How’s everyone’s day going so far???
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Need some distraction

Hi Xoxo, well I'm avoiding what I need to be doing for an out of state move i plan on making in a couple of months. I'm also having a yard sale next weekend, but I just get overwhelmed and can't seem to make even minimal progress, trying to go through things and have them ready. I'm trying to give myself credit for the smallest thing I do, but even thats not much. My anxiety only makes me more anxious, lol. I need to get off my tablet and play some affirmations while I try to work.
Yard sale sounds fun but I would never be able to do one as much as I would love to that would just be so overwhelming for me are you moving out of state?
Its overwhelming for me too, but I do have an 'experienced' friend who is going to help me. I plan on doing more than one cuz I have a feeling I won't be ready with stuff, so hopefully the 2nd one will be easier. I hope to make enough to have money to buy new stuff where I'm going. Yeah, moving from New Mexico to the state of Arizona next door. Unfortunately moving at the beginning of the HOT summer heat, but rentals are cheaper then with University students moving out.How are you doing today?
Me too in the windy desert, and I would love your apology, yum!
That’s so nice of you to get him roses and McDonald’s
Good Morning Xoxo33
Yes I feel this all the time, as of the week before Thanksgiving of 2021, our whole department was laid off, and other groups that totalled over 400 people, They did pay us a severance, however besides the pandemic, the only difference between working at home is now that im job searching and it is easy not to keep focus since our severance is good until end of the year.
This is the hardest time of my life because I have so much more time to dwell and to overthink, which is not good for the most part. My therapist through kaiser is so short staffed that i can only have appts every 10 weeks so i have to do a lot of self therapy. What doesn't work is my retail therapy on Amazon, short term feeling good, but than your in more debt, eating or drinking is a physical shortfall of being healthy.
What I have found that works is i try to find small to bigger home projects like landscaping or start with small errands, however I have to be motivated with this due to my ADHD as well. Talking walks or exercising either at the gym, home, home videos (which are great, yoga, working out, or zumba) Swimming. I also joined the cinemark movie club which i get a free ticket every month and i take my mom out every week to the movies. These things help, but start small so its not too big where you are going to procrastinate. I hope this helps.