Hi all
Ive shared many posts previous of my experience of PP with my first child. I went on to have another who is now 10 months and i have remained well. You will find details of my care plan and strategies of worrying whilst being pregnant and dwelling on becoming unwel again if you are reading this and are pregnant you may find helpful.
Anyway, i had a review today with my phychiatrist. I had lots of questions about what now and long term. She mentioned before i was queiried bipolar. I had no mental illness before I had my son and then i become phycotic and diagnosed with pp. So i said to her so does this mean iam now bipolar and she didnt really give me a straight answer. Just that under the bioploar disorder spectrum as its linked to high/low mood and mania which makes sense. But ive remained well since my first experience.
So my question is, is this the same to all of you aswel? I understand that our mental health is more vulnerable. So the title bipolar disorder i suppose is in black and white on my notes and phychosis if i was needed to be looked up. She also said its put down so if i were to fall unwel it is down for a clinical perspective and they would then know exactly what meds help etc i would need. I dont know just felt a bit low after the appointment.
Thats why i was asking all the questions as it was my last appointment with my phychiatrist who ive had for 3 years. They are now changing me to a long term team and she deals with people from early intervention.
I mean i do still get days where i can feel really low. But also get high and happy on things too. I just fellt slightly saddened of the thought of always having to rely on meds. But i dont want to cause negative vibes onto anyones eles, its nothing to be ashamed of. I think what happened in the beggining was me at my worst and im certain that it cannot get that bad again with health professionals in place. I just didnt know that bipolar was anything to do with it.
Im no longer ashamed of having Postpartum phychosis. I wouldnt change my children for the world. From this experience i will continue to make all the positives i can out of it even if it means giving someone comforting advice on this forum.
So am i right in saying that post partum phychosis is or can be linked to biopolar.
Could it be possible that i had it all along but it went unnoticed??
Any knowledge/advise would be appreciated
Thanks in advance
Violet x