UTI symptoms but no infection...anxie... - Anxiety and Depre...

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UTI symptoms but no infection...anxiety they think...really???

33 Replies

Can chronic anxiety an panic attacks cause kidney an bladder troubles? Went to e.r they said my urine sample was fine no infection, no fever, just had a tooth extracted yesterday that I'd been taking amoxacilian for last week an I have high b.p but all blood work came back great they said but I have a discomfort in my left side along my ribcage an back an elevated heart rate which they all attribute to anxiety daily, mostly health anxiety but I seriously have uti symptoms but not severe yet...anxiety really??? Help no family dr so it's constant e.r visits

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33 Replies
Kat_21 profile image

I'm no medical professional. But I have experience with doctors not listening. You or someone else (if you're like me and hate speaking up) need to be your advocate. Because it could be nothing. Or it could be serious. I would probably go to another ER to be honest. I had many doctors tell me nothing was wrong until I was literally coughing up blood. Have they checked your kidneys? Creatinine? Potassium? There's certain things they have to look for that won't be checked on a regular blood test. (I had kidney issues and no one found it until I had sepsis). I've just never heard of anxiety causing those symptoms. But I'm talking from personal experience and everyone is different. So I could be wrong. Like I said, maybe check another hospital if possible.

in reply to Kat_21

Hi an thank you for your reply. I was in e.r a week ago an had blood work done when I went in for high blood pressure an he said bloodwork was prestine an showed kidney function was good so I assume they tested all that stuff. If it doesn't get better I'm thinking the same go to another e.r...joys of not having a family dr!! Take care..

Newday3426 profile image
Newday3426 in reply to

Has your medical professional discussed Interstitial Cystitis with you? It is often mistaken for a bladder infection but there is no infection

in reply to Newday3426

Hi there thanks for the reply...no I have no gp so it's e.r visits with many diff docs so nobody has told me of this an o know nothing about it but will look into it! Thnx

in reply to Kat_21

agree- we as vets are trained and this relates to others here with renal systems - to investigate each complaint separately....in other words- referred pain has more than one reason...this is called rule outs......u really need a referral to a urologist who specializes in the renal system........ as er docs have their biases........good and bad...........i would strongly push u to a urologist who are the authorities and investigate the area systematically not jump to conclusions......or common diagnosises...........i am veterinarian but many causes of abdominal pain or many causes of depression- primary secondary and tertiary.....i just didn't want to sound to technical or have people thinking iwas playing medical doctor which i am not....however.....we investigate each area systematically not just jump to conclusions.........the normal urine test is not indicative or is just one slice of the picture..........so what? u need or deserve a full work up if ur having pain and referred pain.........my experience....

in reply to

Your so knowledgeable!! Thank you give given me lots a things to investigate an push for, an a lot you say makes very good sense! Again thank you!!!

in reply to

to all of us...so welome many helped me here big time


OnTheLoneHill profile image

I am not a medical professional, so I say check with a physician. I will also note that I am not sure if this is true of humans, but stress can cause UTIs in animals. My dog had chronic anxiety (we were two peas in a pod really) and would get UTIs *every* single time a member of the family traveled. She got so nervous. In either case, you need to see a physician, and they have terrible biases against people with anxiety. I kid you not, I saw -nineteen- GPs before finding one who would run metabolic tests for me. She diagnosed me and helped me alleviate symptoms--it takes an absurd amount of energy, and I wish you the best in your search. Keep advocating for yourself!

in reply to OnTheLoneHill

Thank you for your reply...your right drs just kinda say ya it's anxiety but dont give u the tools an help u need to deal with it, that's true for me as well an with no family dr they put u on a list to see a shrink that I've been told can take 8 months to a year unless you pay out a pocket. I've had a lot a stress an health stress so maybe it is or maybe their tests aren't always accurate. All the best, thank you!

notanotter profile image

I’m not a doctor but used to have loads of UTIs. You might have a low grade infection even with numbers in the normal range, but I would not expect that to cause pain in the kidney. Usually by that point you would definitively have cysts in your urine.

I wonder if you have something else going on. Several things can cause pain in that area of the body, although one of them is indeed stress.

Did they check for kidney stones or even gallstones?

in reply to notanotter

Thanks for the reply..no they didn't check either a those this time but I was in e.r twice last week where they did blood work an said it was prestine an kidney an liver an heart function was all good an an ECG an just said all was prolonged stress an anxiety. I've gone pee like every 15 mins today an drinking lots but right now when I lay down my heart races an I feel bit naseaus, but I've been worrying about this since last night?

notanotter profile image
notanotter in reply to

Hmm: I don’t know if stones would cause urges to pee, but they might. Although I think they usually hurt. One more idea: I used to get yeast infections every time I took antibiotics. Is that a possibility? It can make you feel as if you need to pee all the time. Really really annoying too.

Hang in there and try to breathe deeply. Hugs,

in reply to notanotter

Thank you for yr reply! I've had yeast infections before too after antibiotics but this feels diff. Thanks I will try n hang in..been breathing but find that doesn't work anymore! Thnx for the thoughts!!

in reply to notanotter

this is exactly on point....whoever this is....they are NOT wrong.......investigate further is warranted .....ie being responsible.

