And today I found out i was pregnant again. I didnt have a pre- conception meeting as I didnt think it would happen as quickly as it did! So it was a bit unexpected. It hasnt really sunk in yet, I do feel happy but more anxious about having a repeat episode of pp/ how am I going to cope with two children due to lack of sleep (big trigger for me). Plus my labour was a bit tramatic.

sorry for rambling! But just wanted to speak out to people who have been in a similar situation.

Would be great to hear some postive stories.

And thanks for any replies x

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13 Replies
Rachel_at_APP profile image

Hello Allparentswearcapes and welcome to the forum.

Firstly, what a brilliant forum name you have. Parents most definitely do wear capes!

Congratulations on your now one year old, and congratulations on your little big news too. Thank you for sharing with us even though it’s early days. It’s very heartening when people come and share such special news. As women and families affected by PP we’re only too happy to offer a listening ear, words of empathy and support.

I’m Rachel, part of the charity Action on Postpartum Psychosis peer support team. I had PP back in 2016 with my first baby, and have gone on to have a second baby who is now one. I had no reoccurrence of PP with my second with support of medication.

It’s such early days for you by the sound of it, take it steady. You’ll naturally be worried and I know felt quite unsure and anxious about what the pregnancy and early days with two children would bring. But I’d like to say that in my experience there is lots of support available to you. Here for a start, lots of women will be able to share and be here for you.

The APP leaflet, planning pregnancy has some useful insight which you can take a look at here:

And as you are in the UK (I think?) there should be a Specialist Perinatal Mental Health team who your GP or midwife will be able to refer you to.

If it helps you can take a look on the forum at previous pregnancy relay posts which may be a useful resource. This one here for example:

In my experience, my advice is to take all the help offered to you. Family are wonderful, I really hope yours are too and that you might be able to call on them and friends too?

I was very fortunate to have an excellent psychiatrist, specialist midwives, consultant care and was offered preventive medication during pregnancy. I had a planned extended hospital stay after birth so I had support during the period of highest risk for me. Gosh, there is lots I could add, but rather than bombard you feel free to ask any questions of the forum if that’s helpful as you go along and things crop up.

Take care, and remember that even on days when you’re having a worry or an anxious moment - that you’re a great Mummy.

Take care,

Rachel x

Allparentswearcapes profile image
Allparentswearcapes in reply to Rachel_at_APP

Hi Racheal,

Thanks for your comments, it has put me at ease. It's been really helpful already being able to access this forum.

I wont reveal my name like a true superhero 🤣

Take care J x

Glamaw profile image

How exciting. Congratulations and It is totally going to be ok this time around. My story seems a bit similar to yours. I had PPP in 2016 after my first born , went on to have another baby almost 3 years later with no re occurrence, but then when I was weaning off medication in 2020 and had an episode of a severe mixed bipolar episode. I am now stabilized on latuda and have been taking care of my 2 sons with Lots of help from family and have been stable for almost over a year.

I think the biggest thing for me too (besides medication) is sleep. I know my mind and body needs 9-10 hours every night so i decided right away with baby number 2 to bottle feed so someone could do all the night feeding.

My boys are now 5 and 2 and what a blessing it is to have them both and to have a good support system with my psychiatrist, family, and friends! I feel very confident as a mom now a days and I think having gone through PPP and my episode of bipolar has only made me a stronger person because i know what my mind and body needs to be at my best self and i’m not afraid to ask for help, tell people my story, or just be a listening ear to those who are struggling or facing uncertain times!

Good luck with your pregnancy and just know it will all work out in the end! xoxo 😘

Allparentswearcapes profile image
Allparentswearcapes in reply to Glamaw

Thank you! Good to hear you didnt get a reoccurance 🙂 I've already decided that I'm doing to bottle feed, not only so that I can get some sleep and the load be shared. Plus the stress/pressure of trying to BF added to my episode plus I think it will be harder with a toddler running around too 🤦‍♀️

Take care, all the best xx

HelenMW profile image

Hello there and what a great name!!Congratulations on your pregnancy!!

I just want to share my story and even though the treatment I opted for is not offered now, I think the key is sleep and support! Which you have already identified as key for you.

