The first two weren’t too bad just don’t know why I’m soooo nervous about this one. Help!
Put me at ease,…I’m worried about ge... - Anxiety and Depre...
Put me at ease,…I’m worried about getting my Pfizer CoVid booster. First two weren’t bad for me just my anxiety is through the roof!

ZOO7 you already took the first hardest steps and that was getting your 2 shots. The Booster will complete your protection. Let us know how you do xx
Do you " have" to get it?
For the work I do it’s highly recommend.
I recently had my 2 shots and so I won’t need a booster for a bit. But all my brothers and their family members have had the booster and there was no problems with it. If you were good for the first two, you will be fine for the booster 😊
I'm to get mine on Thursday but have a cold.
Can't get it unless better.
I will be disappointed if I have to cancel it.
People seem to be fine after it
Obviously, you are being needlessly worried. I had all 3 and it was a breeze. People get shots and blood tests all the time.
Ignore the media! Especially social media!! The risks are probably less than crossing the road. Anti vaxxers make me sad that the world is so messed up. No one should be worrying about a vaccine designed to reduce our risks from a virus, and no one should be making us anxious people worry more than we do already. I've been taking flu vaccine for years and always been fine, why should this slightly different vaccine be any different? I'm sure you'll be fine 😁
Hi I was worried about getting my jab as well.Had 2 AZ but the booster was Phfizer so wasn’t sure about the mixing of them but have been absolutely fine.
Had jab 2 weeks ago - had sore arm and slight headache for a couple of days otherwise ok.
Take care and stay safe.
I got it Friday. Kind of bad Saturday. I stayed in bed and watched some movies. Sunday I got up a little groggy but by 1 i was fine. Two weeks plus the potential long haul would be much worse.
Me and my family will not take these experimental vaccines..I am good!!
Then the reason for commenting? If you know me it must be for a verbose explanation so here you are are:
Do you take any sort of mental health medication such as anti-depressants or relaxants? You may have noticed that a lot of doctors don't get it right the first time. An astonishing number. It is because they are basically "experimenting" with your particular brain and chemistry. There is not as yet any good science to say what med will work with what person. There are companies that try but it is still hit or miss. This is your brain which you need for useful things like earning money or falling in love. How willing have you been to take what your doctor prescribes without doing any research? Heck it is common for doctors to even prescribe some drugs off label. These vaccines are different. First they are not experimental. They have been in the works for decades. Since Warp Speed project (which only sped up paperwork) they have been through rigorous testing and are approved by the FDA. They have been available for almost a year without a significant number of problems considering the billions of shots administered. What they do and how they work is very well documented. There is simply no guess work left. The guess work that is left is whether we need mandates in order to really get us to a safe space. Right now the "hot group" is children.
My only complaint is I didn't get the ability to stream spotify from a secret implant. I was really hoping for that. 🙄
I appreciate this line of reasoning. If I look at the 2 things I take there are a bunch of possible bad side effects. Even dangerous ones. Some reason we find a way to do that. I’ve struggled big time with this new vaccine but these thoughts help!
There is a lot of misinformation too. What you can do is talk to your doctor who knows your medical history and also risks of the vaccine. They do ask you health questions on the form too. The incidence of serious side effects is too minuscule to make that an issue. Those are the kind of things you rarely catch in any drug study because the odds are against it. So when they happen they identify why and make guideline corrections. That’s what they did with blood clots. Idk what you heard or where but this vaccine is very safe.
I can understand your worries but I ask myself, which is worse, Covid or the vaccine? I had Astra Zenica for jabs 1 & 2 and my booster was Phizer. I had a bit of a sore arm but nothing else. You will be fine. You have to wait 15 minutes after
Myself & husband had booster jab,about 2 weeks ago,no problems just a bit of an achey arm, but otherwise fine,you'll be fine 🙂
So many different views? some saying if you were ok with the first 2 you will be ok with the booster"? we are all different so that is not necessarily true!? I think you have to just go with your gut and make a decision to get it done. I know I would rather have the booster than not, so I'm having mine done next week. I hope you will be ok
All I had was a really sore arm for a few days after my Pfizer booster. Beats the alternative!!! Don't hesitate, just get it and know you'll be protected.
I was not going to get the vaccines and I don’t listen to the bobbleheads or social media. I just don’t trust the powers that be. So I researched about the vaccine. It has been in development for 30 years. Scientists have known another pandemic would hit us. The strain will weaken if people vaccinate. It will never be gone its here to stay. It will be at least another 100 years before another pandemic. Vaccinations are safe for Covid. ✌️❤️

Unfortunately it is unlikely to be 100 years. Actually we have had like 5 I think globally. Remember SARS? It is pretty clear Asia learned from that. As humans encroach and climate changes we will probably see more in our lifetime. Hopefully we are better prepared.
Do what makes you comfortable. I will not get any of the jabs, because I keep testing positive for antibodies a year later. The flu shot is not a vaccine btw… it doesn’t eradicate the flu- just lessens the severity if you happen to get it- same with the covid shots. Covid is here to stay- it will become a yearly shot- possibly combined with the flu shot. If you fear covid- then you should continue on getting the shots every 6 months- it will give you a sense of security in your own mind.
I had both shots and got the booster with no problems. Had a slightly sore arm after the booster which is common. Great peace of mind to have it done.
Just got my pfizer covid booster today worried about side effects, as my first two AZ caused colourful side effects, don't get me wrong if I had the choice now about the side effects, I would do exactly same thing, two of my specialists both advised I keep well away from AZ in future!🙄Although as I write this have noticed distinct pain in right arm where I got my jab, hopefully a few hours sleep should clear it👍 Good Luck ZOO7!
I understand your anxiety. I had it when I got my first shot but was totally fine and now I’m hoping here in Canada that they’ll make the booster available for those of us with underlying conditions. I know people here over 65 and some in the health care business that have gotten it and were all fine. 🙂
Hi Everyone! Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I got the booster. I was shaking but went in. They asked me more medical related questions this time (do I have fillers etc..) and my nurse actually made me more anxious. I broke into an anxiety rash so they made me stay for 30min post…. But I survived and I did it!! I got the Pfizer booster. Side effects were so so, sore arm tired and just feeling unwell for a day after. Thank you to everyone who replied. Thank you so so much. 🙏❤️🙏❤️