The Gadget.: I've got time on my hands! Hope... - Anxiety Support

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The Gadget.

5 Replies

I've got time on my hands! Hope you like this one.

The Gadget.

I saw one of those and it was rather good,

Though I couldn't believe it was all made from wood.

I'd never considered one for my own use,

I thought it too large and the fixings seemed loose.

The controls seemed so fiddly, you'd need a degree!

It was far too complicated, I thought, for me,

Yet the chap in the shop seemed to handle with ease

All the buttons and knobs and the black and white keys.

It did all kinds of stuff, all by itself,

But before I could blink, it was back on the shelf

With its legs tucked beneath it. It's bright coloured lights

Would brighten up even the darkest of nights!

It could simplify even the hardest of tasks,

Or put out the garbage in black refuse sacks.

It could cater for dinner, do laundry for four,

Then wash all the dishes and vacuum the floor!

So I asked the nice salesman to give me a quote,

I watched him consider and read what he wrote.

I signed the agreement, arranged for despatch

And on my way home, wondered what was the catch

That a gadget that did all the work of a maid

Should be sold for the measly price I had paid!

I counted the days 'til it finally came,

Then I tore off the carton and clear cellophane.

I plugged the thing in and pressed the right knobs

And sat down to watch as it did all my jobs!

Ironing, dusting, feeding the cat

And plumping up cushions where I had once sat.

Then I pushed some more buttons and pressed a black key

And waited, expecting a nice cup of tea -

But instead, it just spluttered and coughed and then rocked.

So I pressed some more buttons, but they had all locked

And smoke gushed out from it and then a bell rang,

Then finally came an almighty loud bang!

There were springs on the table and cogs on the floor

And a low sort of whirring, then it was no more!

I realised then, it was not any good,

But what did I expect from a thing made of wood?

5 Replies

Enjoyed reading this,made me laugh x


Have you ever thought of putting all your poems to a publisher , you are very good !

Loved reading it , made me smile :-)




As long as I amuse myself and hopefully a few others, that's all that counts. Poetry is one of those things you either love or hate, I don't believe it sells too well. I wrote a children's book a few years back, but after four publishers rejected it I lost heart. You know how it goes, 'loved your book, but don't think we can sell it.' It's on Amazon as a self published thing - my daughter persuaded me to do it. She's now pushing me to do a re-edit and submit it as an e-book. I just don't know if I can be bothered! Anyway, thanks for reading, I aim to bring a smile if only briefly. Xxxx

borderline61 profile image

Thought ur poem was lovely. Made me chuckle.

Ur very talented.

Thanks for sharing.


I thought it was terrific,and yes it brings a smile!

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