I am trying to cut back on alcohol is it makes me fat and depressed trouble is my anxiety is sky high.
How does anyone else cope in this situationx
I am trying to cut back on alcohol is it makes me fat and depressed trouble is my anxiety is sky high.
How does anyone else cope in this situationx
Well done, you should feel very proud of that.
If its really bad, have you thought of the 12 step program, a friend of mine runs a narcotic one, and there not as scary as I thought. A lot of professional people etc.
To cope, keep telling yourself why your doing it, try and relax through the withdrawals, they come in spasms. Think of how this will change your life. Stay strong.
I really wish you well,
Hiya,I gave up 6 years ago,I had real bad habit.For a week,I had the usual physical withdrawal and after that,it was all in my head.Back then,I suffered with anxiety but tried to mask it with drink,it didn't work because as we know,alcohol is a depressant.What you need to do is find out about local groups,as Baylien points out,you have 12 steps,residential rehab,community rehab,SMART groups,there are many.I go to one,we just talk,it really helps everyone,your Doctor should have details,also the jobcentre have occupational therapists who can advise.Stick at it,it is worth it,take care,any questions just ask me,anything.
ok ive tried the local alcohol services but counselling doesnt help
I could do with someone whose been through it like a sponcer
ok thanks Im not alcoholic but need to cut down from 1.5 bottles of wine tonight just had three weak beers
hi knowles8586
im in a similar situation. as soon as i feel stressed or anxious about something i think alcohol is the thing to calm me down. to be honest, i dont drink everyday, only once or twice a week.usually weekends...but when i do i really go for it unfortunately and the past week has been a really low one for me..
im trying to get reasons in my head for why i should stop, the financial aspect, the sickness the next day, the possible danger i put myself in, the fall outs with loved ones...the fact it just makes my depression even worse...writing it all down here makes me realise its just not worth it!
three weak beers is better than a bottle and a half of wine indeed,
take care,
Nat xx
yes thanks
I just get very very tense at night think its too do with my childhood. I had aneorexia and couldnt sleep and if I came out of my room my dad would be there shouting at me to go back to bed. It became depression and I was 16 and at school and would be awake until 4am in the morning
So If I dont feel sleepy I still have the same fear