Anxiety healing tools. Alternative me... - Anxiety and Depre...

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Anxiety healing tools. Alternative methods

Against_the_current profile image

What are yours? Now i lit a little candle, made tea and watered my plant. Yesterday found another plant, should have bought it but was anxious. I have a friend, basically my only irl friend(too bad she's agoraphobic, i'm agoraphobic, and meeting her is hard, so i basically stay all alone, espessially when calling my family triggers me, so i stay all alone) , and she puts crystals on me when i start to lose it, makes me tea and sugested Bach flower essense remedies. I think crystals, Bach remedies and Schussler salt 5 can work. Maybe i'm getting placebo effect but i really like these tools. And the aesthetic

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Against_the_current profile image
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43 Replies
Hb2003 profile image

Watching anime , listening to music doing anything art related ☺️

Against_the_current profile image
Against_the_current in reply to Hb2003

My sister is same. I also have some similar tendencies. Some songs and shows really help, my favourite is Avatar : The legend of Korra espessially when she had ptsd. It's still debatable whether it's an anime. Also Komi can't communicate, it's reliable. Also gaming with the comedy channel or Nicelodeon on the background is a lifesaver. I'm sometimes ashamed to say it but Nicelodeon is giving me life. I'm in Bulgaria and the program might be different. But Spongebob, The Loud house, Avatar somehow calm me 😅

Eggshell38 profile image
Eggshell38 in reply to Against_the_current

please tell me you watched Avatar the last airbender?? It's the original show and my personal all-time favorite show of all time and space hahaha

Against_the_current profile image
Against_the_current in reply to Eggshell38

Yeah, i watched it too. I love Azula. I love these struggling characters like Azula, Jinx, Catra

Nothing_but_books profile image
Nothing_but_books in reply to Hb2003

I didn't realize you are an artist. What kind of art do you enjoy?

Hb2003 profile image
Hb2003 in reply to Nothing_but_books

Ceramics ☺️ Painting anything with clay

in reply to Hb2003

(can u pllllse send advice on fundamentals ..i d love to get into that someday- thks)))

really really really bright intelligent horses....can be the most challenging to train and as they are so bright soo senstive they read intligntly into everyting and scare the hello out of themsleves.....rightlyh so...its a scary world of unecertainty out there...who wil ride me who will train me will they be nice or mean...

they . can not knonw or my intent...or the future..almost5 like a foster person....v scary and real...

soooooooo t5hey are scared.....yep....and so the less i do...the better....i must be totally trust5worthy....not to fool they will second gess everrhing i job is protetive....escort ..teacher...

slowly they can feel in control.....same as i would want....

slow is better ....for them and me

slow means i can make fewer mistakes....meaning i accidently scared t5hem...didnt know they were scared of ....

i want to feel safe with my teachers....and visa versa for

anyone horse or human with me

safety is a sense earned.....

id would never say a horse or student5 has no right to be scared....

so.....what u call fear of leaving home is normal ** all horses

always have the same stall .....same food....same buddy.....we dont5 switch goes on a walk....with an older horse

not because they are stupid

we all feel better going with an old hand......

we gain securty and ...wathing the o5ther

its not a trick

only stupied horsemen dont accept horse nature human nature...

the buddy system

works but not because 5tha5 per4son is s5tupid oftenn they ar4e scared cuz soooooo bright.....

Against_the_current profile image
Against_the_current in reply to

Yeah. Actually this is a really good system and horses and animals in general are really helpful

in reply to Against_the_current

thanks soooo much for taking it right...some people go.....oh so u think im a horse? is my hindend that big.......kills me...just kills me....i hate...........hurting people.......was just using horses as a metaphor......whenever we do something we take a buddy or old freind or older horse or group when we can.....we try never to school a horse alone the in the world is a horse...supposed to know what expected.....he watches and follows the old pro .......we dont do it the confrontational or hard way....

unless one wants a four hour no no no no...

were trying to put ourselves in our horses position.....see things through their eyes where we can......we keep it simple not because they are stupid but because thats how id want to be treated....

by a teaher trainer.........lets make rice crispy treats the first day ish ..or hells kitchen for 5his guy...nope

Against_the_current profile image
Against_the_current in reply to

Yeah, don't worry, i got the methapor and it's a really well build metaphor

Midori profile image
Midori in reply to

Absolutely Brig. I nearly bought a beautiful Arab gelding many years ago, but he turned out to be dangerous, he was so bright and sharp.

Lovely at ground level, you could do anything with him. Good in the field, perfect gentleman; But put a saddle on him and try to ride him, and he became dangerous. He would rear and attempt to fall backwards on his rider.

I heard later that he was put down. A shame because he would have been great as a pasture pet, if there was someone to guarantee he had a home for life.

I didn't have the facilities to help him at the time. I regret that.

Cheers, Midori

in reply to Midori

helps alot...people often only let u say part of the story ..3 words or less or horses are sooo beful and they save u and are ur best friend..

sure ..happens....not when dad brings home a race horse...for his green daughter....and i get chewed out for telling him this affordable horse.....affordeable.....i get it dad......

is not suitable......i get mauled....fine...

some horses are safe


cant tell people or counselors nothin......

no thank u....yes sad how horses become....but

sorry to first

i break a lot of hearts unfortunately.......or did...

mhs with zero experience-- knows an elitist somehow ???????

in reply to Midori

hes running now free with a big herd soomehwere out there as u know....sure he knows u cared....tough tho...yes....

helped out a lot ur passage thanks

Alotta stuff can cool me. A nice shiny stone, a pocket coin, the smell of coffee. No right or wrong, just what helps

Against_the_current profile image
Against_the_current in reply to

Absolutely agree

Nothing_but_books profile image
Nothing_but_books in reply to

Coffee is supposed to be so bad for anxiety, but I have to have one cup first thing. The smell is wonderful!

