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Funny stories

Against_the_current profile image

Do you have any funny stories?

I just want to talk about such stories, helps me feel less alone and anxious.

So i will go first. I think my favourite story is Aspirin the cat. I think i have a post about it, but just in case - mom works at a pharmacy and got too much aspirin and put some of it in a separate box and wrote "Aspirin". When it got sold out, her Boss took the box and gave it to the cat outside. Clients saw the cat in a box with written Aspirin and thought it was the name of the cat and started calling her that.

My uncle and his family live in the UK but are still orthodox. Their neighboir asked why they never see them at the church and uncle said they go to the greek church. The neighboir gasped "So you guys worship Zeus?!"

I was in a foreign languages highschool and we were studying english. The rule was If you want to say something, say it in English. A classmate randomly yelled "can i go to the nursery?". The teacher, not knowing she wanted to go to the nurse, said "but you just got in highschool"

Then another classmate (he was a huge bully) asked "can i go to the bathroom". The teacher said "it's pronounced bathroom". He got angry and said "i'm going to the baTHHroom". The teacher looked straight at him and said "bathroom". "BaTHHroom". "Bathroom". "i'm going to the damn bathroom". "You aren't, you didn't say it right". "But i said bathroom". "Yeah, but you used going to for future tense while here will would fit better because you desided it rn and don't know If i'm letting you" . He was raiding the room already.

My step coisin was 2yo when he encountered a toilet. He looked at it amazed and said "but there's water.... Can i drink?"

At highschool i was in love with a girl who had a rabbit (that's why i got Bob). Her rabbit was a giant female and was jumping on her feet. Our teacher said "What's wrong with that lamb?". I said "she just has a girlcrush". He said "forget that, this rabbit is size of a lamb". My classmate said "i call her a melon"

I was in university and we were having attentive classes. They were going hours without a break and we got noisy. The proffesor got annoyed and yelled "Why are you acting like that?!". The quiet girl next to me said "You're not giving us a break and we haven't took our medication". Then she waited for a break, pulled a box from her bag and drank 3 antidepressants like a boss.

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Against_the_current profile image
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47 Replies
Sillysausage234 profile image

Aspirin is a cool name for the pharmacy cat…..benzo ,good name for a dog

Against_the_current profile image
Against_the_current in reply to Sillysausage234

And for psychologist or psychiatrist dog/cat. My psychology internship Boss said we have some cats there, might try to call one Benzo 😂. I had a friend that called his cats "The Crocodile Dynasty"

Sillysausage234 profile image

Asprin la chat

Against_the_current profile image
Against_the_current in reply to Sillysausage234

Lol 😂. I never knew Aspirin was a french

Sillysausage234 profile image
Sillysausage234 in reply to Against_the_current

Originally from Paris

Against_the_current profile image
Against_the_current in reply to Sillysausage234

Oh la la, now i understand why they're so good at latin and the names of meds

Sillysausage234 profile image
Sillysausage234 in reply to Against_the_current

Benzo le chein

Against_the_current profile image
Against_the_current in reply to Sillysausage234

Ohh, don't mix benzos with alcohol 😂

MadBunny profile image

No stories - just this

Sillysausage234 profile image
Sillysausage234 in reply to MadBunny

I bought a big lop eared rabbit from an auction by accident for £1 …..few years ago went for some ducks came home with a rabbit 😄

MadBunny profile image
MadBunny in reply to Sillysausage234

Nice one !

Sillysausage234 profile image
Sillysausage234 in reply to MadBunny

Brought it home put it on the grass while I figured out his housing situation,he just bolted for the hills …..never seen him since 😬

MadBunny profile image
MadBunny in reply to Sillysausage234

That's probably why he was being sold. Either that or he saw the casserole dish 🤗😁

Sillysausage234 profile image
Sillysausage234 in reply to MadBunny

He’s happy now doing bunny stuff I presume

MadBunny profile image
MadBunny in reply to Sillysausage234

Gone forth and multiplied I would guess 😁

Sillysausage234 profile image
Sillysausage234 in reply to MadBunny

I let some ducks go in the canal ,fancy ones like blonde coloured …now all the wild mallards have got like blonde highlights….imagine the wild rabbit population have got floppy ears now too

