I was not preaching to anyone and goo... - Anxiety and Depre...

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I was not preaching to anyone and goodbye.

secrets22 profile image
51 Replies

I have deleted my post which was meant entirely in a caring way about how my life used to be, and yet i received some of the most hurtful comments which was unmerited, everyone has misfortunes and brickbats in their life, and we all take different actions to address the hurt we go through.

And if we take comfort in various beliefs or therapies, sobeit, for we are all on a journey in however way we think fit, and there is no need to diss people's way of thinking, respect is my watchword.

I have belonged to HU for many years and have added many constructive stories which i believe has helped others, if only in perhaps a small way, but now i feel its time I leave Health Unlocked for after my recent story and the venom i experienced I am not strong enough mentally to take anymore unpleasant comments, for they were decidedly unpleasant in the extreme, and with a number of recent participants who like to mock and cause havoc I realize this is no place for me, it was once a place one felt safe to express ones views , but no more, one walks on eggshells every step of the way.

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secrets22 profile image
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51 Replies
Turnipgirl profile image

Back in April I had some nasty things said to me on one of the other boards claiming I had brought getting evicted on myself as I supposedly Swan around all day every day without a job indulging in luxuries which was rubbish and I had told the stupid people what I thought of them and took it as a lesson to stay away from them in the future!

Some people don't think that what they say can hurt!

I find it's always the way when I am feeling low its when people think it's the right time to have a go at me and I don't need it!

Dolphin14 profile image

I was just coming into your post to speak to you and it was deleted.

I'm going to swing in two directions with my reply.

I reflected on what you were saying regarding what has been lost over the years. There are so many ways to continue the spirit of giving

Food pantries, toys for tots, volunteering at a shelter, cooking a meal for an elderly neighbor.

I could go on with my list. The holidays are what we make of them. If each of us could do something small to give back imagine what the world would be like? Imagine what we would feel like giving back to others

Turnipgirl profile image
Turnipgirl in reply to Dolphin14

The other day at Tescos volunteers from the local food bank were asking us for donations for them so I said I would look in the cupboard and see what I can do for them.

Dolphin14 profile image
Dolphin14 in reply to Turnipgirl

You've got the spirit.


kenster1 profile image
kenster1 in reply to Turnipgirl

our charity sends volunteers to Tesco every Xmas probably some of ours.

Arymretep profile image
Arymretep in reply to Dolphin14

I put something into the food boxes in The supermarket every week when I do my shop, also somthing in the Box for dogs,

Dolphin14 profile image
Dolphin14 in reply to Arymretep

There's that spirit that people think is gone. It's not is it? We can all keep it alive


Arymretep profile image
Arymretep in reply to Dolphin14

yes , it’s up to us to do our bit for the less fortunate than ourselves, I ve been so blessed in my life, but there for the grace of God go I

Dolphin14 profile image
Dolphin14 in reply to Arymretep

Same with me. I struggled when I was younger and so many people helped me. Now I can pay it forward.

I love how you think of the animals. So many people have to give up their babies right now because they can't feed themselves.

Arymretep profile image
Arymretep in reply to Dolphin14

Yes Pay it forward, I love that, have you seen the film, I think it was Kevin Stacy ?

Dolphin14 profile image
Dolphin14 in reply to Arymretep

I did not see the film. I bet it was good.

I wonder if it is a book? I will have to check that out. I love to read

in reply to Arymretep

I put a tin out of pixies pack in but don't tell him🤐 😹

Turnipgirl profile image
Turnipgirl in reply to

Lots of cats aren't as lucky as Baby and Prince Pixie!

Dolphin14 profile image

Part 2

We are all unique and find different paths on our healing journey. Everyone does what works for them.

Religion is not one of mine but I do respect your religion and your beliefs.

I remember. years ago on this forum, mentioning I didn't believe in someone else's religion. Man did I get my a**chewed out. I couldn't believe it.

I was new, not very strong and of course wanted to run,

Please think before you make the choice to exit. We all have something to give to the community


in reply to Dolphin14

Yes dolphin we do all have something to give, as you know I've left and come back many times from upsetting people unintentionally, we can't please everyone and secrets I know you always mean well too and so many will be very upset if you go you deserve to be here as do I and I'm not going anywhere, (no point I just come back) despite my anxiety I feel on been here sometimes, I keep coming back as I obviously need the place and the friends i made here and feel i contribute well overall as you do too 🤗so please stay you have been through so much loosing your partner during pandemic and grieving alone, please think about it dont act on impulse as I fear you are been aries this is hard not to I know, just take a step back deep breath and think of all the people that support you here and there were some on your post last night concerned for you i didnt see it all, sending my love 💛xxx

Turnipgirl profile image
Turnipgirl in reply to

Some people are just miserable and looking for an argument and it's up to you not to engage with them and walk away like I did on Tuesday.

What is was was that my mother had hoped to cause an argument by saying how her and the golden couple had been away to Madeira for a week which was why she supposedly hadn't had time to have contacted me sooner!

