I'm a single father, with my own apartment and recently I got sick at work and had to leave work early, I went to the doctor afterwards because I got a high bp reading at the pharmacy, they recommended me stay out of work for a day and then when I reported it to my boss she gave me a attitude, then 10 minutes later I got a call from the owner of the company, I was so scared he was gonna fire me if I didn't come in the next day I went in, and it was really difficult, and I've worked 2 more days after that but my boss has been short with me like she's still pissed, I've asked the owner and the boss if I was at risk of losing my job and they both say no not at all, so now my weekend is almost over I have Mondays and Tuesdays off I'm afraid that when I go back to work I'm gonna have an attack and have to leave and then end up getting fired. This has been keeping me from eating and sleeping well.
Afraid of losing my job: I'm a single... - Anxiety and Depre...
Afraid of losing my job

I am sorry you are going through this situation where your boss and the owner does not understand the seriousness of your health issue. I hope you are keeping record of your health check up (bp test) so you can show them in a moment's notice in case your health fails. I wish I could give you more solid advice but your health does take priority and clearly communicating the extent of your health issues and keeping records of those communications is beneficial. Please rest and meditate and breathe deeply often.
Matth3w having this health issue of high bp certainly won't get better if
you take a day off to rest. As long as you are not able to sleep, eat or worry,
the numbers will stay the same. Have you had Anxiety suggested before by
your doctor? Your fear of getting laid off is like a pilot light continuing to
burn. Maybe you can call your doctor tomorrow if you feel the need to
have some medication to quiet down your nervous system.
It sounds like it might be something else bothering you that led up
to this incident with your b/p.
I'm sorry you are experiencing this right now but I'm glad you found us
for some support. I welcome you to a caring community of mutual friends
May everything work out for you Please keep us updated xx
Thank you for the reply, it definitely is a situational anxiety, the doctors prescribed me hydroxyzine, and that seems to help, I feel like once I get back to work tomorrow and things feel okay my anxiety should/hopefully get less manic, I'm monitoring my bp and pulse and I seem to be doing better. Also I don't know if I posted this in my post but I'm also 3 weeks into quitting marijuana cold turkey and I've smoked since I was a teenager so I know that has to add on to it as well.
Hi Matth3w, I might not know anything about marijuana but I do know that
quitting anything cold turkey can give you a "kick back" for sure.
I'm happy the doctors have given you something to quiet your b/p.
And yes, monitoring it at home can help in teaching you how to relax
as you see the numbers go down.
Sorry I know you said you were going to be off Monday & Tuesday...
I thought today was Monday. But hearing your words, I have a good
feeling that you will do better without any consequences. We're always
available if you need that extra shoulder to lean on. Good Luck tomorrow.
We Care xx