Just wanted to bring a little Happine... - Anxiety and Depre...

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Just wanted to bring a little Happiness to the people.

β€’42 Replies

I feel very humble to post this picture as not only does it show a lot of you people suffering like me with depression and anxiety that you can bring a little joy into your life despite your condition, but it shows you can turn negativity and dread into a positive and something creative and gives me a great sense of wellbeing just sitting out amongst my creation. I have germinated a lot of seeds and neutered a lot of little plants to maturity. One of my joys this year was to see a plant growing that looked like a poppy, now poppy's I have plenty of, but a red poppy was always my dream, I got seeds from a wild red poppy but last year when I sowed these seeds none of them appeared to take and germinate at all. Then this year I noticed 4 plants growing in my concrete cracks and 1 inside my flower box. The poppy inside my flower box grew like a beanstalk and now yesterday the first of 8 flower buds has burst into red so now I should have even more seeds when they eventually harden and turn to seed. I am so pleased with my efforts as it makes me feel happy, anyone out there likes gardening and uses this as a therapy.

42 Replies

My lovely garden full of flowers and lovely and smells which gives me such well-being sitting out enjoying this. 😍

β€’ in reply to


Rachmaninov2 profile image
Rachmaninov2β€’ in reply to

Beautiful display. πŸ™‚

β€’ in reply toRachmaninov2

I am really Humble that you also appreciate my garden and the efforts it took to make it, thank you, I wish you also could smell the bouquet the flowers give off. you'll just have to trust me when I say it smells lovely. πŸ‘πŸ˜

Rachmaninov2 profile image
Rachmaninov2β€’ in reply to

You are very welcome. Thank you, I can imagine the scent from the flowers. I have some honeysuckle and that also has a wonderful scent. I think I noticed some pinks in your garden, I think they have a lovely scent too. πŸ™‚

β€’ in reply toRachmaninov2

yes, I also have honeysuckle plus passion flowers mixed in with deep blue clematis. 😍

Rachmaninov2 profile image
Rachmaninov2β€’ in reply to

Your garden looks like a real haven, you must have lots of bees and butterflies visiting the flowers. πŸ™‚

β€’ in reply toRachmaninov2

Yes, I do. lots of butterflies too pus squirrels which visit me every day. I was the proud father of 3 great tits this year a month ago. I made a double nesting box and the parents decided to move in, it was lovely to watch them feed their young every day. nature always finds a way. here deep in the countryside, I get all the wildlife. owls each night sit on my fence as darkness falls, the female calling to the male as he hunts and she just perches looking around. I'm sure they know much more than we ever do. πŸ™‚

β€’ in reply toRachmaninov2

Yes, I do and butterflies to and loads of hoverflies and squirrels visit me every day and sit on my fence eating peanuts, This year I also watched Great Tits rear 3 successful young in one of the many double boxes I made, lined with my fluffy dog hair when I groomed his fur, 3 healthy little bird a month ago fledged and sat on my closeline. I felt like a father. I also have a pair of tawny own who come every night and sit on my fence while the male hunts for his tea, the female sat there looing and blinking and calling him as he hunts. I have 4 squirrels every day also come to my feeder table I made for them and they feed every day along with all the birds, it really is a haven of wildlife here deep in the countryside, nature is so lovely to watch and absorb for free. they know more than we will ever do. πŸ‘

Rachmaninov2 profile image
Rachmaninov2β€’ in reply to

Congratulations on your red poppy DeepBlue, I have lots of yellow ones but no red ones, you have a lovely garden which clearly gives you a lot of pleasure. I can’t do much gardening at the moment but when I do it it makes me happy too. πŸ™‚πŸ‘πŸŒΈ

β€’ in reply toRachmaninov2

To be honest, it's taken m years to eventually get a full red poppy actually to grow, they are common in the wild but do not take when you transplant them. they only grow in bad soil or ground conditions and it's taken me 4 years of living here to eventually get one to grow, also I have just germinated a Himalayan Blue Poppy. I just hope I can grow it onto maturity for next years seeds. x 😍

Rachmaninov2 profile image
Rachmaninov2β€’ in reply to

They find the conditions that will suit them don’t they. I saw on a gardening programme recently that a lot of people would like to have Himalayan poppies in their garden so that’s a great achievement. Good luck with growing it on. πŸ™‚πŸ‘

β€’ in reply toRachmaninov2

yes, good old Monty on gardeners world, great programme, I hope also that it takes and grows, it's the only seed out of 50 that germinated.