All I did was laugh and decided how its futile getting myself upset over things I can't do anything about and how I do control my behaviour and walked away without incident as like one of my friends said who cares about that and I said honestly I don't and how I have learned its futile to get upset over things I can't do anything about and they say I am better than the spoilt golden couple with all I have achieved and that one day life will come crashing down for them all and I laughed and said in the interim I will get on with living my life and not let them get to me!

Decided to treat myself to lunch out today before I go to the panto at the village hall at 2pm which I am looking forward to!

How are you and Prince Pixie getting on?

in reply to Turnipgirl

Good for you cat I know you have issues with your mum, I avoid arguments at all costs and avoid those I may clash with, life's too short I just want a peaceful life easier said than done, we don't all have the same opinions unfortunately that's why the world's in such a state, were on the blink of a earths catastrophy life really is short including the earth as we know it we should all try live in peace and harmony and look out for one another including the earth 🙏💛✨

Turnipgirl profile image
Turnipgirl in reply to

That's the best thing to do is to stay away from those who upset you and do nice things for yourself.

This morning I was at a loose end after breakfast and decides the world wouldn't end if I sat down for a bit and listened to music before heading out later on so that's what I have done and enjoyed having a bit of quiet.

Point is its their loss at the end of it all!

Isinatra profile image
Isinatra in reply to

Don’t worry about the earth. It’ll be just fine as it has been for billions of years without us and it heals amazingly in its own way. We just have to look out for each other in able to stick around and enjoy it .

in reply to Isinatra

Hello Isi yes true, I saw a programme about what would happen with no people it would be taken over by green growth plant kingdom and eventually the ozone layer would re build, my main concern now is keeping my house safe from flood best I can my town is v vulnerable surrounded by rivers were on flood alert slot lately been lucky so far, hope you aren't so vulnerable where you are but who knows with these freak weather belts we get 🙄💛✨🌟😹

Isinatra profile image
Isinatra in reply to

Oh! Flooding possibilities? Not good at all. My area is ok except for the rain turning us into the Amazon these last few years and til the Hurricane season starts again. Then all bets are off. It’s always something……

in reply to Isinatra

Yes fingers crossed not a nuclear bomb 🤯pixies nipped me he's locked in kitchen I best see to him it's not too warm in there 🙄😿

Isinatra profile image
Isinatra in reply to

The thought of a nuclear bomb probably heated up the kitchen. Lol

in reply to Isinatra

Lol I wish a thought would heat it lol I think I'll do a post about my dressing gown belt heating the room 😂yes all will be revealed lol 😂you know us Leo's no stop in our crazy fun

LadyZen profile image

Religion can be a very touchy subject, like politics. I am a deeply religious person, but I do try to accommodate to others depending on what religion they are or aren't. There is a spiritual component to mental health that's going to be different for everyone. If your mental health journey requires spiritual healing, don't worry about those that don't understand. There will be those like me that will understand it. I appreciated your last post. It was an outlet for the spiritual discoveries I've made over time. It wouldn't have been something I would've necessarily posted or shared with everyone. I didn't think you were preachy in that post. All I saw was someone trying to work through their observations of the world.

kenster1 profile image

Hi can`t say I seen the post to be honest but why don`t you reach out to whoever it was and smooth it over I`m sure all can be healed.

Arymretep profile image

You said nothing wrong in My eyes, your post was beautiful about the old times which we both remember, im afraid some people on here choose to see the bad side of everything, it’s this new Wokery that’s everywhere, please stay , we’ll miss your posts

MadBunny profile image
MadBunny in reply to Arymretep

Absolutely. I saw it as a post about the old times too

hypercat54 profile image
hypercat54 in reply to Arymretep

What's Wokery? What has this got to do with anything?

Isinatra profile image
Isinatra in reply to hypercat54

ˈwəʊkɪzəm ) or wokery (ˈwəʊkərɪ ) noun. informal, often derogatory. the behaviour and attitudes of people who are sensitive to social and political injustice.

I copied this from online. 🤷‍♀️

hypercat54 profile image
hypercat54 in reply to Isinatra

Oh thank you.

Isinatra profile image
Isinatra in reply to hypercat54

You’re quite welcome. 😊

Arymretep profile image
Arymretep in reply to hypercat54

Wokery is when people try to put their own views onto others

hypercat54 profile image
hypercat54 in reply to Arymretep

It's not used these days except as an insult from 'Mr/s Right' type of people who applaud free speech for themselves but wishes to insult others right to the same free speech if they disagree with their views.

There is no excuse for rude or crass behaviour and I am in no way condoning that. But surely we all have the right to disagree politely with each other without the need to resort to insults?

I didn't see Secrets post or the replies so can't comment on those and I am very sorry he was upset. But I still don't see the need for that word as it's not polite. That's all I am saying.

Arymretep profile image
Arymretep in reply to hypercat54

What’s Wokery? Actually it seems to be the “in “ word everywhere these days, As I said when people try to impose their views rightly or wrongly on others, it’s not impolite or an insult .

