Anxiety beating me up at the moment - Anxiety and Depre...

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Anxiety beating me up at the moment

Shield_Of_Faith profile image
27 Replies

Just feeling uneasy about my future everyday honestly whether it's my health, loneliness, social anxiety, depression, agoraphobia. Trying not to lose my mind in the overthinking rabbit hole of despair. I'm just feeling alone again....

Just tired of being scared all the time. It's mentally exhausting. Just needed to get that out.

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Shield_Of_Faith profile image
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27 Replies
NickMo2 profile image

Yes, anxiety is a bear. Yours sounds more or less like generalized anxiety. It is so common, and yet so misunderstood. It's not something someone who has never had it can really relate to, even if they are 100% empathetic. The comments like "What is it you are anxious about?" "You have a lot to be happy about" are well intended, but not particularly helpful to someone with GAD.

Shield_Of_Faith profile image
Shield_Of_Faith in reply to NickMo2

Well I have social anxiety just as bad as general anxiety. I can't go out to crowded places without having a panic attack, I avoid people because of it. Been having this for many years. I panic at home and I panic when I go out of the house. Double edge sword. I lose either way.

I totally agree with what you said about even the most empathetic person won't understand completely because I'm the one going through it.

Thanks for your response.

HarryBraynes profile image
HarryBraynes in reply to Shield_Of_Faith

I’m also dealing with agoraphobia. I’ve been dealing with it for several years now. I deal with it by not going out. It’s not much of a life but it feels better than going out. I read when the anxiety isn’t too bad, surf the net, and pace. When the anxiety is really bad I try to do physical things that don’t require much awareness but allow me to burn some of the energy being created by the anxiety, like cleaning. Sometimes I dance… depends on my mood. I may not be much help but I can honestly say, you’re not alone… Strength in numbers!

Shield_Of_Faith profile image
Shield_Of_Faith in reply to HarryBraynes

Yeah I'm in the house all day pretty much and it gets very lonely but going out is even harder, my family encourages me the best they can to keep trying from time to time. But it's hard being consistent. I just can't. Well I'm glad you have ways to cope, I have different ways to through the day but I eventually feel to isolated overtime but I can't do anything about it because of the agoraphobia.

You helped definitely, when I post sometimes I even get anxious doing that because I feel I'm stupid or I may be ignored or I'm going on to much lol

So having this support and understanding means alot.

I appreciate it.

HarryBraynes profile image

oh man… I can so relate to you about the fears of looking stupid… seriously… small world, eh? One time I posted something and after I posted it, someone made a derogatory comment about it and I thought I was going to die!!! Oh my god… I couldn’t believe the grip it had on me. Yeah… I get it, for sure. It actually took me a few years to get over the fear of posting… or the fear of posting something stupid is more like it. Anyway… what I posted back then wasn’t even stupid but my self-esteem was so low at the time that I couldn’t see it. Posting anxiety has got to be one of the worst. It would follow me around for days after I posted something….

Shield_Of_Faith profile image
Shield_Of_Faith in reply to HarryBraynes

Yeah I'm the same way. You share something of your personal struggle and being vulnerable and then someone comes along and just gets mean or fresh about it. I don't get it but anyway. So yeah I understand. Thanks for understanding. 👍

Stippler profile image

Sending prayers - I am feeling similarly.

Shield_Of_Faith profile image
Shield_Of_Faith in reply to Stippler

Thank you. Prayers to you too. 🙏

Stippler profile image
Stippler in reply to Shield_Of_Faith

Thank you. We will get through this together. 🙏🙏🙏

Shield_Of_Faith profile image
Shield_Of_Faith in reply to Stippler


CL3V3R-G1RL profile image

I've been there. I truly empathize with you. Most people in general don't understand anxiety and depression. They seem to think anxiety is more about being shy and nervous. Which is far from simply being shy and nervous. Most of us would give our right arm just to be shy and nervous. Because those things are temporary. Anxiety on the other hand. Never leaves you. It will always be there. It's just you get better at coping with it. Either you can get to a place where it's background noise or you isolate yourself.

Depression well it ain't about being sad like most people think it is. Sometimes yes it can appear that way. Sometimes depression can be brought on by your environment. Once you are out of that environment, your mood improves. I suffered from this because well how can you not get depressed when you feel trapped in your four wall cell? Which was my case. I spent my teens in my bedroom. Afraid. Depressed and lonely. Missing out on things people my age are doing things that they take for granted.

