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gerrerd profile image
39 Replies

We can connect with the life force and create miracles.

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gerrerd profile image
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39 Replies

Hello Gerrerd,

Just curious about the direction of your ideas which you post in image form and then give a short narrative direction to the image.

The first time I was minded to ask you this same question was when you spoke about the third eye.

May I ask you whether you have a formal sense of what you are posting?

So for example, do you know what the third eye is as a concept extending beyond a presumed physicality in the brain?

Taking this image in this post.

It is of course based in a physical precept of DNA, expressed by wishes to invite a perceived benefit.

So your underpinning is a claim to physicality extending to another physicality where the individual is an integral part. That precept is generally grounded in Ancient Greek atomic philosophy going back to between 600 - 700 BCE. those philosophers are generally called the atomists.

Just asking.

Thank you

primrose81 profile image
primrose81 in reply to

Aristotle, Archimedes, Plato - are you referring to them, parental? Genuinely interested to know.

in reply to primrose81

Leucippus and Democritus.

primrose81 profile image
primrose81 in reply to

Nope, never heard of them. Did they hang out with the others??

in reply to primrose81

Empedocles is the next variant on the atomic theory of Leucippus and Democritus.

Gerrerd's thinking assumes a connection between these two philosophical schools.

The Atomic (atoms) and the Cosmogonic (cosmos) theory.

The first would be deemed physicality of material parts (atoms) and the second would be behaviour of the actor (Gk psuche - soul) in the cosmos having a physical body composed of the atomic cosmos.

The reason why I say his posts assume a connection between these two schools is because I believe that he may not realise the distinction.

His posts are at times in the vein of positivism (psychologic positivism) and at times they go into the mystical realms of cosmic duality.

fauxartist profile image
fauxartist in reply to

Art and science had been my two majors in college, but I started junior college early and took Greek and Eastern philosophy. So reading your words took me back to some really deep thinking and wanted to complement you as an astute academician of awareness.

Dolphin14 profile image
Dolphin14 in reply to


I like your response. Honestly most of it is over my head but I did take some time to google Democritus. What I read stated he was looked upon down the line as more of a scientist than a philosopher.

I don't really understand Ray's post either. I have to keep reading it to get a grasp.

My lack of understanding opens up the opportunity for me to learn so it's all good.

I appreciate you bringing your knowledge forth.


in reply to Dolphin14

That somewhat revisionist point made about Democritus is of course not an accurate view of the man or his philosophical ideas. BUT it is a more beneficial way to dial to the modern concept of scientific reason and AWAY from cosmic duality. That more modern direction gives rise to psychology in a soul and body sense of neurological structures (CNS) where the soul is a behavioural actor (soul) in a genetic (nature) and epigenetic (nurture) structure (body) that more easily fits together without running the risk of being drawn into mysticism.

In short, if we are concerned about anxiety and depression then mysticism MAY not be the place to pitch oneself.

Dolphin14 profile image
Dolphin14 in reply to

This is good stuff.

There is a mystic I listen to sometimes on my meditation site. Sandguru or something like that. Anyway some of his points make sense but I notice he just talks in circles to get across one sentence.

in reply to Dolphin14

This man.

If you listen to this short clip then you will see that the underpinning reality being promoted is essentially a philosophy prescribed out of Hinduism called Nihilism.

The concept of Nihilism is essentially a concept that conceives of 'everything' to nothing. It is the mathematical zero in our decimal system that was first used in India approximately 650 AD.

It is a mathematical abstract and of course carries no meaning in a real physical world where mind and body co exist. The two natures he speaks about are NOT that precise meaning - but the idea behind his claims are dualistic in a Hindu Yogic meaning.

What is not given proper consideration to is the physical body itself and the physicochemical personality.

Dolphin14 profile image
Dolphin14 in reply to

Yes that is him. I have to run to therapy so I will be back later to read your response.

Dolphin14 profile image
Dolphin14 in reply to Dolphin14


Thank you for your response. You seem to be very educated and I'm just a novice so please bear with me.