I was one of the first to answer Secrets post so I know exactly what and wasn’t said , his lovely post was about looking back at the old times and it was taken the wrong way by someone , hope he doesn’t leave because of that.

Isinatra profile image

Think about it a little more before you push the exit button. Many times I’ve come close to leaving for good reason, but waited and decided not to and I’m glad. This time of the year can bring sad feelings…hang on…it’ll get brighter and the good things will be more obvious. 🩵

LadyZen profile image
LadyZen in reply to Isinatra

Glad you're still around.

Isinatra profile image
Isinatra in reply to LadyZen

Oh! lol Thank you! The feeling is mutual, Ms. Zen. 😊

in reply to Isinatra

I'm glad your still around too and sure you always will be as will I we are strong Leo lions the strongest sine of the zodiac 😁we are a positive entity on here our sunny fun personalitys is just what the doctor ordered Leo's ruling planet is the sun shining our warmth and love and sunshine on all we are needed here 😁🤗

Gillyflower18 profile image

Please don’t leave. I saw nothing wrong with your post. It kinda took me back to my own childhood memories. You were not “preachy at all. I like you respect how other people choose to live with or without faith. I try to listen and understand others views rather than shut them down. I’m sure you do the same. As my parents used to say let it go in one ear and out the other!

in reply to Gillyflower18

🤗🤗so true xx

kenster1 profile image

best let go.

Swilly97 profile image

I understand. Someone on here inferred that I'm not educated about a month ago and, I stepped away for a bit. Maybe you just need some time. Don't leave.

Cb1963 profile image

I won't go over old ground with you as I gathered the conversation has caused friction,and i missed the subject anyway, but I think I've got the jest of the matter.However i feel us older people are still required on here to install some common sense sometimes,people can be sensitive to various subjects, or you get people who are what I call awkward and like to stir the pot, and will then will jump on the band wagon,I've often seen heated discussions starting on the forum, and I look in and watch the various people getting more irate, I often " forgive " these people because of age or the facts are they have no life experience, and of course the way life has changed over the last few decades.

Yes we may be old, and yes we were young and inexperienced once, but today's younger generation can be disrespectful to us, or perhaps think our experience counts for nothing,I avoid certain subjects myself, but I certainly don't back down, and I wouldn't delete any posts if I knew I was expressing a feeling that has your heart felt emotions that doesn't cross the moderator's guidelines, it's often the other people that have the problems, and not the person with years of experience that counts, I've read many of your posts before, and perhaps those who have given you a difficult time should take time out and understand how the world revolves, then they'll understand the earth isn't flat.

in reply to Cb1963

Hello Chris thanks for your another understanding well thought out post you know my story and I'll pm you more facts on secrets again another innocent vulnerable lovely person wants to leave as I have it's not on, I know your feel strong about injustice and like fair play I feel if secrets hadn't deleted his post more comments would have been in his favour but I believ in karma and feel justice will prevail hope you are feeling better I'll pm soon 🤗🤗😿your boys been naughty 🐾😹

Xene profile image

I didn’t see your post or the comments so can’t have a considered opinion but surely having been here for over five years you will have seen what can happen at times and how some people can treat others, it’s par for the course really 🤷‍♀️ I almost made it to six years without ever being verbally attacked but life goes on. Just give said person/s a wide berth. We all get to know who might possibly not be our “cup of tea” so to speak and move on to the people we know and trust. It’s obviously your choice but would be a shame as you have so many friends on here and remember your anthem “I am what I am” and stick to it. 👍

Hi secrets. How are you? Please don't let a negative reply to your post put you off. One or 2 people on here can be intolerant at times I find. I enjoy reading your posts and although I didn't fully agree with all, it doesn't matter - it's your view which counts and I couldn't see that you were harming anyone or breaking guidelines. I took it that you were being nostalgic. Not at all preachy in my view.

I hope you continue to post your thoughts, you have a place here like anyone else and I would certainly miss you. I passed Clevedon on the M5 yesterday afternoon and it was shrouded in freezing fog, looked quite dramatic! Fogged up on the levels, temp read -2 degrees. Horrible journey home!

in reply to

Hello it's been snowing here hoping get in park before it thaws hope your keeping warm🤗😹🐾

in reply to

I wish everyone thought like you live and let live is my belief too it would be a much more peaceful life I woke up to snow in garden no nicks on the line today lol 😂it's always uplifting to see the snow be nice to have a white Christmas 🎄😊

Arymretep profile image

Secrets, hope you’re ok, you can see by all these positive posts even those who didn’t actually read your post that you have lots of support on here, don’t take one or two people who don’t agree with you or doesn’t believe that everyone has a right to their own opinion and that they are not always right to put you off, Live and let live, I look forward to reading your posts, take care

Midori profile image

Oh Secrets, Don't go. Most of us will get an bad comment or two from time to time, report them and let Admin sort it out, Sometimes the other person just misunderstood what you meant, and occasionally there is a troll, but mostly folk are nice, don't let one post take you out.

We don't want you to leave us.

Cheers, Midori

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