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I'm feeling so down and depressed today - Anxiety and Depre...
I'm feeling so down and depressed today

Welcome to the community.
I'm sorry today is a tough day for you. Is this the norm or is today worse?
I've been feeling down lately ( past few months) today is worse
I'm so sorry. We are here to support you.
What things are you trying to help you get through this
Don't know really. I'm just tired and empty
Have you stopped doing your routine things daily?
I still go to uni. Other than that I just eat sleep and watch series sometimes. I don't study at all
It's good that you are still getting out.
Did something happen that started this?
Do you think you should see a doctor and get a diagnosis
I had anxiety and OCD before. And some other things. Plus my crush ignores me
I’m sorry you’re feeling so down today. Thats hard.
For me, if i resist a depressive episode it seems to prolong it. If i let myself rest cure & do a deep dive in it for 24-48 hrs it usually shifts for me.
How is it for you?
Wishing you ease & flow Girllll (love that) 💖
Thanks. I'm not sure if I'm depressed or not it's not clinically diagnosed. I've been doing nothing in the past few days. I mostly just slept
I agree with Dolphin- maybe you should get checked out. There night be a physical reason for the fatigue . Maybe a chat would help. Is there someone at Uni you can speak to ?
What can I do
U might be depressed. Go to a therapist if u can
Why. What happened
How old r u. Where r u from
I'm really sorry. Is there a consular in your school to help?
sorry to hear about your plight. unfortunately you are not old enough to be here on this site. whatever the reasons for that rule you have to ask an administrator your bio says you’re in India I wish I could suggest somewhere to get help but I cannot. good luck.
The other communities here have their guidelines, unfortunately if you’re looking for anxiety and depression support you’re underage, it would be unwelcome to post in a different forum like thyroid or ocd etc community if you are not struggling with any of those issues, it’s about respect and there are real people with real issues on HU. Please be mindful and take care.
celebrate your next birthday with us until then I hope you find the help you’re looking for Hidden
so sorry to hear this. You’re not alone. I had a rough day with depression yesterday too. For me waves of depression is heavy and empty, crying for no apparent reason like grief. What is it like for you?
My advice is to let yourself laugh in the face of depression after feeling it out and letting it run its course- don’t take it too seriously and turn off the “struggle switch” (frustration and sadness about depression) enjoy your life as much as you’re able to, and that’s enough. Life is still meaningful and beautiful. “Not every day is good, but there’s something good in every day”. Sending lots of love!