Rachmaninov2 profile image
Rachmaninov2β€’ in reply to

Very well done, I can tell that you will nurture it so that it has the best possible chance. πŸ™‚πŸ‘

Agora1 profile image
Agora1β€’ in reply to

Very Serene place to escape your thoughts.I see 2 chairs, may I join you for a quiet mid afternoon meditation?

Beautifully done DeepBlue

Namaste :) xx

β€’ in reply toAgora1

well, you're absolutely more than welcome to join me. the kettle is on and a coffee awaits you or a tea if you prefer, I only drink Yorkshire and Kenco. 😍 thank you, your so sweet. x

I love your garden, DeepBlue1965, it is so beautiful. Gardening is something that helps me to relax, too. 🌸

Nettekin profile image

Hi deepblue1965. What lovely flowers. You have obviously been very successful in growing your plants, but I would also like to say you have a real eye for arrangement of plants as well. Gardening brings so much joy, doesn't it? Plants don't judge or ask for too much. I can lose myself for hours, which when you have deep seated depression is a real blessing. I have a lot of yellow poppies in my garden and just occasionally one will mutate into an orange one. Best wishes x

β€’ in reply toNettekin

thanks for the lovely comments from one gardener to another as it's really appreciated and I am so humble it has brought hopefully a smile to your face. The red poppy is the first I have successfully matured to flower, it's such a healthy plant too. I found 3 others that had taken seed in cracks in the concrete so gently teased them out but they have not matured as yet like this one, how they got there and seeded themselves is another thing? also, I have a Himalayan blue poppy on its way as I have 4 shoots now. it's just a baby at the moment but fingers crossed I can bring it to maturity also. 😍

Nettekin profile image
Nettekinβ€’ in reply to

I am often completely amazed what plants will seed themselves in the oddest places. I know that however much love, water and sunlight I have given it I would not be successful. But left to its own devices, it seeds and grows perfectly well! πŸ€”πŸŒΌx

β€’ in reply toNettekin

This is the fascination of nature, often it does not like to be contained and neutered. It sometimes tells you exactly what it likes and where it will grow, all we have to as gardeners is fathom this all out. it many ways do you blame plants, we as humans sometimes do not like standing next to someone so we choose to move, maybe this is their way of levelling this balance also. my train of thought over the years has changed and know even in plants they live and breathe just like we do, they are no less important fighting for the right to live and succeed.

Rachmaninov2 profile image
Rachmaninov2β€’ in reply to

Well said. πŸ™‚

β€’ in reply toRachmaninov2

This is my bird table I made all my nature friends, they all come every day to me to be fed and keep me company. the rewards are breathtaking. make it and they will come x😍

bird table
Hb2003 profile image

I’m smiling I love it . Your amazing πŸ™ lots of kindness and support ❀️

β€’ in reply toHb2003

To be honest, nature has its own way and magic to heal and give you wellbeing, It's lovely fellow sufferers also enjoy the fascinating hobby of gardening to induce their wellbeing also. I am humble I can share this with you all. . thank you for all your kind words of support as it is so appreciated. πŸ‘

Hb2003 profile image
Hb2003β€’ in reply to

Your welcome πŸ™ I hope that your having a good day ☺️ I can imagine myself in that garden 😌

β€’ in reply toHb2003

I've told other members, you're all very welcome, we'll get out the quiche and strawberry & cream and a nice glass of wine or homemade lemonade and all chill watching the Tennis together hahaha lo......πŸ˜€πŸ˜†

Hb2003 profile image
Hb2003β€’ in reply to

lol πŸ˜‚ I would love it 😊

β€’ in reply toHb2003

Me Too hahaha lol I'll get the kettle on, you get cycling on ya bike lol πŸ˜†πŸ˜‚

Hb2003 profile image
Hb2003β€’ in reply to

Lol πŸ˜‚ it has to be a bike that has 3 wheels I don’t know how to ride a bike without training wheels 😰

β€’ in reply toHb2003

I'm in the middle of inventing a disabled "JETPACK" No Wheels, just think and it will take you there. The jetpack will do the rest. It's a bit like farting, once you do it you never forget how to. hahaha lolπŸ˜‚πŸ˜† DRAGON'S DEN here I come.......I'm Hovering into the studio to place my pitch to the Dragons.