Lm92 profile image

Is it just the back and side pain? Did they send the urine off for culture? I've never heard of bladder symptoms caused by anxiety, but the back and rib pain I have because I'm experiencing it right now. It's from being so tense. My best advice is to seek a second opinion. I would think if you were on amoxicillin when the symptoms began, it probably isn't an infection though.

in reply to Lm92

we have other people here suffering from medical conditions of the urinary tract system and enteric or gi system......I'm very thankful that u do not feel judged or feel u are bothering or shocking people as any system can have inflammation, inflamed nerve endings, and on and on that cause clients public embarrassment and humiliation..........but to us........is symptomatic of the condition and we never associate it with the person- people are in wheelchairs, sick animals, people lose heir hair, have catheters and on and on......has zero to do with them although its rough on their dignity and self esteem......even though we are veterinarians we don't associate the condition with the person.......and we want to drive that point home to anyone in this net work........your medical condition including someone depression is medical and maybe neural but also can be liver, renal gi and emotional or losses ...........poeople just jump to conclusions.........people and animals can have depression from bad teeth or bad heart..........and get judged or treated wrongly................my point is................conditions can be every hard on the client........and very humiliating...............however...........and they suffer with real paint and real stigma............we all need to pound home.....

has nothing to do wth anyuones self worth or character..........u should see how sick horses get with similar conditions.........or family animals.......

I'm using this case to drive home or reminding what most know but just in case

we are not shocked as friends and neibhrors and just want u well and relieved o fpain and suffering..............we must must help one anther not to feel rejected or stimgamtized by normal processes of the body and medical conditions.......

in reply to

Thanks for your reply! A lot of what you say is very true an I do feel bad I'm bothering my family an hubby with this constant anxiety an physical symptoms that just makes the health anxiety worse!! I've lost 2 close family members unexpectantly an this has sent me into this health anxiety on top of the regular anxiety I had. With no gp I can't get any help for it. Tried CBT an all the stuff out there but nothing works! So thank you for understanding an replying it really helps having this community to talk with people an most times helps a lot! Your all very kind an helpful!!

notanotter profile image
notanotter in reply to

Hi there, you say you’ve tried CBT (cognitive behavioral therapy),. Please keep doing the sessions even if only once or twice a month. It takes time to retrain your behavior and for a therapist to understand your situation.

Also: You may have some trauma from losing those family members suddenly, so it might be you need a therapist who is specially trained in trauma. We have started to learn that people can have severe reactions to trauma even if the cause is not blatantly bad like war or being attacked. People can get “stuck” looping in an experience they have not processed fully. Anyway, it won’t hurt to read The Body Keeps the Score, if you have not already.

That’s enough from me! You will figure it out when it’s time.

in reply to Lm92

Thanks for the reply! I wondered if my constant side an rib an back discomfort is from my body an muscles being so tense 24/7 as I'm in bad anxiety constantly for about 2 months. No dr so can't get any help for the anxiety, ice tried the breathing an CBD nothing has worked. Have extreme health anxiety an lost 2 close family members seems to have spun me into all this! Thnx for your thoughts!!

Dolphin14 profile image

Are you drinking plenty of fluids?

in reply to Dolphin14

Hi thanks for your reply...yes I am drinking a lot.

in reply to

as an animal doctor we treat animals specifically and globally- we check holistically all factors that are relativent or might be- going downthe list- nutrition, environment etc........pain modification can come from many soruseces.....i prefer the min in drugs and the max in tgermof so non drug things .....but check as u are....stress may be causing the tension and as u say ...the muscle pain.......many syndromes are complex chicke and egg........situations and medical cases can be trying on any famly- look at cancer and st judes families....its a family problem not a patient problem......u have to rally the family to support any mecial case.....easy to say tough to do...

i deal with sensitive animals such as arab and thoghroghbreds so anxiety is just part of their nature...we accept at and manage accordingly...more soon

saying medical conditions are NOTOOT a burden...they NNEEED to be investigated whole body wise ......

Shnookie profile image

Hi it’s Shnookie. I have had an over active bladder from extreme anxiety and stress. I know what U mean by going every 15 minutes. I started on temporary psych disability for extreme stress and anxiety and ADHD issues in November 2019.

During this time I also had an overactive bladder due to stress

in reply to Shnookie

Hi there, thanks for replying, you make me feel a little better knowing somebody has had similar symptoms!!! If I could only get a family dr as they will not do a thing for my anxiety unless you have a family dr or pay out a pocket for a therapist, the current waiting list here to see one that's covered is 8- 12 months!! I could send myself right over the edge an a million more health problems by then! Do u have any suggestions youve learned to cope as I'm on my own here with the exception of the good people like you on here? Thanks again for making me feel a bit better!!

Shnookie profile image
Shnookie in reply to

Deep breathing, meditation, positive visualization - for me it’s being in a beautiful beach area light sea breeze, music I love - U can use your iPhone and use you tube. Cognitive theory to break down your thoughts. The idea is not to catastrophize. Good luck. 👍🍀 I’m here 4 U. U can also contact me privately Hugs 🤗 S

Sorry to hear of your situation...Since you have had several visits to the ER you might consider home remedies.

