What about a site for the more senior... - Anxiety and Depre...

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What about a site for the more senior of our user's SWB Senior Well Being?

Adlon57 profile image
15 Replies

For the more mature user's of Health Unlocked, a follow on from that highly successful PWB Pandemic Well Being, which united us all in that terrible period of time?

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Adlon57 profile image
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15 Replies
fauxartist profile image

Unfortunately, there was too much in-fighting in the PWB group, and that's why it was disbanded by HU. And if you took a survey of the average age of this group, you will find they are either very young, or middle-aged to the golden years crowd like myself. And for some reason... this group has become a free-for-all posting of everything, not just anxiety and depression, because other groups just don't get the responses like they do here.

It's a shame the PWB group wasn't still around for all the off-topic more fluff kinds of posts many seemed to be more able for, than reading mostly sad, or dealing with depression posts about people being in distress, but it is an anxiety and depression group...so yeah...that's the topic.

It is nice to see the occasional posting of people taking the wins when they come along, because we are not all a glum group. We do have our good days and do have happiness, a sense of humor, and are intelligent creative people. It's nice to read about the coping mechanisms people have, to deal with their stuff, and the positive self awareness of their lives because of it. But we are who we are...it's a mental health site...and it's our journey.

Mental health issues do not discriminate...it hit me as a kid and is here with me at 70, it's still my dark passenger....at least I can understand it more now.

Isinatra profile image
Isinatra in reply to fauxartist

Hi faux….on my good days, I like to share my good feelings and just for a few moments try to lift people out of their darkness. It’s good for the soul. Nice music, a humorous post. Others used to post some great negative thought diverters, most have gone elsewhere. I welcome the more light hearted posts of others, but to me, there could be a few more.

Dark Passenger…..That term was used in the series Dexter. Heavy duty show but I like it. The main character needed therapy at age 3.

fauxartist profile image
fauxartist in reply to Isinatra

Very astute.... and yes,... Dexter's dark passenger metaphor I think works perfectly for my depression monster....and for my mental injury outer brat...I could have used therapy at three since my abuse started as a baby....I won't go into detail.

I absolutely agree with having light posts here....and love a good laugh...as I said, we are not a glum lot. But I was put down some months ago for posting about depression, and the member was saying that for me to be posting about depression just brought everyone down....?....

Needless to say.... I was confused....as to ...isn't that the purpose of the site to be able to express our stuff?... but it was just another troll blow-in that had to run anyone down that they thought might have something to say..and their limit of creative writing was about fluff. Which is fine of course...but don't run someone else down because that's all they want to read and write about....as I said ....it's an anxiety and depression site.

Isinatra profile image
Isinatra in reply to fauxartist

Sheesh….somebody complained about your post about depression. Why am I not surprised . A blow in troll. Yeah, that can be upsetting. We should be desensitized about that by now, but as you said, this community is about anxiety and depression and a few others thrown in on occasion. We feel and brother can we feel.

fauxartist profile image
fauxartist in reply to Isinatra

Yeah... we sure do feel....and probably more than the average person who has become desensitized over the course of mass media bombardment during the last decade. Many of us here wear our feelings on our sleeve, as is said..I've been told I have thin skin, and that I shouldn't take it to heart when someone is putting me down....well...sometimes I do, as would anyone. You need alligator skin these days.

But I wouldn't be any other way, it's my sensitivity that allows me to see, here and feel things more deeply, as it is with anyone who is creative and imaginative. There would be no art without sensitive people who do stop and smell the roses.

Adlon57 profile image
Adlon57 in reply to fauxartist

The gap between the younger [ruling] generation is getting wider every day, our feelings are not been taken into consideration, media is firmly based into our younger fellows, if we don't fit in, that's our bad luck🤫As you say they suffer from a certain amount of sensitivity, they don't appreciate the things around us, don't push buttons or apps to "create" that 'atmosphere'!🙄 Us older lot can actually remember seeing, touching those beautiful natural sights, not on smartphones or computer screens, there are beautiful sights or beings out there appreciate before they are gone! That's why a Senior Well Being site should be created to bring back some sort of normality, that the more mature members can associate with, our health our mental problems, we have our anxieties and depressions as well, some not fully appreciated by the 'ruling' generation!

fauxartist profile image
fauxartist in reply to Adlon57

If all the internet stopped....these kids would be walking around lost , looking at a black screen walking in circles, because they have no life but the false persona's onscreen. At least our older crowd would pick up a book, go out and garden, take walks, look at the sky, take up a craft, bake, cook, or just sit and be content....because that's what we mostly had to do growing up. I can build, plumb a pipe, wire a socket, use a saw, a paint brush, a sander, bake bread, grow veggies and herbs, hate knitting and sewing but can sew a hole in my shorts. These kids order it off Amazon if something breaks.

We will be the real survivors if it all comes to a dead stop from some big 'Pulse Bomb' over the cities....

Adlon57 profile image
Adlon57 in reply to fauxartist

If electricity was cut off, for some reason? for about three months, there would be a lot of "headless Chickens" running about🙄🙄🤭 I'm a qualified cook, from forty years ago, I have my Dad's do it yourself manual, invaluable👍 and like yourself "plumb a pipe, wire a socket, use a saw, a paint brush, a sander, bake bread, grow veggies and herbs," all thanks to my Mum and Dad, can't climb ladders these days equilibrium from a bash on my bonce! You want a "decent" pair of shoes.....get it online [if they fit?🙄]

fauxartist profile image
fauxartist in reply to Adlon57

That made me laugh...thank you for that visual....yep.... us older crowd actually do have some value.

Isinatra profile image

Contact Hu and make your point. See what they think. I wouldn’t mention PWB though. There might all ready be a community that could fit your bill. Check the communities out . 🍀🏄‍♀️

Adlon57 profile image
Adlon57 in reply to Isinatra

Sorry Isinatra I'm not much in a shape to start anything, but SOMEONE could start something like a Senior Well Being community, even from the feedback I got from my question, there MUST be an embryo of some sort of site, for the more mature on Health Unlocked?

Isinatra profile image
Isinatra in reply to Adlon57

I’ll search the communities for you and pm you when I’ve checked them out. It’ll be later or tomorrow. There might be something that’s right up your alley, Laddy. 🍀😁 If HU thinks it’s a good idea in case a community for seniors that suits you and others in need doesn’t exist, then they put the whole thing together and you sit back and enjoy it. All that’s needed is a convincing email sent to them for them to consider it. But maybe that won’t be necessary to do. We’ll see….

Adlon57 profile image
Adlon57 in reply to Isinatra

Thanks Isinatra presently setting up house for probable sale🤞

Isinatra profile image
Isinatra in reply to Adlon57

For real? Is that a good thing? We’ll talk in pm…

Midori profile image

Great idea, Adlon.

Cheers, Midori

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