Anxiety and panic attacks, what helps you break the panic cycle?
Can you break the panic cycle? - Anxiety and Depre...
Can you break the panic cycle?

I breathe/exist/contemplate through it - but mine only last a short while (though they make up for it in intensity) so I am lucky in that way. I feel for all the people who experience it for longer, it is awful.

I'm just now nearing the end of an almost 3 day panic attack
It must feel refreshing to know your coming down from the panic attack. I would call your Dr tomorrow and let him or her know how long the episode lasted.
I'm seeing my dr tomorrow I am definitely going to be having a long talk with them from med management and this horrible situation that's left me rattled too many days in a row of just panic and chest pain in a horrible cycle
Definitely have a heart to heart the Dr will figure out the appropriate meds. Your symptoms are very common just saying so you don’t think it’s more then anxiety. You’ll be just fine, coping skill will help in the moment as well , breathing exercises. These are great so your not doing fast shallow breathing causing hypertension that you won’t notice. But the symptoms you will notice chest pain, dizziness, feeling like your not getting enough air , tightness in the chest , tingling in your hands , headaches, twitching in your eyes , a feeling like your going to die , felling of doom. It’s all part of this cycle, that you will get past with the proper treatment and meds.
Its frustrating and exhausting but I'm glad I'm seeing my dr tomorrow cause this has to stop
It’s all in the coping , find that coping and the appropriate meds you’ll be good.
I kind of thought I was the only one who has panic that doesn't stop for endless days. I've read constant panic doesn't really exist, but I am proof otherwise.
Same here like trying to get people to understand it's been days and I need it to stop it hurts and its exhausting mentally and emotionally and I can't afford therapy out of pocket so it's up to my primary to work with me until their team finds someone that takes my insurance
Tell you what, you find anything that helps, clue me in. I've had years of this misery, off and on, and nothing I do really helps.
To be honest.. keep your mind busy. I know that sounds to easy but it’s true an ideal mind is an anxious mind. I don’t practice what I preach so I take Xanax to stop when I need it.
I'm prescribed ativan and it doesn't help I also take prazosin for ptsd and feel that it isn't helping like it once was cause I've never had a multiple day panic attack until Friday and it's very slowly calming down
Ativan is a very good benzodiazepine. What mg are you on ? Often people will need to be switched to another benzodiazepine like Valium , Klonapin , Xanax , or you just need an increase in dosage. That being said with ptsd ( I also have ptsd) with or without ptsd sometimes even on meds we get episodes of panicAnxiety that last a few days . I when this happens to me I’ll bump my dosage of Xanax a little. I’m NOT telling you to go this unless your Dr tells you it’s ok so I’d talk to your Dr about , a. New benzodiazepine or increased dosage.
If your experience is similar to mine, the Ativan will work better after you have a prolonged period of taking it less. And so on and so forth...
I've told my dr I stopped taking it because there was no relief in the 2mg dose during the worst of it all why am I gonna take it with no relief that it claims to bring
The !!XQZZ! doctors should explain, but the dear little darlings don't.
All Benzos work great if:
1) they work for you (you may have to try different kinds)
2) you don't take them regularly
3) you don't let the doctors keep bumping up the dosage when you develop tolerance
Be pro-active and read the Ashton Manual. Learn how hard these things are to get off once you've been on them too long.
I stopped mine they didn't help when they were needed and I didn't want to be bumped to something higher or more addictive cause that's not helpful to me
Nobody knows better than I, that's very brave of you. I've cut back as much as I can face for now, and I hope to cut back more as time goes on.
Thank you for saying my choice was brave, I'm hoping I eventually will say it about the rest of my medications but I'm taking it a day at a time as best I can
You're welcome. Take your time and don't push yourself too hard. You're dealing with a lot. This is a good forum to discuss what's going on with your medications, because whatever is going on -- someone else has been there before. The least you'll get is a lot of support. You're doing a great job! I hope things improve soon. 🙂 🦜
Believe it or not SurvivorF, you can and will break that panic cycle as soon as you
accept it as non life threatening. Nothing bad will happen to you. It is your body's way in showing you that you need to stress out. Your life is out of control.
