Pulse rate: My pulse rate is racing really... - Anxiety Support

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Pulse rate

20 Replies

My pulse rate is racing really fast 200 beats a minute.

I’m scared 😟 what’s happening?😩😩😩😩😤😤

20 Replies

Have you been exercising ?

in reply to

No. Bit late at night for that just watching television. It just started racing all of a sufden

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Over 200bpm is quite a lot for not doing anything. Maybe you should see a gp if it happens again.

Doug1847 profile image

If it is still that high you need to go to the emergency room ASAP. You might be having an afib or SVT episode and are at risk for a stroke.

Jeff1943 profile image

Jennifer, ignore any alarmist posts telling you you're having a stroke, you're not. Here is what Doctor Claire Weekes wrote about fast heart beat in people experiencing anxiety disorder on page 37 of 'Self help for your nerves':

"alarmingly quickly beating heart...may even wake you from sleep...it is not important. A healthy heart can tolerate a rate of over 200 beats per minute for many hours, even days without evidence of damage.

"You may think...it will burst at any moment, I can assure you it will not. If you could see how thick...and powerful your heart muscle is you would lose all fear of its being damaged. So relax...take deep breaths and breathe out slowly and let your heart race until it slows down, remembering that it is a good heart merely temporarily over-stimulated and that such stimulation will not harm it.

"Let your heart race without shrinking from it. As acceptance calms your nerves the attacks will...no longer come."

Weekes knew what she was talking about, she herself had experienced such racing heart beats but was still around 30 years later to write about it and help thousands of people overcome this symptom of anxiety.

Doug1847 profile image
Doug1847 in reply to Jeff1943

Any other words of wisdom Jeff1943? She went to the hospital and had a stroke.

I didn't say she was having a stroke..I said if she was having an episode of afib or svt she was at risk for one.

When the heart rate is that high, you have a 50% greater risk of having a stroke while your rate is that high than you do with a normal rate. A 200bpm heart rate that lasts for more than 10 minutes or continues after the stressor is gone is not just plain anxiety. The heart is in an abnormal rhythm and you made need medical help to get it back in the normal range.

I have suffered from both afib and svt in the past and have read and spoken with enough doctors to have some input.

Please don't tell anyone to dismiss their symptoms when you have no idea what you are talking about.

sarahjaneR profile image
sarahjaneR in reply to Doug1847

Claire weeks was out of her depth if that was the advice she gave.

Jeff1943 profile image
Jeff1943 in reply to Doug1847

The 'words of wisdom' were not mine, Doug1847, but those of Doctor Claire Weekes as quoted who specialised in this field and related to people whose symptoms are due to anxiety disorder.

I am truly sorry that Jennifer had this stroke and hope she fully recovers, I was under the impression that her racing heart beat was due to 'just plain anxiety' as this is an anxiety forum.

You don't have to be a medical professional to post on this forum, it is for ordinary people with anxiety to share in good faith their experiences and what they believe to be the truth. So I doubt very much, Doug 1847, that I will be taking your advice to shut up.

I had a stroke. I’m in hospital. I called the ambulance after I tried to slow my breathing down with deep breathes it didn’t work so I called ambulance and had the stroke in there. Thankfully I should b ok.

Agora1 profile image
Agora1 in reply to

I'm so sorry jennifer234, My thoughts are with you for a full recovery. xx

in reply to Agora1

Thankyou agora1 you are a angel 😇

Lonelyheart profile image
Lonelyheart in reply to

Hope you will be ok!

sarahjaneR profile image
sarahjaneR in reply to

Sending you my love jennifer xx

sarahjaneR profile image

My friends mum was told her tiredness was anxiety and she paid for a second opinion and they found out she had pernicous anemia (spelling?). She could have died if she had just accepted the anxiety diagnosis. Always best to get things checked out first id say x

Thankyou. I completely agree sarahjaneR

It’s ok jeff1943 I thought it was my anxiety as well.

Agora1 profile image

Hi jennifer234, just checking in as to how you are doing today? Keep a positive attitude

and know we are behind you in going forward. xx

in reply to Agora1

Thankyou. I have lost all movement on left side of body. Thank goodness I’m right handed lol. Feel very weak and dizzy. I tried to get out of bed and just collapsed. Doctor was not happy I tried to get up. Anyways thankyou.

Agora1 profile image
Agora1 in reply to

Keep us updated on your progress please. We all care. Take it slow, doctor knows what's best for you right now. Keeping you in my thoughts xx

kevoreally profile image

I had lived most of my life with RANDOM racing heart beata i could excersize and it would cause SVT (at the times i never knew what that was) i always played it off and thought oh its too much sugar oh well

I ended up having heart surgery at 21 years okd because I ended up having a racing heart beat of 200 bpmd and I had this all my childhood and thought nothing of it.. SVT and WPW was what my diagnosis was which was WOLF PARKINSON WHITE SYNDROME AND SUPRA VENTRICULAR TACHYCARDIA

I had an extra electrical pathway that sent out SVT aka racing heart beat which was causing me o have racig heart and I wasnt even diagnosed with anxiety at these times anywho..

this just goes to show that NOT EVERYTHING symptom related is anxiety.. yes this is a anxiety forum but some people are coming here for answers and may just be in the wrong geoup or are just hoping its anxiety @jeff this isnt a post attacking you i love your advice and if this situation was actually anxiety you words were great aka dr claire but some people are on the wrong side of this website and maybe just need a good headstrong advice or answer :)

Im glad your okay OP and that it was caught very quick thank you for listening to peoples advice in calling an ambulance!

Some people on this forum are ASKHOLES..

they ask for advice but never take it -_- and then continue being askholes

And yes im saying ASKHOLES

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