Against_the_current profile image
Against_the_current in reply to Nothing_but_books

Yeah, actually i usually don't drink coffee because of anxiety but sometimes it's really nice

in reply to

bang on...well said..

in reply to

That’s my style. Thanks

I just bought myself a Needoh-like stress ball today. Wow, does it work wonders!

Against_the_current profile image
Against_the_current in reply to

So cool! I think i need one too

in reply to Against_the_current

Yeah. It's awesome! They seem to be really popular since they sell them lots of places. I got mine at a bookstore. They come in different shapes, sizes, and colors. Mine is a purpe ball. The material inside these Needohs is a doughy-like substance. Different companies must make them because, although essentially a Needoh, mine came in a box that didn't have the Needoh logo.

Against_the_current profile image
Against_the_current in reply to

Ah yes, i remember i had one, my mom works at a pharmacy and got one with a meds logo as ad. For real different companies make them

Enlighten me What are crystals, Bach flower & Schussler salt5

Against_the_current profile image
Against_the_current in reply to

Crystals are minerals, rocks. They're beautiful and are believed to balance emotions. I don't know whether im spelling them right but Bach flowers and Schusler salts are homeopathy.

in reply to Against_the_current

Thanks for your enlightening

Against_the_current profile image
Against_the_current in reply to

You're welcome 😊

in reply to Against_the_current

Hey, you’re the friendly ghost

Against_the_current profile image
Against_the_current in reply to

Yeah, happy you remember me

in reply to

Gonna. Call you MsCasper, ok with you?

Against_the_current profile image
Against_the_current in reply to

Okay, knowing my family and how they like to visit my mom in her sleep, no wonder of Casper being some uncle of mine

in reply to Against_the_current

OK MsCasper it is

I look up all kinds of stuff on YouTube. Lately I’ve been watching all these crazy tarot card readings. It just feels like I have a friend talking to me I guess. It’s not that I believe them.

Against_the_current profile image
Against_the_current in reply to

Oh YouTube is a must. So comforting, really feels like someone is talking to us. I like tarot but never have the pathience to watch the whole thing. I really like comedy videos. Like i was watching some guy that does introvert comedy and comedy about the mbti types

Eggshell38 profile image

1. google "cardiac coherence breathing exercices" and do 1 set. I found that to be my Reset button when I have anxiety. It will take you about 5 or 6 minutes and it does wonders. and the morr you do it, the more it becomes effective and rapidly changes your mood. for me, it's magic! there are also apps you can use that give a visual to help for the exercices.

2. watch your diet, sleep and exercice even if it's just a walk down the block and back. I found a difference in my mental health just with trying to get all my daily vitamins requirements.

3. express your emotions so you can release them. be it journaling, singing, talking to someone, beating up a pillow or screaming at the top of your lungs; just let all that stuff out.

4. set miniature, easily-accessible and manageable goals for yourself daily. just as a challenge. if you don't achieve it, don't let it bother you, but if you do, allow yourself to be proud for achieving whatever you achieved, even if it was just taking a shower that day. you know yourself enough to know when you can push yourself and when you need to cut yourself some slack.

5. (I should've put that at number 1) Be kind to yourself, always.

Forgive yourself and accept yourself and eventually, love yourself. Be the kind of friend to yourself, that you are to others.

6. some natural remedies work, but be sure to ask your doctor especially if you already have medication, to be sure there is no interactions with what you already have and to be sure it is safe for you to try.

7. Keep on researching and trying new methods, you will eventually find the ones that work for you. Since you like tea, there are so many herbal remedies you can try (but always verify first as said to number 6 that its safe for you to try)

I wish you all the best and keep us posted!!

Nad1971 profile image
Nad1971 in reply to Eggshell38

Very good advice, thank you. I try meditation and that can help. Different people benefit from different things..

Against_the_current profile image
Against_the_current in reply to Nad1971

Absolutely great advice and adding meditation somethimes too. I do some meditations since my mind is rushing, espessially before sleep cause i have nightmares and morning panic a lot

Against_the_current profile image
Against_the_current in reply to Eggshell38

Wow, this amazing detailed list. So well said. I need to remember these. And yeah herbal remedies like valerian root, mint, lemon balm have even been prescribed to me by doctors. I think i only can't take St. John's wort herb. It's the herb i was warned not to make tea of

Eggshell38 profile image
Eggshell38 in reply to Against_the_current

Indeed, I always hesitate to name the plants because I wouldn't want anyone to try something without first getting all the info to see if its safe for them depending on their medication and medical history, allergies, etc. But I actually study natural medecines and StJohn's is actually one plant that helped me. But it can interact with medication so do not try if you're unsure. Its probably why your doc told you to stay away and you should listen :) also it has some contrindications (like it makes your skin photosensitive so do not take if you plan sun exposure for example).

There are many things to know to use plants safely but the other you named valerian, mint and lemin balm are quite safe. the classic chamomille is also helpful, I like to take before bed for a good night sleep :)

I would probably have a longer list of things to suggest to calm down because I researched sooo much during my dark time, I am thinking I should write a book hahaha

Keep beeing curious and exploring methods and you will find your own list :)

I wish you all the best!

in reply to Eggshell38

Canadian Lady, Thanks for the info. Good to have when needed. Appreciated

I agree with you about the the aesthetic. The sense of control making choices that are right for you calms me.

Against_the_current profile image
Against_the_current in reply to Nothing_but_books

Glad it does 😊

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