For the past couple of months my sleep schedule has been off . I will go to sleep about a decent time around 10 or 11 at the latest and wake up around 6:15 or 6:30 the next morning . Does anyone have any suggestions on how why this possibly happens. ? I know we are supposed to get at least 7 hours of sleep . But I wake up even more tired as if I haven’t slept . Any suggestions ?
why can’t I sleep : For the past couple... - Anxiety and Depre...
why can’t I sleep

I never heard of that until now . I’m going to do research on it . So thank you. Will do that .
It sounds like you may potentially have sleep apnea. I recommend that you talk to your doctor or consider doing at at home or in lab sleep test. I am in the process of getting a CPAP machine and I hope it will be a game changer for me, but diagnosing my sleep problems ending up taking far too long - over a year...
I just got diagnosed with sleep apnea and got a CPAP a couple days ago. It's really hard to get used to. Haven't used it overnight yet. I really can't stand anything on my face; got the nasal pillow one not the full face mask. If I can't get used to it don't know what I'll do. Some get get used to it quickly, others it can take a couple months. I don't have any patience left for anything these days.
Yeah, I am worried about that, especially as I am a restless sleeper and turn and roll. It will probably take another two weeks before I get a CPAP machine. Have you tried the Bongo device? My doctor mentioned it as a possible alternative to CPAP. It is essentially just a cheap nasal dialator with a vent that they charge $100 for because of course they do, but supposedly the exhalation system generateg EPAP (expiratory positive airway pressure) to keep your airways open. Can you tell if the CPAP helps your breathing when you are awake? Because I am silly like that, I am have been wearing three different things (2 bands and a ring) to measure my sleep and the numbers are so radically different I realize that they are almost worthless or maybe worse. I am also so tired of being tired and havo f brain fog all day.
Never heard of the Bongo device. Plus my doctor was an asshole, will not go back to him. He explained nothing . When he called to tell me results of my home sleep test he actually hung up on me when I was going to ask him questions. I had no idea where I was supposed to go or what to do, the whole process, etc. . Luckily the medical supply place called me and told me what the next steps were in getting a machine, so I worked with them. I have no problem with breathing when awake. If CPAP doesn't help I will look into Inspire. I, too, am tired of being exhausted all the time and not functioning well. Did you see a Pulmonologist or ENT??
Okay thanks
will do , thank you
I think it’s called sleep insomnia , sleep apnea is when you stop breathing when you sleep . I definitely understand but thank you . Praying it gets better .
Hi it may just be yiur suffering from chronic fatuige I know lots have same situation
I usually always give 1 to 2 hours to function
And time meds kick in
okay thanks
It's good that you can sleep well. Being tired afterwards sounds like signs of anxiety. I experience it too.
I can’t sleep well . It takes me a minute to go to sleep and I go to sleep around 11 pm . And yeah it may be that I guess .
You might want to experiment with your bedtime. I was going to bed at 10:30 or 11:00 and waking up consistently at 4:30. I switched my bedtime to 9:00-9:30 and now I get about 7-8 hours of sleep. Your circadian rhythm tends to shift with age. A lot of sleep specialists say that every hour of sleep before midnight is worth two hours of sleep after midnight. This is debatable, The idea behind it is that if you go to bed early and wake up early you have enough daytime hours of light to regulate your melatonin production.
Makes sense
thank you
Okay thanks