can’t let it get the best of me - Anxiety and Depre...

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can’t let it get the best of me

DeepSounds profile image
39 Replies

hey everyone I’m new here . I just had a panic attack last night and my blood pressure was up and down they gave me BP medication along with something for my anxiety just nervous to take because I know my anxiety can cause it to rise I recently lost 55 pounds I’m all over the place .. idk life is just stressful n I don’t have really anyone to talk to or anyone who takes I guess me serious..

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DeepSounds profile image
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39 Replies
gajh profile image

Hello and Welcome. I am glad that you are getting treatment. I take you seriously. You can talk here to people who understand.

DeepSounds profile image
DeepSounds in reply to gajh

thank you I appreciate it a lot .

gajh profile image
gajh in reply to DeepSounds

Do you feel like talking more about it?

DeepSounds profile image
DeepSounds in reply to gajh

i actually do , umm it’s a lot but just the mere thought of having high blood pressure scares me because I’ve been dieting and I have been losing the weight but my anxiety get the best of me and I just don’t know how to talk about it with others ppl usually brush it off because I appear to be fine but I’m losing my mind

gajh profile image

Many people with anxiety have what is called health anxiety. When there are physical symptoms or there is something medically wrong it causes tremendous anxiety. Have you talked about your concerns of having high blood pressure with your doctor? Has your doctor told you that you are ok? I can understand that you feel like you are losing your mind. You are not the only one though. It is common. It is ok to talk about it here with us.

DeepSounds profile image
DeepSounds in reply to gajh

I know that anxiety can mimic some of the same health problems like heart attack and stroke , I know that my body is adjusting to the weight loss as it’s happen to me before like my body goes into a shock and I have been on the path of eating healthier but I do feel I need to stay hydrated but yes I have made a appointment today to see my pcp just to see if it’s high blood pressure or just my anxiety

mizzou7016 profile image
mizzou7016 in reply to DeepSounds

one thing to keep an eye on with weight loss is your blood pressure...both medication dosage and bp....I had weight loss surgery in 2017 and have maintained it....I started giving myself weight loss injections and lost an additional 31 pounds....I had severe blood pressure medication that I was on forever was actually working too well....I monitor my blood pressure at home and collaborate with my cardiology team to make sure everything is ok.....anxiety is just a small part of my cardiac issues

gajh profile image

That is perfect. It is important to get it checked by a doctor. Have you been intentionally losing weight or do you not know what is causing the weight loss?

DeepSounds profile image
DeepSounds in reply to gajh

I’ve been intentionally losing weight eating better I got back to working out this year I was really into it 2yrs ago and I just kinda stop and started eating poorly but I’m getting back on track the first time I think sudden weight lost so quickly put my body in a shock lol I haven’t been this size in a long time so yeah . Oh also thank u for taking the time out to speak to me I really appreciate it

gajh profile image
gajh in reply to DeepSounds

Good I am glad to hear that your weight loss is intentional. That is great that you are eating better and working out. Be sure to mention your weight loss to your doctor if you haven't already. Are you at a healthy weight now and are ready to maintain?

DeepSounds profile image

I started at 290 and I lost 55 pounds in the last 6 -7 months I’m 235 now my goal is 170 /180 so I’m definitely trying to lose and maintain a healthy lifestyle change I think just the thought of having blood pressure being high just freaks me out so I’m determined to stay on a healthy track

gajh profile image
gajh in reply to DeepSounds

That is ok to use that as a motivator to live a healthy lifestyle. I am really glad you are going to your doctor to have your blood pressure checked so you will know for sure. That is awesome that you have lost 55 pounds. Good for you. You should be really proud of yourself. It is not easy.

DeepSounds profile image
DeepSounds in reply to gajh

Thank you just trying that’s all but thanks

gajh profile image
gajh in reply to DeepSounds

Well I think it is awesome!

DeepSounds profile image

thank youuu😊

gajh profile image
gajh in reply to DeepSounds

Will you please check in tomorrow and let me know how your doctor appointment goes? I would like to hear.

DeepSounds profile image
DeepSounds in reply to gajh

it’s in two weeks he’s pretty booked up but I will most definitely keep you posted

gajh profile image
gajh in reply to DeepSounds

I am sorry I don't know why I thought it was tomorrow. Agora1 is wonderful! I am so glad you talked to her. I hope you will post as much as you need to while you are waiting out the two weeks.

Agora1 profile image

Hi DeepSounds, Welcome! I also went through a period of my blood pressure going up

and down because of stress. I was offered medication by my doctor but as you know

with anxiety, we are sometimes afraid to take new meds. The more I tried to handle

this by myself, the harder it became. I would induce my pressure to go up just by seeing

the blood pressure machine. In the doctor's office, it went up automatically. I mean, my

numbers were high (all from stress) My weight was okay but it was my mind playing

it's game on me. What if it didn't come down with meds, what if it came down too much.

I then decided in trusting my doctor(s) and started on the medication prescribed.

That was several years ago... How does 120/80 sound...117/70?? A healthy b/p reading.

Feel great, no side effects. I wish you well. Congratulations on losing weight. Now let's

get those numbers down on the b/p and get your life back and your worries gone :) xx

DeepSounds profile image
DeepSounds in reply to Agora1

Wow that’s exactly what happens to me just the thought that I have to take my pressure or go to the doctor stress me out but I know I can overcome this I am going to look into the medication I’m more of a natural remedy type person so I’m still a bit indecisive on taking the medication but I’m happy to hear you’re pressure went down with taking it , did you change your diet as well?

