Hi has anyone taken Prozac and pregablin t... - Anxiety Support

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Hi has anyone taken Prozac and pregablin together and how did you get on? Just a bit worried about taking the Prozac!! Thanks.

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leehow79 profile image

Hi hun, i havnt but my mum takes these 2gether + shes fine. i do know though that they r totaly safe 2 take 2gether. Prozac is an antidepressant as u know + progabalin is 4 pain on the central nervous system but can b also used 4 anxiety. try 2 jst take them + not worry about it bcause we make r slves worse. i was put on antiphycotics not long ago at all, was petrified 2 take them but at the same time i knew i needed 2. i worked myslf in2 such a state that the 1st 1 i took did absolutly nothin 4 my anxiety but i flt fine, no bad reaction so the nxt 1s i took were great, nothin 2 worry about at all. im sensitive 2 meds as medicaly noted not jst overactin, so hav had som terrible reactions. plus not suprising we get so scared wiv these side effects but we can definatly make matters much worse. if it was me i would give them a try, u can always stop them if needed but u hav 2 balance out if u r gettin side effects or it is in fct ur anxiety. hope this helped. wiv kindest regards my friend, leeanne.x

in reply to leehow79

Hi Leanne thankyou for your kind words of help just struggling a bit at the mo. just feel really down and fed up. I'm just constanly worrying all the time about medication and the fact I want to feel better. This makes me feel more anxious and up set. But what you said had help me try and be more confident. About the situation thanks James

leehow79 profile image

Know how u feel hun. had so many reactions 2 meds + its very scary. we hav 2 rely on r common sence at the end of the day. am at Drs in an hour 2 discuss yet another anti depressant but i really honestly do think u will b fine takin the two 2gether. r u on the progabalin 4 anxiety or pain bcause if its 4 anxiety + u r havin problems wiv it i know the bst meds 2 take wiv the lst damage + side effects so keep me posted... leeanne.x

ettyb0411 profile image

I do! I had to add the prozac very very slowly because it really aggravated my tummy. So once every 3 days for a couple weeks, then once every 2 days for a while until I was up to once a day, and I feel great now. Hope you feel great soon as well!

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