The magic of the Mediterranean - Anxiety and Depre...

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The magic of the Mediterranean

Kkimm profile image
5 Replies

This is a photo from a holiday I went on in Italy a couple of years ago whilst I was still suffering from anxiety as well as going through alot of relationship problems.

I went on holiday with my daughter and neither of us were in a very good place psychologically.

She was doing a very stressful job which she was really unhappy in and I wasn't sure if my 40 year long relationship with Pete was going to survive all we had both been through.

The scenery in Cinque Terra in Italy was just so stunning that it transported us both. I'm not going to pretend all our troubles just vanished and all was sweetness and light whilst on the holiday however.

I was incredibly needy and constantly needed to talk. She has always been a caring and supportive daughter but understandably was struggling. I was frequently in tears and she was often bad tempered with me but we still managed to find the strength to support each other. I listened and spent much time reassuring her that she was a real asset to the charity she worked for but that it was the right thing to do to leave if she felt devalued and overworked. She listened when I talked about my childhood and difficult relationship with my father and sister and was often supportive and sympathetic. We had an amazing time amongst the bouts of anger and tears and needed to get things off our chests, thus showing our support to each other during the difficult times as well as the easy ones.

We still had our problems to face when we returned home after the holiday but we came back stronger and more able to deal with them. It also helped us to become even closer and more supportive of each other.

The scent of the lemon 🍋 trees and the aromatic foliage in the sun, the colourful ancient houses clinging to the hillside and the tall pine covered hills dropping down to the sparkling azure sea worked it's spell on us and gave moments of great joy and togetherness.

For example I will never forget our first swim in the warm night time sea in the rocky bay below our tall Venetian style hotel. We lay floating on our backs together looking at the stars. Equally memorable was the first sip of wine 🍷 whilst awaiting a meal in a harbour side cafe at a little table placed impossibly close to the torquise sea.

At the end of that holiday we both felt determined to return again to the Italian coast and after three years will be doing just that this summer.

We are both in a so much better place now. Pete and I are once again able to love and support each other and our daughter is much happier at work and has just gained a promotion in job better suited to her skill set and where she feels valued.

My very best wishes to all who read this and are going through their own difficulties.


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5 Replies
Isinatra profile image

Lovely description. Thank you.Glad you’re doing better. Maybe you did discover a magical place.

Kkimm profile image
Kkimm in reply to Isinatra

Dear Isinatra.Thanks so much for your very kind reply. It means alot to me.

Yes it I think it is a magical place, perhaps it did help us with its Magic.

Here is another picture of it for you.

Hope all is going well for you.

Very best wishes.


Image of clear torquise sea with craggy rocks.
Isinatra profile image
Isinatra in reply to Kkimm


Kkimm profile image
Kkimm in reply to Isinatra


Kkimm profile image

How interesting, thanks for replying and here is another photo from The land of love. Now I will always call it that in my mind!!

Harbour with colourful boats and ancient church with its grey stone walls in the sea.

Not what you're looking for?

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