Just wondered if anybody had any good advice for dealing with the physical symptoms of anxiety? As I have said in previous posts I get headaches sickness dizziness and generally feel terrible all day, Which just makes me want to go to bed and not get up. Can anyone with the same symptoms tell me how they deal with feeling so awful? and do they carry on?? go to bed?? sit down?? or as hard as it is just make out you feel ok? dose this help?? any advice please.
Health Anxiety.: Just wondered if anybody... - Anxiety Support
Health Anxiety.

Hi, I try to carry on when I feel like that. I also try to relax and do some relaxation which helps. I find when I'm aware of these feelings it makes it 10 times worse and then I worry even more about it. So I try a lot of distraction which does help. I also massage my neck which becomes extremely stiff when I'm anxious and seems to make headaches and dizziness worse also deep breathing which can help with dizziness because of hyperventilation which is very common with anxiety.
Take care x

Ok Thank you x
I try to keep mysel busy so have a list with endless tasks to do. I also try to drink chamomile tea to relax before bedtime and go swimming. It's when I've got no motivation it's the worst
Julie x
hi miami, i have been suffering from this for years. only this past year its gotten worse.. my husband tells me its all in my head but it feels so much more. i am constantly thinking im dying or im gonna die. i have dizziness, blurred vision, i cant breathe half the time i feel like im suffercating. plus headaches and
my whole body goes numb and its like i cant feel my body or my legs go numb and i feel like im gonna drop. i have hot and cold flashes im tired all the time.. somtimes i will get pain in my chest. this is just way too scary to deal with and im constantly thinking that somthing more is wrong and i still to this day hope nothing is wrong but my father and sisters are dealing with the same thing panic disorder.. this gets even worse when im out in a public place. i just dont know what to do anymore.. how do you cope with this and are you experiencing any of the symptoms i have besides the dizziness and blurred vision?
Hi hellokittygurl. Thank you for your reply you also sound the same as me and it really is the most awful thing I ever had to deal with. I really can't work out with this has come from I have had it now for two years, I had 36 years with no sign of this sort of thing totally happy then the last two years has been a total nightmare. As for symptoms I get lots of headaches probably around 3-4 days a week and also the blurred vision thing as well as sickness and generally feeling totally knackered all day. I'm probably not the person to ask how to deal with it as I'm not dealing with it at all. Good luck
Hi Miami i have suffered over 35 yrs . Worse thing you can do is stay in bed or not Barry on with what you want to do. My anxiety was focused on having heart attack . I got a health referral to the gym from my Gp . Its 12 week free session. Maybe you could enquire if there is the same thing in your area . I live in Derbyshire x
hello Miami,
I deal with the physical symptom's with things like peppermint tea for when I feel sick this helps a lot. And for the breathing I try some meditation exercises. There are lots of sites that help you with breathing exercises on the web. As I find I can follow some ones voice and calm down better.
I work in a charity shop in the week and have walked down the road thinking all I want to do is go back to bed now, but I have carried on and gone into my shop and it has helped me loads. It is not easy when my mind is saying turn back and go to bed. But the more I don't listen to my mind the easier it becomes.
If I am really struggling I take a Kalms tablet to take the edge of these horrible thoughts and feelings and it seems to work for me.
I have gone to bed at times when things have got so bad I just need a break from everything as this anxiety can wipe me out at times and I have slept for a couple of hours. I try my best though to carry on and do things as it can distract my mind from this over thinking about my anxiety.
I have many times sat with my family pretending everything is okay when I am feeling terrible inside because they don't understand about anxiety. I am not sure if this helps me or not to be honest.
Gardener x

Thanks for your reply do you get daily symptoms and if so what are they?
HI, I've had very bad GAD for over 20 years now, and my only way out of it is to get into bed with the curtains closed until I get through it. Not much else you can do if you've no-one to help you.
Hi I have just completed a mindfulness course . And it has helped so much try and get your gp to get you on one, it really does help with the physical symptoms.