Hb2003 profile image
Hb2003β€’ in reply to

Lol πŸ˜† I love it

β€’ in reply toHb2003

Well, I had considered applying to the BBC and posing to the Dragons Den asking for a Β£ 250,000-pound steak with a 20 per cent share in my new business adventure. I was going to create a new month, the month of AUGCEMBER. Augcember is a unique concept in monthlyness, It has 31 super warm days and packed into them 31 days it has an astonishing 15 hours of pure shopping daylight. But here's the really exciting thing about Augcember. I intend to relocate Christmas day to the 15th of Augcember. So there are 15 hot and fantastic days leading up to Christmas Day meaning you shop till your heart's content and also get a suntan at the same time. We will refit Santa out with a Disabled Jetpack, telepathic drive of course, so he'll have no bother delivering all his gifts on time because he will be lacking the icy cold snow on his sled runners and his deer will only get sore hooves from not running on snow ridden icy roads, well sated of course. Augcember Christmas deliveries for him will see him wearing his sunglasses, T-shirt and shorts, He can do away with them ghastly red and white itchy clothes and wellies in exchange for crocs and he can get that awful beard de-flead and given a stylish trim plus we can get that man knighted too, Sir Nicholas of Claus esquire....hahaha lol πŸ˜…πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

Hb2003 profile image
Hb2003β€’ in reply to

Lol πŸ˜‚ I’m laughing this is funny πŸ˜† you are very funny I like it.

Dovedale4 profile image

Your garden is beautiful DeepBlue1965. It is obviously your sanctuary and is incredibly important to our wellbeing, both physical and mental. The colours are so vibrant and I can imagine the scent of the honeysuckle carried on the breeze.

Thank you so much for sharing 😊

β€’ in reply toDovedale4

To be honest, I have tried since lockdown lifted to make it an extra room, outdoors of course but a space to relax never the less to add to my already small 1 bedroom bungalow. The small garden is big enough for me to keep myself busy and gets my mind off my own health issues. and it does give me a great sense of control and responsibility but somewhere that makes me feel safe and comfortable being in. The rest of the old tenant's gardens are not like mine and my neighbour during lockdown put weedol on my clematis and flower box and it killed half the flowers in the box plus all my clematis. I have had to change half a box full of soil and nutrients. I reported him to the local police and council and his partner got kicked out the bungalow. My neighbours who have lived in the village for 26 years love my little garden and have taken me under their wing basically making me feel so welcome to village life. They treat me like a brother and likewise to them both. I just keep myself to myself and don't bother with the rest of the residents in this group of 8 bungalows as they are so miserable always having a stab at each other, it just sucks the life out of you. I have courtesy bamboo screening all around my rear giving me good privacy which is important to me. I don't like any confrontation with anyone so this to me is very important that I feel comfortable and safe in my own home and garden. πŸ™‚

Dovedale4 profile image
Dovedale4β€’ in reply to

I can see that you have worked hard on your garden and have succeeded in creating a wonderful sanctuary. Let's hope for lots of warm weather and sunshine so that you can make the most of it and enjoy the peace and tranquility 😊🌸

b1b1b1 profile image

This is a lovely garden; you have accomplished an incredible amount!!

Absolutely gorgeous! You should be very proud that all your patience and nurturing has paid off! I’m delighted that you finally got your red poppy it’s gorgeous! My garden is my haven. I planted it out for pollinators. I can sit watching all the bees and butterflies and all the beautiful birds coming to my Rowan tree to the nut feeders. You’ll be the same enjoying your beautiful flowers. Thanks for sharing your beautiful photo! πŸ˜β˜€οΈπŸŒΊπŸŒΈπŸŒΌπŸŒ»πŸͺ²πŸͺ°πŸπŸ¦‹πŸ›β€οΈπŸ˜˜xx

β€’ in reply to

thank you also for your reply and for sharing with me a little of your own garden too, they are so important to us all no matter how large or small, especially with this pandemic sweeping the World, they have proven to be a lifeline for thousands I expect. I am happy it made you also feel good as I wanted to share its awe and felt chuffed it had eventually flowered as I feel like I have achieved something when it rewards you like this.

EndUser13 profile image

Thank you for sharing! I love gardening, it's rewarding nurturing a living thing into its potential (hopefully a great one)

β€’ in reply toEndUser13

Sure is, thanks for the comments πŸ‘

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