For my births without pp my mum moved in lock stock and barrel as we say! Not really sure why we say that but hey Ho. I was able to sleep lots and just feed my baby. I did liaise with psychiatrists and an endocrinologist prior to conception. I also had looked into a MBU just in case. My labours were managed so well second and third time. I did opt for epidurals to avoid as much stress as I could. I took progesterone immediately after delivery for a few days.

I think gather as much information as you can and there is so much available via APP and the women on the forum.

Plan support which enables you to get as much sleep as you can , especially during the first two weeks .

I also followed a 3 hourly starch regime leading up to and after delivery. This was to maintain blood sugar levels, not that I have an issue there but it does seem to help.

When I had pp I was incredibly hungry but couldn’t access any food and I had no sleep whatsoever.

Wishing you well,

Do keep us posted! Love Helen x

Allparentswearcapes profile image
Allparentswearcapes in reply to HelenMW

Thanks for sharing your story Helen and for the tips! Feeling alot more calmer about it 🙂

J x

Amethyst1711 profile image

Congratulations on your news! I can’t offer advice but wanted to say that I’m in a similar situation- I have bipolar type 1 and had psychosis with a mixed episode due to the hormone change when I cut down on breastfeeding when my son was 7 months, and was in hospital for 2 months. I didn’t have psychosis when my first was born however, so hopefully that gives you some encouragement. I’m now pregnant with baby no. 3 which wasn’t expected, but am already in contact with the perinatal team and they will be keeping an eye on me - they were brilliant when I was in hospital. We can do this! xxx

Allparentswearcapes profile image
Allparentswearcapes in reply to Amethyst1711

We have got this 💪Congratulations on baby no.3 🙂 how many weeks are you?

The perinatal team were brilliant last time postnatally as my episode happened out of the blue after I delivered xx

Amethyst1711 profile image
Amethyst1711 in reply to Allparentswearcapes

Thank you! I’m 15 weeks. It’s good to know I’m not alone (although of course I wouldn’t wish it on anyone!) xx

Arabella- profile image

Hi there,Congratulations! That’s fantastic news 😃

I have bipolar 2 (a milder form but still serious). Are you type one or two? What meds if any are you on?

I had PP after my first child but not with my second or third. I was on Olanzapine and sertraline for my second and third and was closely monitored by my perinatal mental health team.

You can keep well!! Try and enjoy the ride if you can xx

Allparentswearcapes profile image
Allparentswearcapes in reply to Arabella-

Thank you 🙂

I didnt get a diagnosis of bipolar as I have only had two episodes ( when I was 13 and now). I was on olanzapine which really helped 😏

I'm glad you didnt have a reoccurance! Did you take meds in the end of your third trimester? Xx

Maria_at_APP profile image

Hi Allparentswearcapes,

Welcome to the forum. Congratulations on your news! I can very well imagine the bag of mixed feelings you may have at the moment. I think it is perfectly understandable and it is OK to go through a roller coaster of emotions.

I had pp in 2018 after the birth of my daughter and went on to have my second baby in October this year, with no resurgence of pp so far.

When I found I was pregnant I was referred to the local perinatal mental health team and they followed me closely throughout the pregnancy and after. You should be able to get in touch with your GP and ask for the referral given your history.

There are quite a few things that can help prevent pp from reoccurring, in my experience I benefitted from having a birth plan that explains your wishes and preferences, also some plan for protecting your sleep we are doing bottle feeding at night that dad can give, medication that I started while pregnant and continued at a higher dose postpartum.

The guides mentioned above were very useful as well.

Take good care, write here to either compare notes or ask any questions or keep us updated on your pregnancy, we are always here to listen and help in any way we can

Allparentswearcapes profile image
Allparentswearcapes in reply to Maria_at_APP


I'm glad you didnt get a reoccurance of pp 🙂 And I hope all is going well with your second baby!

Last time it happened out of the blue, so that made things a lot worse. But it's good to hear that things can be put in place to minimise the risk 😏

It was been really helpful so far to voice my concerns and to speak to others who have been through a similar thing 🙂 I definately will be asking away questions!

Take care yourself

J x

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