A life without purpose?: Hi, I don’t... - Anxiety and Depre...

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A life without purpose?

Asuka44 profile image
7 Replies

Hi, I don’t really think anyone can help or relate? I mean probably, I know it will sound like a basic common depression but I don’t know.. I feel like there’s no solutions. This will probably be long I just need to get it out you know how it goes...

So, I don’t have any purpose, no ambition, no dream job or no interest for any job. The things I actually like can’t be turned into jobs and anyways even if it did it wouldn’t be fully fulfilling, long story... Anyways, I don’t know what I want. I’m purposeless. That means whatever I do is useless because in the end I don’t know where to go, I’ll just fail out of lack of motivation. I know, I know, you’ll probably think I should look out jobs online, find passions, maybe talk about it with someone... Been there, done that, I’m not the common person who knows what he/she wants but just need someone to make him/her realise that. I’m really not unknowing when it comes to who I am and my thoughts, all that. I’ve been trying to find a solution to this problem for years, even though I have a reason to live, I won’t be able to find a job that would make me somewhat happy in that life. Yes yes I’m young some people still don’t know what they want even after they’re 50 blablabla, I ain’t waiting that long. I need to know now because otherwise I’ll never survive college, I won’t pass because it makes me so depressed I can’t get up to go eat, i have no reasons to want to study, so I fail and feel like shit but still won’t do anything about it. I’m really not that interested in fighting for a job I don’t really want, to tell the employer I’m better than someone else, because that’s a lie. Also, don’t bullshit me with some you don’t need a job to be happy crap. I know I could go far, i don’t think I can be satisfied with too little, would feel like I gave up anyway you know? So yeah, I’ve heard you can’t live a life without a purpose. I guess I’m screwed? I’m sure a lot of you will go like yes, I’m also purposeless and don’t know what to do with my life but like I really thought about pretty much every options and nothing feels appealing. Of course there’s a back story leading to where I am today, feeling empty bla bla bla but no time for that this isn’t my biography. So is there anyone who felt this way and found a solution? Because I don’t have any and I really don’t know what to do, I’m just falling into despair. Hope yall are okay though (probably not since you’re here, but hey you never know).

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Asuka44 profile image
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7 Replies
hypercat54 profile image

Hi I think it's a myth that most people know exactly what they want to do with their lives although it can seem like they do when you are depressed. You are not weird at all and I'm sure many of us can relate to you.

I think people who find a job they love and is fulfilling are less common than those who like me just drift through life - many of us do. As far as jobs go for me it was about finding a job I didn't mind doing and then concentrating on my personal life with enough money to do things I enjoyed. There is nothing wrong in that and it depends on your priorities.

There is no such thing as a perfect job as every one will have aspects which aren't so enjoyable but that's life.

Broken1971 profile image

Hey. A lot of people feel this same way, myself included. I don't have an answer but I try to get through the day by finding purpose in the little things. You helped me a lot by sharing your story and allowing me to relate. That means a lot to me, and I'm sure many others on this site. Be good to yourself!

JP8810 profile image

As you probably already know depression places a filter in our brain that prevents us from seeing things objectively. Yes we are creatures of habit and deeply attuned to our emotions, but we are more than our feelings. You absolutely have a purpose in life. It may seem kindve cloudy right now but dont give up. I find that for me when im dealing with similar feelings I need to step out of myself. I have found that knowing that God loves me and is always with me provides me with some peace. I also have found that volunteering for some charitable cause has provided me with a sense of purpose. I have found having a mental health 'tool kit' is important. It incorporates counseling, medication, excersise, prayer/mindfullness, charity work and self compassion. Life is a journey and we all experience peaks and valleys. Know that if you feel that you are lacking purpose you will find it eventually. Know that you are a beloved child of God and you he is always with you. I will say a prayer for you. Peace!

SirGrits profile image

Hey Asuka, I think my story is pretty similar to the rest. I really relate to your post; you sound very much like my college aged self (I'm 44 now). Looking back, the thing on earth that I wanted to be was my dad. I didn't necessarily realize that, but by the grace of God I didn't do anything to jeopardize the goal. But that goal never gave me any guidance on career selection and growing up in general. But my story is truly a testimonial that God lead me to where I am today and He taught me purpose. And it happened in small increments without me even realizing it. I bet that doesn't bring you much comfort at all. I'm sorry for that, but you've got a good head on your shoulders and are more intentional about your life then I was at your age. The only recipe I can speak to is to hang in there, stay introspective and intentional. I strongly recommend consulting with your medical Dr about the depressive symptoms. And naturally, consider turning to God and/or seeking counsel from a Christian in a nearby church.Prayers friend.

Asuka44 profile image

Thanks I appreciate it, I also live for these moments, I’m just afraid I won’t be able to enjoy them if I’m unable to find something fulfilling to work for, a job takes the most part of your life and if I can’t be somewhat happy to have that job then I wouldn’t be happy for the most part of my life. I don’t think it’s enough for me and I’m so easily blinded by the bad, there wouldn’t be enough light in my life without a purpose.

Asuka44 profile image

I’m very happy you were able to achieve that! I also want to be someone young me would call cool and your story does help. My goal in life is to be happy as often as possible. Maybe I’m looking at this wrong and losing sight of what truly matters to me.. I don’t know. I’ll try looking at my problem from a different angle. Thank you for your answer and I don’t know if it’s because you went on my profile but thanks for calling me AS44. Have a good weekend :)

I think your post is more relatable than you know. I happen to be age 50 and I thought when I was younger that I would have really accomplished something by now, but sometimes I feel more lost than ever!!! Sometimes life just doesn't go the way you hoped it would, you learn that you have to make the best of your circumstances and do what you can.

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