I am looking at double nickels. You know 16 is fun because you can drive, 21 you can drink in bars, 30 was a relief as my 20's were an exhausting blast. 40 stung, 50 was a trudge, and 55 I can get senior discounts. I don't want to be a senior citizen. I don't feel or look my age. I have taken really good care of my skin. I am so disappointed in myself. I thought I would have had kids, be married to someone fun, traveled more.... nope. I am sitting here eating a lean cuisine and trying to suck some joy out of my new to me, used refrigerator I got today. It is sitting in my backyard. I have to hire people to help me. Oh boy, 55 and alone except for my 3 dogs. Oh and I had a follow up appointment with my doctor today. Don't do that near a bad birthday. Two more medications added to the pile I already take. I feel like I've done enough life. I am just passing time. When I was younger I really didn't think I would make it to 40. I liked doing risky stuff but I didn't care then if I died just like I don't care now. Garlic bread is good.
Well crap, it's my birthday tomorrow. - Anxiety and Depre...
Well crap, it's my birthday tomorrow.

55 you no longer have to apologize for anything. No more heels. You are more free. Either you didn’t have kids or they are gone. Now you can save on travel by going off season. You are by no means incapable of improving your health. You can live to 100 so 55 isn’t even senior.
Happy Birthday 🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂. Please have a slice of calorie free cake
Age of reflection, we look back and say shoulda, woulda, coulda. We made those decisions at the time for a reason.
This is time for you. Make the best of it. Do things you enjoy and have some fun.
I hope you have a wonderful day
Hello, I understand your feelings. I’m 52 and I thought my life would be so different by the time I was this age. I was with a significant other for a long time but my 40s were rough and we split apart. We still talk on the phone sometimes as friends though. I never had children because I knew financially we just couldn’t afford to have them but that doesn’t mean I don’t like kids. And I am surviving on not a lot of money during the month. However, there are things I’m grateful for. I’m grateful both of my parents are still alive even though we don’t always get along. I’m grateful I have a roof over my head and I have enough to eat. I’m grateful that recently I was just hired for a part time job, I’m glad to have some more income coming in. So think about what you’re grateful for. And buy a cake, light a candle, and make a wish!!!
Here to help you celebrate your birthday is Bonnie Raitt!!! This singer did not have any hit songs until she was older. I believe when this song came out she was in her 40s or early 50s. So there’s still time for you and I to make the most out of our lives!!! Here she is with her song, Something To Talk About. youtu.be/mJ58TVYNFro

I love Bonnie Raitt. Her first hit was in 1979 she was 30. I love her version of Angel from Montgomery. Thank you for bringing her up. Now It's time to bask in her music. youtube.com/watch?v=toJ3ZYW...
Really thank you!
Thank you!!! I didn’t know Angel from Montgomery. Happy Birthday!!!🙂

Thank you so much. I am grateful for being in one piece. I am grateful for my house, it's little but it's mine. I am grateful for my lovely lady dogs all 3 of them. I am grateful for my part time job......
Well crap, happy birthday!!!!!
(Seriously though, happy birthday!!!!). I hope you have a great day!
Thank you. I am making my favorite birthday dinner, Beef Stroganoff over rice and chocolate zucchini cake.
Raggedy-Ann x
A double nickel celebration can cause you to do things that never even
crossed your mind when you turned 54 lol
Happy Birthday! Enjoy your special day tomorrow. You've Only Just Begun xx
Happy Birthday. I'm almost 70 myself but I have a lot to be grateful for. I have the same mindset as I did when I was 20, but my body is a different story. Ha ha
Happy birthday
Happy belated birthday!! I can relate I just turned 50 & sit here all alone thinking how did I get to such a low place & what’s to come if something in me doesn’t change. You are fortunate to have a house & 3 cute fur babies to share it with 🐶💗
I’m grateful for my physical health & every small thing that gets me through each day. And I do nothing but work part time, walk everyday, jigsaw puzzles & watch movies ( if I can stay engaged). No kids, no significant other, no friends, no pets(anymore 💔).
If you ever want to chat I’m here.