hi all. Hope everyone is having a better morning than myself. I’m becoming very impatient to when things will get better. This morning dread and heavy chest is trying to consume me. I feel anxious getting up for work on a normal day but lately it’s been doubled. Just gotta keep reminding myself as the day goes on anxiety will losen it’s grip. Anybody else struggling in the morning?
morning anxiety: hi all. Hope everyone is... - Anxiety Support
morning anxiety

It's been 11 years now that I have woke with morning FEAR. Yes, I am on meds, and talk to a therapist. The physciatrist doesn't do much for me. As soon as my eyes open I feel pressure in my chest, short of breath, and a bit nauseated. I've tried everything suggested to help myself. I am terrified that one day it will be the end. I truly feel for you and know what you are talking about. Take care.
it’s horrible isn’t it? Anxiety is such a vicious cycle… I go to sleep with fear, wake up with it. Decided to quit my meds and I don’t know if that’s making things worse but I’ve been struggling so bad these last weeks
I often tell my husband my meds do NOTHING for me......he says "so don't take them"....I'm scared to stop. It is difficult to describe the fear, kind of like nausea, dull pressure and the shortness of breath is the worse. I'm sorry you deal with it also. I do get some relief from the 1 ativan I take in the morning, 2mg sublingual. I'm alone for 3 days and seriously going to take 2 of them if it gets too bad. Hang in there.
I can empathize. I wake up with anxiety all over me at times. Have trouble breathing. I’ll even throw up from the nausea.
I’m in therapy, take meds. Tried breathing exercises, quite time, meditation, prayer. Can’t shake it yet.
it’s comforting in a way to read all ur comments on this forum & realise u are not along in this ongoing battle. I had a very good pm with Agora on this site & what she said made perfect sense, but the difficult think for me is trying to put it into practice. I have managed to overcome it before, but it’s not been so easy this time……Im not sure if age plays a part too. Please keep posting with your symptoms/solutions as it’s always helpful to be aware of what others are experiencing too😩