What you are feeling in several days of panic is free floating anxiety. It's a time when the adrenaline doesn't get a chance to calm down. Bits of Adrenaline stay afloat being kept alive like a hot ember by your continuing fear. As it goes in waves, it just takes a thought, a sound or even something you see and BAM the fire within you ignites.
Breaking the cycle of fear has to do with finding the trigger of your anxiety and then learning
to accept it as just a feeling from a thought that is but a lie. And Breathe...As we learn to breathe through our anxiousness, with each long exhale comes peace and calm both within your mind and body. That long exhale is my key to success. No matter what comes up in life
I am able to control my thoughts and feelings.
Let those fears go. If you have to say it out loud "Leave Me Alone" do it. I've done it many
times and it works. Our hand is held out to are not alone. xx
Thank you for your kind words and advice I've been battling this for 2 years now and this is the longest episode I've had and between the PTSD and panic I have been struggling to not feel fearful my heart pounding and chest hurting has been this vicious cycle and its worn me out I'm exhausted but can't relax when I try to lay down it feels like my heart is pounding too hard and it freaks me out like a roller coaster drop
SurvivorF, finding some tools that will help you to relax are important.
Using them each and every day will put you in a better position when you did
get these feelings.
I experienced the same feelings as you and I will agree, it's hard to use relaxation meditation or breathing once the symptoms are in full swing.
Finding something on YouTube that calms your nervous system is the key. I use Meditation and Breathing 3x a day. First think upon awakening, mid afternoon and before bed. When first starting it takes about a month for the brain to accept this change. By doing this each and every day, the symptoms will get shorter until you become in complete control of your body and it's reaction to anxiety.
YouTube has some 1-3-5 minute Meditation for Anxiety that are effective. No need to sit all day meditating just so you are consistent, it works. Wishing you Peace & Calm xx
Hi Agora,
I like your idea of the 1-3-5 minute meditations. Have you found any you particularly like? I'd appreciate a link. (I know you know how now.)
Hi NBP, YouTube is my "go to" It's all about finding the voice that your mind responds to. Here are 3 short videos that I use.
"5 min. Quick Anxiety Reduction/Guided Mindfulness Meditation"
by Mindful Peace
"3 min. Guided Breathing Meditation for Intense Anxiety"
by Mindful Peace
"1 Min. Meditation for Stress" by Chelsea Pottenger
Breathe and Relax xx
Are you familiar with Dr. Claire Weekes, "Hope and Help for your Nerves?" This dear Australian MD was helping people back when there were no good meds, to break the "fear of fear" that keeps an adrenaline-fueled panic attack running. Slow breathing really helps, and how you experience your bodily sensations helps. I've learned to pretty reliably damp the intense panic attacks within 5-20 minutes. It's a learnable skill. I don't feel "good" after calming myself until the adrenaline is metabolized, but I am able to function pretty well. I'm also on a low dose of Clonazepam and Venlafaxine, which I didn't have when this started years ago. Getting a medical check is always a good idea--glad you are doing that.
Hoping I'll find some relief in answered questions after a good one on one with the dr very sore and tired after days of consistent discomfort.. I'd tell myself it's just and episode it will pass but they were waves after waves and for days at that left me a little rattled
"A little rattled" sounds like an understatement! May you get solid relief from your distress.
It is definitely an understatement but I'm not very sure of my phrasing to Express the level of discomfort its causing me like I wanna shout during it all that I'm in a living hell loop no matter how logically I may know I'm ok that my heart isn't in any actual danger but when you're so physically and mentally worn thin from the cycle... it makes me doubt myself
Wim Hof breathing exercise is the only thing that really worked for me to reduce panic attacks. Look them up on It can train your body and mind to tolerate hyperventilation and relax during the cascade you have in panic attacks. It's the only thing that really made a big difference for me. It feels weird at the start but give it two weeks and you will start to really see the benefits. Do 1 to 2 times a day. Added benefit it strengthens your lungs which is great in case you get Covid. And reduces dizziness which is usually related to breathing poorly during periods of anxiety or panic.
Thank you, I will have to look that up and try it
Feel free to message me for any questions or tips about it. Here is a good place to start to get a better explanation: Then once you are ready for daily use then you can use this: But check out his other videos.
Surrender all your panic and anxiety to God, pray every day and believe that our creator will respond positively, and you will be amazed how your life will change..
I use online scrabble game to refocus