I had bad anxiety a year ago and have been doing well - until this week. Full blown anxiety. It starts with a racing heart (saw cardiologist last year, all is fine) but the racing heart sets off all kinds of fears . From that I am overwhelmed with anxiety. Any suggestions? Thank you❤️
anxiety is back and overwhelming - Anxiety and Depre...
anxiety is back and overwhelming
I am so sorry to hear this, it always seems we take one step forward and two steps back. This has been my situation for the past two months, and I do have cardiology appt coming up just to be sure. This past Friday I began taking L-thianine 200mg and it appears it is helping a bit. You need to look into medication interactions which I did. It's all a hit and miss game these days.
I'm very sorry your anxiety is back. What did you do last year to get things under control? Are those things still part of your daily practice?
Have you reached out to your doctor for suggestions?
Last year I went on Hydroxyzine and that helped. And I read books on anxiety and being a part of this group helped tremendously. It just gets discouraging, you know? When all of a sudden you are right back where you were before
Look into DARE. There’s an app, podcast and a book. I found it really helped me understand this “acceptance” of symptoms.