Mitzapine help: Anyone tried mitzapine 15mg... - Anxiety Support

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5 Replies

Anyone tried mitzapine 15mg

Been told by doctor to come off citrapram and start this

I keep reading horror story’s and so scared

5 Replies
blackcat64013 profile image

Hi Tyson,

Mirtazapine is often it is used in depression complicated by anxiety or trouble sleeping. As with all medication prescribed for any health condition, there are benefits and possible side effects. One side effect which is actually beneficial is causing sleepiness which is helping me sleep better at night. Every body has a different chemistry so the best advice is take it and see how your body reacts under the supervision of your medical practitioner.

Arlene99 profile image

I was taking 15mg of Mirtazapine & my dr has increased my dose to 30 mg now. I have not had any horror side effects, but just now feeling they are not helping much apart from sleeping better at night, but I will continue on the higher dose and hopefully they will make my mood improve.

elaine2447 profile image

There are some horror stories and even a group calling for it to be banned, I guess for those who have had bad experiences. 4 years ago I took it, only 15mg and I got on fine with it and gained the weight I had lost and I tapered it off to 7.5mg per night and had not bad effects.

Last November I had a weird sort of anxiety and worse nausea attack which has carried on for almost a year and I have lost 14 lbs. I have started taking mirtazapine again about 4 weeks ago and my horrendous nightmare wake ups at 3, 4 and 5, heart racing, sweating, and terrible nausea, have now gone to 6.a.m. which is a bit of an improvement plus I am not so nauseas and have gained one pound (big deal) I take a bottle of soda water up to bed with me every night and am not drinking quite som much. I used to lie there feeling like I was dying in the dark until it was time to get up at 7.30. I only started taking it again because I did a private cortisol 8.0 a.m. blood test as I was worried that I had all sorts of things wrong even adrenal insufficiency which can have the same symptoms as high cortisol. Sure enough, results came back that morning cortisol was twice the top of the range.

I had read four years ago that a study was done on healthy volunteers with them on up to 45mg of mirtazapine for two weeks and their cortisol was suppressed from anything up to 30%. So that is why I have started taking it again. I still do not feel right but hoping I will gradually calm down and then start tapering them off. I did try 30mg four years ago for a couple of nights but I found it was making me feel quite aggressive.

I am also tapering benzos which doesnt help the situation. Now regarding citlopram that has the opposite effect and actually increases cortisol. Many years ago I had a very painful frozen shoulder and the then GP who was pleasant (but no longer) told me to take one at 10.30 at night. I did this and by 3.30 a.m. I was standing by the front door ready to go and throw myself in the river. When I explained this, four years ago when I was having a bit of a crisis with my thyroid (which nobody recognised, even a so called top private endocrinologist) , the doctor and the separate mental health team (they were involved because everything is blamed on anxiety these days and nobody bothers to find out if something physical is causing the anxiety) said I should never have been told to take that at night.

I dont like taking any of these ssri's or snri's anyway, and taken long term they can cause osteoporosis, of which I already have quite severely.

I am surprised you are advised to jump from one thing to another straight away, maybe ease off the citalopram and then try the 15mg mirtazapine. To me it is no worse than any of the other anti anxiety drugs available.

If you look at this link you can see the drugs where arrows going up means it raises cortisol (known as the stress hormone) and arrows going down suppress it.

Good luck.

in reply to elaine2447

Thank u soo much for grt advice

Yes gp told me to switch from citrapram to mitzapine straight away and that I could also take my 1mg of diazapam too

I feel so scared as I am in a bad way atm

Thank u for helping x

elaine2447 profile image
elaine2447 in reply to

Glad to be of a little help. Just a word of warning, no matter how bad you feel, NEVER be tempted to try lorazepam. I took one November of last year after a horrible out of the blue anxiety and nausea attack and felt great, then it got to 3 a week and then the inevitable, one a day. Little did I know that lmg of lorazepam is equivalent to 10mg of diazepam. So after 10 months I realised I was hooked. I have gradually weaned myself off them using the Ashton Manual on my own as GP didnt want to know. However, the recommended amount of diazepam is too much for me and I dont want to get hooked on them too, although I guess that will be the next thing so am just about hanging on with 3 x 2.5mg diaz a day plus the mirtazapine at night. I have other health issues like primary hyperparathyroidism but the scans come back negative, so I am in a constant state of anxiety about that and the fact that phpt also drains the bones of calcium, hence the high calcium reading in blood tests. If you saw some of the people and the horrendous state they are in on the benzo recovery group on facebook you would understand. Mostly they are from the US where it seems benzos are given out like candies but in the UK where I am they refuse to give benzos but dont mind pushing things like anti depressants and pregabalin which is another dreadful thing to get off.

You are not alone and I am sure you will get there in the end. x

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