How can there be racism if we see each other as people and listen to problems and universal concerns..which communicates and validates other groups as equals? ergo...what stigma? were neibhors
how can deprssion whih humans and animals get (many many causes not just primary) be a stigma? or anxiety when its not a stigma to any of us?? we just accomodate as i get some have servere cases anothr issue) how can there be stigma when theres no stigma to us?>?
because the system uses antiquated thinking....labels and discounts us (who listens to patients they are patients...which is a parent child relationship;....guess behind the times....guess who is perpetuating the stigma.........(no stigma here...hi joe....hey ralph.....hows the bus line......oh man hot as hatties..)
what ?? stigma...........oooh the people of the medical system.....oh.....that stigma......oooooooh well thats not hard to get rid of
what wheelchair??
whadt one ear?
what one leg?
(our attitude in med (u thought iwas talking would u care if ur dog wasnt show me man i work on soon as they get a bath they go find the grosses of stuff to roll in)
my dog seems depressed....think he misses molly snce she p;assed away doc....
What mental illness in animals? ergol......wth with people and the medial colmmunty??
what stigma????who is the source of this stigma??? ditch the label just like cancer just lke the N word or yesterday
stigma is yester5days thinking.....
got no use for it....
(the farm is turned around, the Cabin is remodeled, lumber restacked, 6 paintings started...ex farm manager..ex vet,, busy in part time construction, equipment ....
what bloody stigma? step aside pal.....ur jamming my road with ur docotr attiude and ur staff