I have been given citalopram 20mg, took my... - Anxiety Support

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I have been given citalopram 20mg, took my first tablet but worried about side effects?

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8 Replies

Hi,not everyone suffers side effects but every possible effect has to be printed on the label.I think its a legal thing rather than a statement that it will happen.If you start to suffer then stop your medication,we all react in different ways and what works for you may not work for me.

karenx profile image

Try not to think about any possible side effects because if your anything like me, you'll end up bringing them on yourself. We're our own worse enemies!

Your right I know, curse of being a worrier I suppose ??

Hi, I started my meds 6 weeks ago and yes I read the leaflet, then I googled it, then I panicked ott after I took the first one and felt like I was gonna die, but I didn't ( obviously lol). The side effects went after 3 days. Please try not to think too much about side effects and deffo don't google as you will be there for hours, going on every possible link lol, I know coz I went there. Xxx let us know how you get on, you'll get loads of support here. Xxx

Hi I've been on different meds over the years. Most meds take time to settle but one piece of advice I was given a few years ago(I was resisting) is dont try to fight them, try not to stress or focus on the side effects that you might/might not experience. If you can find time to do some relaxation or keep yourself busy whilst the meds do their job. Maybe jot down how you are feeling each day and note anything unusual but then close your notepad and try to distract yourself. If things don't settle down for you go back to your gp (I hope he/she is keeping an eye on you anyway, they should be in the early stages of taking meds). Keep posting your progress and things will get better. Love eve x

Pickle165 profile image

hi i had this drug awhile a go and i found i couldnt put up with the constant bad headaches so i stopped it butt thats not to say you will get the same symptoms as i did. its strange how they effect us in different ways but they do. if your worried about side effects which i think we all are, you are better off on something like citralopram cos there are alot stronger ones out there with real harsh side effects. x

Hi thanks all, I know, I should not have read the enclosed leaflet, on look at the possible side effects bit, and I freaked myself out, thanks again for replying

seyi profile image

Hi worried

I was put on medication 4 weeks ago and i am really anti tablets was scared and thought about side effects and coming off them before i started ( Citralopram ) is what i am taking at the moment and apart from having an upset stomach at times they are helping.

We scare ourselves when reading all what could happen but sometimes we do need a little help over the bad patch.

Please take the medication the Doctor has given you and after 2/3 weeks your symptoms should start to ease.

Let us know how your doing.

Best wishes

Seyi x

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