Stress is caused by being ‘here’ and wanting to be ‘there’. We must bring ourselves back to the breath and the present moment. Now is all we really have.
Stress Reminder : Stress is caused by... - Anxiety and Depre...
Stress Reminder

A very interesting concept Starrlight and so true.Thanks for sharing xx
I'm so guilty of this. You've reminded me to meditate. Thanks Starlight.

I’ll meditate too then... 🧘
I did my meditation before going to sleep. Night Starrlight.

Nice. Good night 🌚 ✨
Well I guess a lot of things cause stress ha but wanting to be somewhere else other than now is one of the stressors
So true. I want to be healed…sometime in the future but I know I need to recognize that I’ve received so many blessings during this difficult time. My husband says to focus on the things to be grateful for, the Bible says the same. Thx for the reminder
I think we are healing all the time. We have to trust the process. It’s hard to focus all the time only on blessings, when we are struggling especially, and we need to talk about what we are dealing with too, to release the stuff we hold so we have space to accept blessings. Do you want to talk about anything? I’m here to listen.
Thank you. Im thankful for you. I’m about to watch a Bob Hope comedy. I’m feeling post Covid anxiety .
I’m thankful for you too. 😌 You caught COVID recently? You are beautiful. Don’t forget to breathe deeply through the nose exhale out slowly.
It’s so hard for me to do that sometimes but therapy has helped a lot
Hi Hiba! Yes sometimes it’s hard for me too. Right now I have the very best therapist I’ve ever had in my entire life. I’m so glad therapy is helpful to you! ❤️
I’m glad that we can relate ☺️. That’s wonderful . Thank you i am glad too I feel like it has changed me completely
Yes! Me too! 😌 We are wonder women now!
😊 I have had therapy ever since middle school . I used to be very ashamed of it because I was afraid of being judged because of it . but I’m not ashamed at all in fact I’m very open about it and I’m happy about that . yes we are wonder women and we are kicking mental illnesses but 😁
I will hopefully meet a therapist this week. I am feeling very ansy. Took 0.5 lorazepam 2.5 hours ago and it barely took the edge off
((((((((((Sophie)))))))) I used to take Lorazepam and I know sometimes it’s hard to tell the difference... try exercise or try distractions ... what do you like to do? Any hobbies? Meditation? 😌
What dose /regimen were u on? How’d you discontinue?
I was on lorazepam 0.5 and I think 1 mg klonopin a low dose I forget and at one point Valium... I just went off the lorazepam and I cut the klonopin in half then quarters and then it took 2 weeks of feeling cravings and being sick for them all to get out of my system but it’s doable I’m glad I did it.
It’s odd but I can take the same amount of Klonopin one time and feel relief, but some days I feel none. Sometimes I don’t need any. What can I do to keep myself more level with this GAD?
Is that your kitty in the pic then?
We have a very spoilt black and white cat that lives next door to us with similar markings called Emma!
Watch for dont have to stay in a is ok not to be ok.
There is something so comforting about that- it being ok to be not ok- I guess I try so hard to be ok you know ...
I do not know anyone(I know alot of people).....and at sometime they finally admit they are NOT OK> a human expereince....of learning is opposition in all things brings thought...not guilt. YES IM NOT OK. when it get constant pls seek medical help.otherwise we are a club unto ourselves.....good health is put in good context.
like..OUCH! sometimes the brain and heart say.....OUCH!
Lately my body has been telling me OUCH I have migraines and I went into the doctor for what I found out was a stress rash ... I am doing too much... and thinking about a lot ... like things of the past keep bubbling up and I feel unable to stop it and I feel I can handle it most of the time but I know I do need to slow down and rest I also am getting over a UTI so my immune system is down too.
Okay, I was just going to lurk, but this wonderfully true comment wanted me to share my week. I was having a pretty extreme anxiety attack from having made mistakes at work and gotten called on them. I felt like there was a basketball in my chest and stomach, and my mouth, where I'm starting to experience a little tardive dyskinesia, felt like it was going to fall off. I was miserable, and it was obvious to my family.
So I meditated, and when I got into the zone as much as I could, I used a trick I learned on a podcast: I felt my anxiety as fully as I could, held the whole thing in my mind and thought, "It's okay." And I repeated on every exhale, "It's okay."
The basketball deflated by about a third the first time, and then by a third again the second time. The pressure on my mouth disappeared. When I stopped I still had a little anxiety but I was so much better. And after a night's sleep I was fine.
By realizing it's okay to be not okay, all the extra freakout you have about the fact that you're not okay disappears. All the secondary anxiety from worrying about your state goes away, and you're left with what might be a very real problem, but probably one that can be addressed by real world actions once you're thinking clearly again -- or maybe just accepted like I was able to afterwards. I made mistakes. It happens.
How you handled your situation was awesome, C-Mac! I tried the thinking of all the stress of my morning just now and exhaling with saying It’s okay and it made me yawn some very relaxing yawns. Thanks for being here and being you ❤️ It’s so true once we address the anxiety the clarity comes and we can work out our problems.
Very interesting idea keep them coming hope your having good health
Stress for me, was some unsolved issues, some medical, some not in my control...cant always leave the stress situation.Today right now is what we have but we prepare in hope....we learn how to let go....meditation....recognize, act not react, breathe.Ive had to it my stress or is someone trying to put thier stress on me....there are times to walk away and sometimes deal with it...
That's very true Starlight. I have to keep reminding myself to be 'present' and live in the moment. 🌟
yes star light we are a reflection of a deeper transcendence removing provoke from thought perspective if we are relentless in matter it depletes our energy and vitality
Unerving but true. Sometimes tons of stress happens concequativly . Start thinking of better times.
Just like, a good picture saved or a good smell. Even the nice fabric of your shirt.
In your mind take yourself somewhere safe.
Your still in the here and now but comfortably grounded in a safe spot.