With UTI infections of any sorts...try cranberry juice....it is ideal for bladder and kidney issues....it is better to use juice rather than tablet and works very well.

Buy a 8 or 11 urine test kit from Amazon...to keep an eye on what your urine is up to....the top two measure infection leukocytes/Nitrites a sign of bladder infection...and are the only two you need for urine infections..... you need to wait 120 seconds for results...all the rest are 60 seconds...which will reassure you before you decide to make another visit to ER.

Spirulina and chlorella will lower infections too naturally.

The test strips check for creatine and protein levels too ...a sign your kidneys are over working.

This checks urine ph which shoukd ideally be 6/7 ph...if its a lower number (acidic) then you should aim to increase alkaline foods and fluids cut down on sugary stuff and tea/coffee...acidic pee often gives burning sensation.

And the others markers check for blood and liver (bilirubin) so its a good starter to use at home to allay your fears or warn you to seek help.

Remember we are not playing doctor and nurse here...just trying to introduce an early warning system and save you unnecessary worry.

Also do not go into a huge panic if any readings a slightly elevated they are not a sign of impending doom....often readings will fluctuate a little ...this is normal....specially during times stress and recovery...so just a first port of call.

Learn to relax...really practice at letting your body go...it has you covered....and knows how to repair itself..if you rest it...nourish it...pamper it.

Keep your fluid intake up especially during the warmer weather...

in reply to

Thank you so much for all that great info!! I didn't know there was such a thing an that it measures all those diff things! This is a great help as I don't wanna have to hit the e.r everytime I feel something that worries me or possibly symptoms from the extreme anxiety they keep telling me everything likely is! Without a dr your only option is the e.r which makes the anxiety worse!!! Very helpful...thank you again!!!

I feel so bad for you. I have heard that stress and anxiety can trigger UTI symptoms. But cut yourself a break and try to relax I know words are so easy. But really, you are only human and these things will pass. However, I would definitely keep an eye on all your symptoms. Always better safe than sorry. Feel free to contact me any time to talk I wish I could give you a big hug through the internet. I just prayed for you Abbagail. Take care of yourself

in reply to JustBleuNBaileysmom

Omg I just read your post to me an it brought tears to my eyes..thank you so much for the kind words!! I needed that. So emotional an frustrated an sick physically from all this an no help 3x to e.r in just over a week all I got was b.p meds as my b.p has been hovering around 180-190 over 120 an heart rate at 120 but they say it's nothing to worry about it's anxiety but what if it's not?! They did ECG on heart an bloodwork n said it was prestine all organs working but the b.p isn't coming down. Again no gp so what do I do after the meds run out an are they even working? Heart races an feel dizzy an at times sick to my stomach at random times, so weak an tired, buzzing in my feet an legs...how do u not worry it's more? Anyways I'm rambling on, thank-you again for your kind words they really helped an thank you for praying for me that means so much...your a wonderful person!! Xo

JustBleuNBaileysmom profile image
JustBleuNBaileysmom in reply to

Abbigail, no reason to thank me. I wish I could be there to offer strength and encouragement. But I know you can do it on your own. you are stronger than you know. I just prayed for you again and will keep you in my prayers daily. But just try and believe that you are strong. You were made strong The world has a way of beating us all down emotionally. Yet we can come back stronger and YOU will! You are not alone as we are all here with you and the most important of all; a force stronger and greater than all of us is on your side. Try and relax and breathe and take it one moment at a time. When I feel overwhelmed I try and find anything silly that makes me laugh. Last week a squirrel came to my office window...it may be silly but it made me smile which is worth so much. You cannot ignore your physical health. Keep an eye on everything along with keeping mentally strong. You can do it. A big strong hug sent your way!

in reply to JustBleuNBaileysmom

Thank you so much for your prayers an words of encouragement they mean a lot!! I do have a golden retriever that's my world an she makes me smile everyday an does something goofy so I will concentrate more on that!! Glad u can find things to make u laugh as well! Your a very kind person an I wish you all the best today an everyday!

sleepless96 profile image

Hi. Just a thought here. Not a dr or nurse. You mentioned you were on an antibiotic? Did the time frame coincide with the negative urine test? It may be that the antibiotic cleared the infection, but left you with symptoms. I know this can happen as my husband has prostatitis that causes a uti. He's on prophylactic antibiotics, has gotten the very distinct symptoms of another uti, but when tested at the drs office, negative. I don't understand the mechanics of these episodes. When this happens, which isn't all the time, where the symptoms come from, I don't have a clue, and no dr has ever explained it to us. I hope you feel better very soon. Take care.

in reply to sleepless96

Thank you for your reply! I had been on antibiotics for a week before the UTI symptoms an the e.r doc said that could be why an their gonna see if in a few days it presents bacteria but he felt it was likely the anxiety which I thought weird!! Your poor husband I hope he gets his under control too! Both of u take care!! All the best.

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