Hey anyone tried this? In scared to take it.. Doc gave me it for my anxiety and said its not addictive ☺️ Just worried about possible side effects! Thankyou x
Doc gave me sertraline..: Hey anyone tried... - Anxiety Support
Doc gave me sertraline..
Hi. This medication is not known to be addictive, but like all medications has certain possible side effects, which include - drowsiness, dizziness, stomach pain, constipation, dry mouth and insomnia. Of course not everyone taking this medication will get all or any of those side effects. Dont be scared to try it - you might find that it helps you. But also, dont be scared to ask questions about it to your doctor if you find it is making you feel worse or having side effects you dont like. Dosage can sometimes need adjusting.
What do you think about magnesium Karl? X
Hi. Funnily, my partner and I were just talking about magnesium after reading another post on here.
Generally, magnesium gets good reviews when used a supplement - magnesium gluconate. It helps with issues like muscle spasm, constipation, as an antacid, and some issues around the blood and its vessels.
Normally, our diet should be providing enough magnesium, but some groups are at risk of not getting the required daily amount - the elderly, and women in general. Kidney stones for example are more common in women than men due, in part, to the magnesium levels.
Overall, it can be very beneficial if used correctly. Some people have said that it even helped with their anxiety - but no studies have been done to corroborate this.
Yeh I made a post up earlie been doing a lot of research online and many people have said it's helped with anxiety so I just brought some and took my first one my legs shake like mad and unbelievably my legs are hardly shaking and my hands! Hopefully it will do some good! Thank you x
No problem
I am on sertraline now . I have been on it before with no problems other than yawning and dry mouth however this time i felt dreadful for three weeks. If i miss a tablet my body lets me know. I get jumpy and tingly. My doctor thinks i should up my dose and i am quite worried about doing so but i have had a bad couple of months so feel i should.
I got a dry mouth too 😁 And I had slight nausea oh and diarrhoea 😷 X
I have been diagnosed with borderline personality disorder
Severe anxiety
And ptsd
I have been on serialise for a year now
And what a difference it has made
It hasn't cured me have low days
Etc but no where near as bad
As for side effects I don't have any now but was a bit weird feeling for the first week of use
Thankyou so much! I've just taken my first one 😁 hopefully it will do me wonders And get me back to being me 💪🏼 x
I took the tablet earlier I just literally had to run to to toilet 😷 I didn't think they would work this fast!! X
Ive been taking Steraline for just over a month now I have social anxiety and get really bad negitive thoughts. I started on 25mg and took them for 3 weeks made no difference so I upped my dose to 50mg its been about 10 days now i felt really tired and spaced out first few days just couldnt get myself to do anything ! So I started taking mine an hour before bed i find they help my sleep better...but struggling to get out of bed in the morning for work so Ive called the docs and im now waiting on my GP to give me some advice on when I should take tabs. Right now I dont feel any different slightly worse but I need to wait it out for aleast another few weeks to see how I feel as Ive heard it takes time for tabs to kick in. All the best x
Hi Jess this is what I'm currently taking but was at docs yesterday and I'm being tapered off as can't cope with the dizziness. Works for some so hope it helps you x
Thankyou I was abit scared to take but I did a couple hours ago and literally just had to run to the toilet 😷 Other than that just feel abit sick! Didn't think they would kick in that quick xx
Hey Hon... I was on setraline and yes they did work... Going back today to hopefully get put back on them . . Overthinking taking them.can cause worries so..try them n try not to think about it...as for side effects...if ur like me and read them..ul get them lol....xxx
Thankyou so much! I did just that I read the leaflet the side effects on paper look awful.. I've only got a dry mouth and diarrhoea but I feel hungry every 2 mins haha!! Xx

Chances are...the nerves of taking them hav caused the diahrrea...as they do tend to take days to get into system and sometimes a few weeks before you notice any difference .... Xxxx
Okay Thankyou so much 😘 Xx
Hi Jess, how you feeling?
I feel okay I'm just shaking I've been having it a lot lately I don't know if it's to do with anxiety tho xx
It's awful isn't it I was at the docs yesterday and today, feel like I'm going crazy. I'm being tapered off my meds over next few days don't know if I want to try other ones!
How you doing Jess?
Hi, I've been taking them for about 5 weeks now, started off on 50mg, I was feeling slightly better but still not great, been on 100mg for a week now and feeling a little better. I had side effects initially but that wore off after a couple of weeks. Bear with them xx
Hi I be been taking setraline for two years now never had a problem with it I think most medications are trial and error and some can take it others can't x
hi im on setraline 50mg and I can honestly say they have helped me alot I felt bad for about 5/6 weeks dizziness not sleeping feeling sick and anxiety felt worse but after the side effects I definitely feel better I think everyone worry because they read side effects and because we are worriers we will think its the medication but really its the anxiety playing tricks on us and we will worry about side effects dont give because I nearly did but carried on with the tablet and its helped good luck all xxx
Hi helly how are you feeling now im on 50mg too and it has been about 2 weeks Im starting to feel less anxious well Im still anxious but its as if my mind doesnt obsess over my feelings do you get what I mean? Time will tell when I have to fly to portugal next thursday to meet my partners family eeeek already stressing! X
hi ya sammy ya im feeling a bit better to im still on 50 mg and feel better not so anxious I also brought the book dare its fabulous hun its really helped me alot its a really good read for people with anxiety im sure u will be fine hun think positive we will all get there anxiety wont beat us good luck and have a fab time xx
I took sertraline this past summer.. it made me so incredibly nauseous that I couldn't eat anything at all everything made me so sick. After 6 days and no improvement I got so weak and dizzy from not eating I had to stop taking it. Hope you have better luck