Love this, my therapist mentioned to do this.

Good stuff
I needed to read this today. Thank you.
Glad to have toched base with you at the right time. I always feel humbled. Keep on keeping on.
Glad to have touched base with you at the right time.I always feel humbled.
Keep on keeping on with the right brain food.
in between work or study.
Being anywhere but here is my chronic situation. I keep waiting for the leap that will propel me off the cliff, into freedom. More than 3 and1/2 years spent waiting for Godot as they say. How to handle the "now"?, yes breathing and mindfulness,etc. but loneliness is still here. Hope waxes and wanes. Better than what its been , that sometimes I can feel hope. I have to study for an insurance exam in the now for future employment, and its the most difficult exam for me because of so much memorization, not my strong suit. That's my new present reality. I pray I can make it through, brain fog and all.
How are you studying? Do you use index (flash) cards? I’m cheering you on 📣
That’s good you feel hope at times but I know what you mean... I’m having a new present reality that could be better too. Soooo much going on , right!? But then again i think to myself 🤔 it could be worse. It was way worse for me in the recent past so I’m counting my blessings.
I have been through some desperately hard lonely times. In fact 3 no messing about. No contacting anyone suicide attempts. Only to wake up in the morning. Puffed out face or heart problem.. how would I know that.? Shit happens and I just had to carry on. So medical treatment had to happen for myself..
So ...I have this experience thing.
Any kind word, or gesture.
I absolutely have to take in.
Like good food for my brain.
I have a gallows humour,
And will gladly laugh if the opportunity arises.
I stay away from the conditional stuff.
Or any humour that's abusing another.
In these hard times let little bits of life's better times
In. Even just a smile from someone passing
passing by.
Don't think I am just a fluffy good do 'er
I live like this. And my life is richer for it. Emotionally.
I am also incredibly British,
❤️ (((((((( LunaSkye)))))))) ❤️
Hello starlight , I’m morphling and just signed up here. I’m trying to reduce my anxiety, thanks for your advice !
Hi Morphling! So glad to meet you! Youre welcome! You know I was just thinking things almost always work out for me in the end but I tend to keep jumping right back to worrying that they won’t work out the next second after I get one thing working... I really need to trust and I need to stay in the present ... I am determined but it’s certainly difficult.
Yes ! We just try to make problems from no where and most of them aren’t real seriously, we need to see the reality and ignore our negative thoughts.
Oh, stress was surrounding me, and it was the worst period of my life because of my job. I'm glad I decided to quit, but I can't say I managed to learn how to cope with stress. I started taking CBD oil from BlessedCBD , and at least I stopped having panic attacks and reduced my anxiety, and now I feel a little better.