I have supressed emotions from years ago I just don't know how to let them go. This is so emotionally painful :(
Supressed Emotions AHHHHH :(: I have... - Anxiety Support
Supressed Emotions AHHHHH :(
Hi darkangel
Letting go of emotions is very difficult especially as it can be so painful
Slowly though you will be able to let go & as painful as it feels it is such a relief after & its another step forward
Try not to worry about how , just let it happen & it will
I am seeing my Therapist on Wednesday so she will be able to help me to do this.
I'm just starting to release mine which have been there many many years. I find that if cry during a panic attack, the attack goes away as I've released the emotion! Don't ask me how it has happened, I've no Idea. I now seem to cry at anything and everything!!!
It will come out eventually
Take care xx
My Therapist I hope will be able to help me do this as she is trained in this type of thing, its just such a long and at times emotionally draining process. But I will carry on and stick with it so I can have a better quality of life.
I know how you feel, I often find myself dwelling on things that people did & said to me when I was very young that I felt were cruel & unfair, but I didn`t know how to make my feeling known, so I just bottled them up. I keep wishing that I could meet the people that did those things to me so that I could let them know exactly what I think of them!
In the early 90`s I sent an angry letter to my father telling him exactly what I thought of him. He couldn`t reply because he didn`t know where I was living. That was ok by me because I didn`t want an answer, I just wanted him to know the damage he`d done to me. I sent it, & I don`t regret it. I only wish that I could send a letter or e mail like that to everyone who ever hurt me in word or deed.