Hello, I’m new here and i don’t really know where to start.
Since Wednesday last week i have had a higher heart rate. On Wednesday i had a shock and reacted badly, nothing major looking back but at the time i was at home alone and terrified (to say the least) buy a loud bang. I know I’ve had anxiety for a long while but never has it been so hard to deal with since the past few months, progressively getting worse and the slightest thing will make me stress, I’m super sensitive to sound and if anything bangs or the fire crackles i jump out of my skin and my heart rate jumps up, it will eventually come down usually fairly quickly. However after Wednesday it hasn’t come down. I’m now feeling VERY run down. I’ve had blood tests and an ecg since and bloods showing an infection/inflammation and ecg seems normal but that heart rate was high.
I guess my question really is, is this anxiety? I’m always very on edge now it seems and worry constantly but to the extreme. My job is stressful too, when I’m working I’m stressed and now that I’m off sick I’m stressing about catching up. It’s a massive circle and my doctors are going in circles. I don’t know what the next step is to be honest. If i now have an infection i need to get better.