In 50 years, I thought I'd experienced all the tricks our nervous system could play. But last couple of days, against a background of higher stress levels, I discovered a Newby.
It's like a nervous twitch in the eye, not the eyelids but the eye itself, which makes your vision ever so slightly shakey. I really have to look for it but it's there. Can't notice it now as I look at the TV but it will be back.
I sensed it is 'only nerves' but thought I would double check with Doctor Google. Nothing wrong with that so long as you consult the right Doctor Google.
I've always found there's a big difference between U.S. and U.K. health care sites and my visual twitch is no exception.
U.S. sites are driven by the need to make money so they list worst case scenarios and insist you go see a doctor without delay. Ching! Ching!
Whereas the British National Health Service website (NHS = free at the point of need) keen not to be overwhelmed by unnecessary visitors was quick to say that such twitches are very common, are nothing to worry about and will soon pass of there own accord. Only if still there after 3 weeks should you go see a doctor. Just the reassurance the reader is looking for.
Of course, money driven medics will be quick to say that leave it 3 weeks and you could go blind. They would, wouldn't they. As for me I will go along with the NHS view which in my experience always gets the balance between urgent and 'nothing to worry about' spot on.
So my message to Doctor Google searchers, even our friends in the U.S., is to include the U.K. NHS websites in your searches. Chances are you will find reassurance for the symptoms of health anxiety rather than the suggestion it's something very scarey with advice to see your doctor soon as pos and don't forget to bring your credit card.