Nihilism=nothing .... I think I'm right there? So the word he spreads has no meaning in the world as we know it?

I'm sorry, I don't want to irritate you lol. I would like to learn from you :)

in reply to Dolphin14

Nihilism in the philosophical sense of its meaning implies a precept of nothingness akin to a void.

In mathematics in India from the fourth century AD (the earliest known manuscript that utilises the dot to represent a numeric value of zero (below link described in a short Oxford video and article) demonstrates a use of zero as a concept of zero having value in its own right carbon dated to between the 2nd and 4th century AD.

So philosophically the precept found in the concept expressed in Nihilism as nothingness also carries an inference of an undefined something.

Those early atomic philosophers (Leucippus and Democritus) conceived of the atom as the smallest particle in physics - and saw the space between atoms as a void. It is that void that is given value in mathematics (not as a place holder) but as a value in its own right.

How that connects to the OP is of course worth stating because this is an anxiety and depression forum. Philosophy doesn't answer those things. Yet inferentially that is the claim being made as a science fact. The problem is that one has to go into quantum theory (probability theories) to make the link. And that is precisely where Gerrerd has taken his belief from in his Dr Bruce Lipton comment to myself. (His [the] last comment in this thread below).

gerrerd profile image
gerrerd in reply to

Its not a believe its a knowing. For me. Thanks Ray.

Rachmaninov2 profile image
Rachmaninov2 in reply to

Does this relate in any way to “The theory of everything” or “String theory”? I was taught about these many years ago but found the whole concept very difficult to grasp.

in reply to Dolphin14

hey Dolphin14, did you get all that? Being a ruminator/researcher, I’ll probably stay up all night until I fully understand it. May have bad headache tomorrow 😩

Dolphin14 profile image
Dolphin14 in reply to

My plan is to take this bit by bit and see if I can grasp at least some of it so I can respond. I would like to get some understanding of this. The depth from a person that is so very knowledgeable is a huge learning opportunity.

But, to answer your question.... my head is spinning hahaha


in reply to Dolphin14

yes, take it step by step. I got stuck on:

“nothingness also carries an inference of an undefined something …”

This led me to mathematics, which then led me to quantum physics. I was all over the place. Several concepts have to be fully understood b4 trying to grasp the entire theory. I tried to short cut it and got mad about it all, lol

It is very fascinating though.😀

Dolphin14 profile image
Dolphin14 in reply to

You are west ahead of me I haven't Started yet:)

in reply to

Take a different approach to Nihilism by reading this below link.

Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche.

The reference to 'God is dead' in the article (above link) is this link (below) to his seminal work 'Die fröhliche Wissenschaft' (The Gay Science).

By using a linguistic, and therefore, cultural anchor, both in idiom and conceptualisation precepts (often defined as art of language) it MAY be possible to circumvent the mathematical contract inherent in physics that is necessary for the transition from proven Newtonian physics to the as yet unproven quantum theories.

That way Nihilism can be conceived of culturally and MAY become more accessible.

As to why Nihilism has relevance to an anxiety and depression forum - well that must be self evident in Nietzsches' writings with his 'prophetic' sense of the collapse of morality in Europe after the publication of Darwin's Origin of Species in 1859.

If you need any further help - just ask.

in reply to

Thank you for that. Yesterday morning, before reading your post, there was a 9 yr old boy on CNN who just graduated from HS. He is starting college now, at 9, and wants to major in Astrophysics, among other things. He got to speak with Neil deGrasse Tyson. At his age, he was able to hold his own debating theories of time, matter, the big bag theory, etc with the elder Tyson. It was remarkable to watch. Your response to Gerrerd came immediately following my watching this so I find it all extremely fascinating. Will follow the steps you’ve outlined and try to stay focused on one thing at at time. Appreciate your help.

gerrerd profile image
gerrerd in reply to

Yes I practise what I preach, I have removed small growths a couple of times using these methods. manifested many times also.

