Ok, this is completely off topic but, does anyone have any good remedies for mouth ulcers that work? I've tried Iglu, salt, now baking soda (which stings bad!).
Mouth ulcers.: Ok, this is completely off... - Anxiety Support
Mouth ulcers.

Have you used some Bongela maybe wrong spelling what you use to put on babies gums , you will find it even in a supermarket it helps with the stinging
Take Care x
Hi suffolkrelic, an old remedy was swishing your mouth with cold milk. It was said
it coat the ulcers and not irritate it and of course the cold would help relieve the pain.
Hope it helps some...
I have had muthulcers since before xmas - convinced its a nervous reaction. Anyway Ive tried everything from bongela teething gel to igloo to dry mouth gels. Finally I used a liquid from Bongela which you coat onto your ulcer wth the wand. It does actually help . Wasn't cheap at £8.50 wish - but the first thing that has actually helped.
Good luck.
I am with kimmy22 the bongela is brilliant and I get lots of mouth ulcers and even if it's not cheap it will last for ages good luck
Hi Suffolk relic ,
My remedy is rinse with a little dilute tcp, eat and drink lots of prebiotic yoghurt , drink water lemon juice in .rest and relax less stress good luck let us know if any work for you binkynoo
Orabase. Put it on when you will not be eating /drinking or talking much,, usually bedtime . Ask for it at your local drugstore . Very soothing and helps to heal .
Thank you all for your comments, will give them a try. I hate mouth ulcers, got a bunch at the moment! :'-(
I notice that you've tried salt, but I have found that salt & vinegar crisps helps - quite painful but did the trick for me!
Make sure your toothbrush has not got any bent bristles that could be cutting your mouth
I put orange segments on the ulcer ...just chew them a little and then put them onto the sore bit work your way through the orange slowly ..
If you have sore gums or several ulcers you could try mixing coconut oil and turmeric into a paste and hold it in your mouth squishing it around ...don't swallow it as the paste absorbs the harmful bacteria so you must spit it out its called " pulling" I think
It does sound strange but it works !