Over the past few days, I've read lots of messages from people who are desparate to recover from anxiety and have tried to reply to as many of them as I possibly can.
Many of the messages are from people seeking reassurance over their symptoms, or a new symptom which is strange to them, adding yet more stress and frustration to an over stressed mind and body. But why does it continue?
The simple answer is that anxiety has become your problem and giving you something else to stress over (What's wrong with me? Why do I feel like this? How do I get rid of this? What if I never recover?) . You then enter a vicious cycle of anxiety-fear-anxiety. Bewilderment usually follows and every day is a continuous battle as you try to think and fight your way out of the mess. The trouble is, the extra stress and worry makes it worse and will probably be on your mind all day, every day. In your desparate attempts to get better, your continuous search for answers, self analysis and attempts to control your anxious thoughts and feelings has had the opposite effect. Your nerves have taken such a beating, they have become sensitised, reached overload and constantly on high alert for danger. You then become exposed to the risk of developing all sorts of iirrational fears about your health, relationships and anything else.
However, no matter how long you have suffered from anxiety or panic attacks or how deeply entrenched you feel, you have it within you to make a full recovery. I know this because I suffered from severe anxiety for 6 years and fullyy recovered.
For me, every day was filled with industrial strength fear and stress which made it almost impossible to function. I too wanted to be cured instantly but never got the answer I was looking for from the medical profession and other so called experts. I even tried hypnosis but to no avail. I felt beyond help. Yet more despair.
The turning point for me came when a friend told me about a self help book called Essential Help For Your Nerves by the late (great) Dr Claire Weekes and finding a website called Anxiety No More set up by Paul David who had also made a full recovery. It took me a while to get to grips with the teachings but it gradually started to click into place, I still had terrible anxiety and bouts of depression which was making life very tough but persisted with the way described in the book and website (both the same teachings)
The teachings in the book helped me to understand what was happening to me and took away some of the fear. Paul's website provided a more practical understanding to what Dr Weekes meant by Facing, Accepting, Floating Past & Letting time pass. In a nutshell, I learned that I should allow the anxiety and all its symptoms the time and space do what ever they wanted to do without putting up any resistance, be comfortable about feeling uncomfortable , carry on living my life, taking the anxiety with me. This required a shift in my attitude towards the symptoms so that I genuinely did not care about them. Well, I faked it until I made it and the symptoms gradually faded away but it did take some time, so please be patient, which I know can be difficult, under current circumstances.
You have to trust that your mind and body (nerves) will heal naturally if you give up the fight. Giving up means that you are no longer adding more stress and fear to your already sensitised nerves so that they can heal. The healing process is the same if you catch a cold/flu etc. You feel lousy but because you understand colds/flu, you aren't constantly stressing about getting better or questioning why you have a cold. You simply let your body recover without having to do very much and go about your business. This is how you recover from anxiety. Just accept all the symptoms as anxiety and do nothing about them. Recovery does take time but it is worth the wait, I can tell you.