Dolphin14 profile image
Dolphin14 in reply to gerrerd


Can you clarify? What do you mean by growths?


gerrerd profile image
gerrerd in reply to Dolphin14

Skin growths one was on my neck vanished after using my thoughts to remove it. The other was on my face this one was a little more difficult but vanished after a few sessions. Also if I put my mind on something I need it usually arrives in one form or another. The things I post about these methods are a fact not a myth. ray.

Dolphin14 profile image
Dolphin14 in reply to gerrerd

I'm not questioning Ray I was just curious.

I haven't heard of this in my working profession but I certainly don't know everything

Thank you for your response

gerrerd profile image
gerrerd in reply to Dolphin14

We are brain washed from birth to believe we cant do these things! Jesus said you can do all these things and more, ye of little faith, believe you can and you will. not hocos pocos.

Dolphin14 profile image
Dolphin14 in reply to gerrerd

If it worked for you that's great. Im not religious

gerrerd profile image
gerrerd in reply to Dolphin14

Its not religious. We can do these things. we can heal ourselves. If you believe you can you can. If you believe you cant you cant. People can make tumours disappear ! Look up Brandon bayes She did this and teaches how to do it.

Dolphin14 profile image
Dolphin14 in reply to gerrerd

Im sorry, you referenced Jesus so I assumed we were talking religion.

I've def heard of miracles happening and I know the power of the mind and are mental state have a lot to do with health and healing

gerrerd profile image
gerrerd in reply to Dolphin14

Its possible because everything is frequency and energy, and we are frequency and energy.

Dolphin14 profile image
Dolphin14 in reply to gerrerd

That's where I get lost. I've still got a lot to learn.

gerrerd profile image
gerrerd in reply to Dolphin14

So have I.

Dolphin14 profile image
Dolphin14 in reply to gerrerd

We all do and that's a good thing.

in reply to gerrerd

As a closing comment Gerrerd,

Your Dr Lipton comment to myself.

This the most rational presentation of his beliefs.

As to Jesus and your incitement of His words.

I presume that you MAY understand that when you quote Jesus you must necessarily be making a religious claim. Jesus from your citation is the Son of God and the Messiah of Israel first and by the Cross, the Saviour of all men who believe into Him.

So to be rational then, when you quote Jesus to uphold a claim made by an epigeneticist in the new biology meaning of the term epigenetic then you must also reject the Jesus who came to heal the sick and raise the dead.

One follows from the other. And it is that rejection of Christ and a belief that self realisation is the goal of life that determines how one lays hold of self determination to heal oneself is directed.

The difference on all sides is expressed in the terms determinism and environmentalism. They both have some validity and for sure the new biology is interesting to read. But in the end I laid hold of Christ by faith which necessarily means that I must deny myself and follow Christ according to His whole teaching and not speculate on whether His work is finished by making my own self determined work the finishing part.

Thanks for the link. I was curious about your methodology and in the terms I suggested in my first post here. But I see that there is no way to continue in this post without expressing mere philosophy and self determination to encourage others to heal themselves by the means you prescribe without coming into an irreconcilable conflict when I see Christ.

gerrerd profile image
gerrerd in reply to

I see jesus as a man who realised he was a co creator with god, We all have god within us, or the life force which is god. But the true story of jesus is in the anatomy of the body and the brain. Lost the link to this info,

in reply to gerrerd

“if I put my mind on something I need it usually arrives in one form or another …”

Maybe you should use this method for your Still Searching post👍😀

gerrerd profile image
gerrerd in reply to

I dont want coach loads turning up at the door, its powerful stuff, remember be careful what you wish for. maybe I will go by the method if its for me it will find me.

in reply to gerrerd

Couch loads could be a problem, although options never suck. If it’s for you, it will find you sounds more like soulmate method. I married my waiter from a restaurant so I can’t argue with this idea. Either way, I’m rooting for you!

gerrerd profile image
gerrerd in reply to

Take a look at Bruce Liptons work.

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