Anyone been tested for this
Small fibre Neuropothy : Anyone been tested... - Anxiety Support
Small fibre Neuropothy
I have neuropathy, caused by an antibiotic (delayed reaction). Can you tell me any more about what you have going on, love?
It's not me it's a girl I met on a health anxiety site. She is going mad with worry. All the docs say it is stressed related but then the person who did an EMG said she should have a skin test for small fibre neuropathy so now her stress levels are through the roof. I don't know much about this but she says she has skin burning and pain and hot sweats. The only time her skin is pain free and her clothes don't irritate is in bed. She is taking Amitriptyline. Really worried about she phones me every day and we speak for an hourl. Thanks for the reply
Make sure about the antibiotics, and then even if she hasn't had any, there are things to be done for neuropathy. The stress she feels will also make it worse (as I'm sure you know, and she knows it too.) Keep me posted, okay? I have a lot of things myself, so I do lots of research and find thing to help, and share them as best I can.
Thanks she is now worried about weight gain with the amitriptyline but I think she needs to continue with it. I told her stress will make it worse.
She is having a skin biopsy but all the doctors believe it's stress