MadBunny profile image
MadBunny in reply to Sillysausage234


Against_the_current profile image
Against_the_current in reply to MadBunny

Ohh, the Black pearls... 😂

MadBunny profile image
MadBunny in reply to Against_the_current

😍He is so gorgeous. Dylan says hello

Got any treats ?
Against_the_current profile image
Against_the_current in reply to MadBunny

Hi Dylan!Oh i miss my Bob. I'm worried about him. He's getting old and fat and maybe depressed and i'm here, not at home

MadBunny profile image
MadBunny in reply to Against_the_current

I'm sorry to hear you miss your Bob. I hope that you will be able to see him soon. Rabbits are such a comfort 🤗

Against_the_current profile image
Against_the_current in reply to MadBunny

I just don't feel well at home. And i feel guilty for not being there but i am just too anxious there

MadBunny profile image
MadBunny in reply to Against_the_current

Its sad that you can't be with Bob but you need to do what is best for your wellbeing I guess

Against_the_current profile image
Against_the_current in reply to MadBunny

I need to pritritise myself. I just can't be at home at my coundidion. So it's best not to be even though it's hard

MadBunny profile image
MadBunny in reply to Against_the_current

I completely get that🤗

Against_the_current profile image
Against_the_current in reply to MadBunny


Hb2003 profile image

I have a funny story about a watermelon but its a long one 🤣🤣

MadBunny profile image
MadBunny in reply to Hb2003

Go for it !

Hb2003 profile image
Hb2003 in reply to Hb2003

Here it is 🤣 enjoy heres the story about the watermelon me and the watermelon have a sour relation ship and is now my arch nemesis 🤣🤣 i was about to throw something in the trash in the kitchen and i was getting my favorite cookies Milano and i nearly tripped the ceramic tile floor was really wet for my bare feet it was the most unpleasant of the most unpleasant experinces my feet had had 🤣🤣 i gasped and said oh my god but i caught myself and my feet well they were surfing i wiped the floor off with a lot of paper towels at first i thought it was water because it would be the most logical explanation but no i was wrong Dhun duhn doon 😳 It happened again in the afternoon and i had to use my detective skills i heard a loud hiss and my Imaginative crazy Brain made image a image of a snake 🤣 why at times like this 😫🤣🤣 i get closer and closer and the hiss was in the closet i put my defensive pose up and it was a Watermelon 😤😤 i see a pinch mark and i immediately pick it up and put it in the sink and i wiped the floor up and i used all purpose cleaner with the scent lemon 😍 to make the kitchen smell refreshing and make it squeaky clean

Sillysausage234 profile image
Sillysausage234 in reply to Hb2003


Hb2003 profile image
Hb2003 in reply to Sillysausage234

Lol a story that i will never forget 🤣🤣 takes one to know one 🤣🤣

Against_the_current profile image
Against_the_current in reply to Hb2003

Epic 😂. When i say watermelons are evil, nobody believes me. Legendary nemesis

MadBunny profile image
MadBunny in reply to Hb2003

Not as funny as yours but I have a watermelon story too. I was in the supermarket with my dad and he was carrying a watermelon under his arm. Bad idea. He dropped it and SPLAT!!!! Right in the middle of the supermarket aisle Thankfully the staff saw the funny side of it. So did I - I couldn't stop laughing. Dad was worried that they would make him pay for it 🙄

Hb2003 profile image
Hb2003 in reply to MadBunny

Oh gosh 🤣

MadBunny profile image
MadBunny in reply to Hb2003

It was a long time ago but I still remember it. It became quite a story in our family 😁

Against_the_current profile image
Against_the_current in reply to MadBunny

Lol and great they saw the funny side. Recently i dropped a (bulgarian - greek) yoghurt and was feeling bad

Hah 😂

Omg nooo 😂

I love telling funny stories

Probably. But in this logic enby flowers are the carnivorous plants lol

I overslept and i just woke up and i feel so weird and my roommate arrived with people and i just stay in my room, freaking out from waking up so late. It's 8pm



My socks. Ty for the memes 😂

Got a kitten once and called it Lilly. So Lilly grew up and grew in another place also. Ended calling him "little e" after that.

Against_the_current profile image
Against_the_current in reply to

Ohh what a plot twist. 😂😂 Got a smart rename


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