I’m a 31 year old female that’s struggling severely with anxiety. I’ve had generalized anxiety disorder and MDD for 19 years now, I’ve been on SSRIs for 19 years.
I’ve been on Prozac 20mg for 2.5 years now, it’s worked well until October 2024. Since then my mind has been obsessed over having panic attacks. I’ve talked with drs and therapists. I’m afraid of side effects like BAD. I’ve got to the point I’m scared of my Prozac and I skip days and then feel worse. I used to take it at night before bed but now I’m too scared to take it at night. I switched to 12pm. Within 4 hours I feel like im in a daze, like I’ve not slept, and just dizzy and loopy. Because I feel that way I just miss doses and basically get bad to where I got to restart taking it again. Yes I know that’s bad.
my Dr suggested going up to 30mg but I denied it. She wants me to start a slow taper that lasts 2 months until I see an actual psychiatrist who knows more about medicine and psych stuff.
I’m struggling so bad right now. Every time I take my capsule I throw it back up because I’m scared of how it makes me feel.
My head is so messed up and not thinking right. I need help so bad. I’m having trouble sleeping, I’ll get maybe 2-3hrs of sleep. My mind won’t shut off even when my body is so tired.
I don’t like side effects of benzos so I don’t take them. I guess tomorrow I’ll start the taper off Prozac starting with 15mg for 2 weeks and then 10mg and so forth…
Thanks for reading