Agora1 profile image
Agora1 in reply to DeepSounds

I did not change my diet. I will however tell you that I did start Meditating every day.

This seems to put me into a deep relaxed state of mind and body which allows me to

go into REM sleep. Let me know what you decide. My best to you :) xx

DeepSounds profile image
DeepSounds in reply to Agora1

I have tried to meditate but it seems to all come at me once I begin to think more than usual but I do use a lot of rain sounds to help me relax it works at times

Pastafox profile image

Hi Deep Sounds your not alone I often describe my brain as washing machine with large ball bearings crashing around on full spin that's me at my worst Some days I over think things bed is my worst time

I struggle to sleep most nighs I spend the night ruminating negative times in my life which make very angry

My brain often gets stuck then triggers my fibromyalgia

Flares stay strong sister your not alone...Bright blessings

DeepSounds profile image
DeepSounds in reply to Pastafox

Are you by any chance taking anything to help you sleep at night?, most nights I can’t seem to turn my brain off so I definitely understand

Pastafox profile image
Pastafox in reply to DeepSounds

Hi I once took zombieclone they didn't always work at night but always ruined my next day so I gave up on them stay safe...

DeepSounds profile image
DeepSounds in reply to Pastafox

I’m sorry to hear that it didn’t work for you, have you tried possibly something natural to help with the sleep or maybe even melatonin

Mountainlover57 profile image

I'm so sorry to hear about your panic attacks. I know how hard it is when no one takes what's happening to you seriously. It is as if we are just making this up. I hope they gave you something to take care of the panic attacks and the anxiety.

DeepSounds profile image
DeepSounds in reply to Mountainlover57

I honestly try not to talk about it with anyone because it gets brushed off as being dramatic when in reality I really can’t control it at times. They did prescribe me something for it but I rather go the natural route I’m not too big on medications

Mountainlover57 profile image
Mountainlover57 in reply to DeepSounds

I get it. I have a family that mostly does not believe in medication for mental illness, especially my mom. I don't listen to it because I know the science behind things and much more. We've progressed as a society to address mental health. I always wonder why do people make you feel like you are different when almost 70% of the population or more have a mental problems. I believe most people run around with a mask and just pretend that everything is okay. I am also on Zoloft and I take melatonin or unisom at night to help me fall asleep. I don't like mentioning this to anybody but only to the small circle of people that offer support. This is what's important. Have you looked into therapy? This has been a huge help to me in the last few years.

DeepSounds profile image
DeepSounds in reply to Mountainlover57

Okay so you are on melatonin I didn’t see your reply sorry lol. I agree with you as far as letting everyone in on what I take or simply just talking about the anxiety I’m West Indian and whew it can be hard expressing mental health when no one believes you or wants you to just get over it . And yes therapy u have gone numerous times in the past and have stop but I’m getting back into it it’s just about finding the right therapist . I’m happy that it’s been helping you , I hope it can do the same for me the last few times we’re not so good

Mountainlover57 profile image
Mountainlover57 in reply to DeepSounds

I completely understand that it's very hard to explain to some people about your anxiety because they don't seem to understand or get it. They think that it's easy to just stop overthinking and just think more positive and it should just go away. It's true that if I try to catch my thoughts in my head and to redirect and think more positive that it does help me. It's just that it will take time to get back on track again. Just as other people have said, One step at a time and just do one positive thing per day and you'll get there. Be gentle with yourself and yes self-care is very important right now. Take care of yourself first for now.

BedBug profile image

Welcome. Know you are not alone here. We are here for you. I have been there on many occasions. I find taking small baby steps and one day at a day works best. Practice lots of self care. Don't beat yourself up. For me,I found that I thought I had to be busy all the time. I was creating alot of stress myself. I had to learn how to relax, say no. Remember what works for one may not work for someone else. Every one is different. I walk every day, practice meditation daily,try to eat plenty of fiber.

DeepSounds profile image
DeepSounds in reply to BedBug

Thank you for being understanding I’m gonna try to take it one day at a time and to tell myself everything will be fine, I like that you take the necessary steps to better you I think I’m gonna follow suit and do the same no more and work on myself , I’m gonna give meditating a try , yes fiber has been added to my diet lol I just need to start eating a lil more I know I’m on a diet but I cut myself so short just over thinking which is causing my body to go into flight mode it’s hungry and shame on me for not eating properly

BedBug profile image
BedBug in reply to DeepSounds

Yes diet does play a big role in this too. I have IBS also. I had very little help from dr. or dietitian. I had to do trial and error for along time. It seemed like forever. But I can now say the stress and anxiety are so much better. I do still have anexity at times. But they are short lived and do pass. I am currently talking to a very good therapist ,working on CBT. I have learned so much. It does help me to talk. Happy to communicate with you any time. Take care.

DeepSounds profile image
DeepSounds in reply to BedBug

Thank you and yes talking with others has been helping me to know I’m not alone.

Mark1499 profile image

I take medication for anxiety, but it’s not blood pressure Madison. I take blood pressure medicine for blood pressure. I take a small amount for anxiety and it works.

BedBug profile image

Remember we are here for you anytime. 😀

detour13 profile image

Well there is a lot of support on here,, just reading and posting makes me feel better, you know you not alone there is a lot of people in the same boat!! Panic attacks are so hard!! It will pass and u will feel better in a few minutes!! As for the meds,, I found therapy worked best for me!! Stay strong tonight .. U will survive !!

DeepSounds profile image
DeepSounds in reply to detour13

Thank you it is hard but like you said I will feel better just practicing more self care and learning to just relax

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