Luckily my mom helped me. With getting some exposure by car rides. But I would never really go anywhere else. But then suddenly I said to myself "f*** it". If I'm going to die so be it. I went out. Found out it's not to bad being outside. So I made my yard my safe zones. Eventually it expanded. I would go to the store with my mom or to the gym with my dad. They were like my emotional support people 😆 But with them being with me I gained some confidence to eventually strike out on my own. Started going to the gym by myself though yes it was at night in order to avoid crowds. And also to practice my driving. Eventually my boldness expanded by meeting someone special thru a forum. Made a real connection. Love can do some wonderful things.

It's possible to get to the mountain top.

I liked the Dare book by Barry McDonagh

Shield_Of_Faith profile image
Shield_Of_Faith in reply to CL3V3R-G1RL

Yeah exactly!!It's a real struggle, not temporary issue.

There's ways to improve but still a tough struggle.

I'm glad you have that support system and you yourself improved, that's great to hear!

Yeah God Blessed me with a supportive family that does things too to help me out of the house. They are patient and supportive. I still feel like I fail to them everyday being the way I am. They never think that about me but I still feel at times a failure.

One day I'd like to meet someone and have a wife but between my extreme anxiety and low self esteem amongst other things , that's quite difficult. Idk about that.

But anyway thanks for your support! I appreciate it! 🙂

CL3V3R-G1RL profile image
CL3V3R-G1RL in reply to Shield_Of_Faith

I understand that. I sometimes feel that way with my family. That I'm letting them down because I'm not quite there yet to do things. I feel a sense of shame. But Ive come to understand that the killer to progressing with anxiety is shame. I have to understand that my family loves me unconditionally and I'm not failing them. I'm doing the very best I can and they believe in me that I will get there. So that helps me.

Shield_Of_Faith profile image
Shield_Of_Faith in reply to CL3V3R-G1RL

I know. It's just really hard.I just see more issues with myself then I do see good. I feel I am a pest to my family.

I feel a lil lost at the moment. Very much alone in my own struggles.

Vonus5591 profile image
Vonus5591 in reply to Shield_Of_Faith

Love is all your family can think about and patient and caring. They will love you no matter what as they have proved they love you. Thoughts like pest don't and shouldn't come to mind. Please take your time and you already on medication. You are doing your best. Your family and friends are not rushing you. Don't force yourself too much. You will only make yourself worse with pressure

Pressure is awful

Shield_Of_Faith profile image
Shield_Of_Faith in reply to Vonus5591

I appreciate that.But idk. I still feel at times alone even with others around.

Thanks though.

Vonus5591 profile image
Vonus5591 in reply to Shield_Of_Faith

Because you under immense pressure to do and be something you are not comfortable with

Vonus5591 profile image
Vonus5591 in reply to Vonus5591

When comfortable you open up and enjoy yourself with others. But you not ready

Shield_Of_Faith profile image
Shield_Of_Faith in reply to Vonus5591

Well I see everybody successful in life around me. My anxiety has held me back , life is passing me by, and I'm left behind and I feel alone when others are living their life to the fullest and I'm stuck at home with me,myself and I with severe social anxiety, health anxiety, loneliness and just existing and nothing to show for it.I'm just tired.

Vonus5591 profile image
Vonus5591 in reply to Shield_Of_Faith

You will reach your goal but clearly you haven't found your way yet. You have dream, it starts there. What we keep thinking, happens. Maybe few years or so.

Shield_Of_Faith profile image
Shield_Of_Faith in reply to Vonus5591

I'm not so sure.But thanks for the support.

Vonus5591 profile image
Vonus5591 in reply to Shield_Of_Faith

don't ever give up, you have wish and goals

when going gets really tough, survive goal

Shield_Of_Faith profile image
Shield_Of_Faith in reply to Vonus5591

I know. Thank you very much. 🙏

PeaceNeed profile image

I empathize with you.

You just discribed how I experience most of my mormings getting up.

Shield_Of_Faith profile image
Shield_Of_Faith in reply to PeaceNeed

Thank you and I'm sorry you have to deal with this too. I hope things improve for both of us.

Vonus5591 profile image

I know you are trying and that you will oneday beat this . Prayers

Shield_Of_Faith profile image
Shield_Of_Faith in reply to Vonus5591

I hope so. But idk.Thanks for the support though.

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