Panic attacks and jelly legs
I would like some advice please every time... - Anxiety Support
I would like some advice please every time I go out am panicking even just doing the school run my legs go like jelly and feel wired
Are you agoraphobic if not this lockdown got us all fearing to go out nowadays I’m the same it’s a struggle to go any further than the garden gate …but this morning my anxiety got me all wired too it’s horrible ain’t it are you on meds?
Hi no I have stuffed with anxiety for years and a couple of months ago I started on mitazipine after me having a fear to take any tablets but the last 2 months it’s been awful I can be fine 1 min and then panic the next I have stopped my mitazipine now and starting sertriline next week I hope your okay the physical symptoms gets me a lot it’s so scarey 😩
Really feel for you it's so horrible and I know exactly what you are going through Dr Claire Weekes books or videos on YouTube I have always found a massive help
The Dare Response book by Barry Mcdonagh
Also Dr Explains Panic Attacks on You Tube by Dr Harry Barry is excellent
The best thing is to try and accept the jelly legs etc and not fight it
I know it's hard as the feelings are so strong and frightening They are all explained in the books and videos
I wish you loads of luck as I remember the school run very well and how my horrible symptoms made my outings really awful
You can and will get over them xx
Thankyou I will try this I have lived with anxiety for years but seems to be worse now it’s horrible when it happened as I think something bad is going to happen I suffer with health anxiety all I keep saying to my self I just want to be normal and enjoy like going the park with my kids instead of having a panic attack 😢😢
I know the feeling only too well If you keep a diary you will notice that it follows the same pattern and always dies down and nothing has happened If you think about it its the feelings you are probably fearing the most
The Dr Harry Barry video on YouTube I found very very good and I play it before I go out to keep reinforcing it
Flooding really really works it's hard at first but once you see the pattern of the adrenaline going through you then going it's calming and you will feel great
Stay strong you will get rid of all this you really will xx
I hate the jelly legs! So scary. I’ve had several instances when I just KNEW I would stand up and try to walk and have my legs just give out. That never happened of course but I was 100% sure it would. Classic symptom of anxiety.