Tears and Laughter ☀️❤️☮️🧘🏻‍♀️🕉🙏 - Anxiety and Depre...

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Tears and Laughter ☀️❤️☮️🧘🏻‍♀️🕉🙏

112 Replies

Have you ever noticed when you laughed so hard, you started crying? Ordinarily, tears are for misery and laughter is for joy but there is no space between the laughter and tears. Tears help you to wash away the sadness. Biologically, tears lubricate and clear debris from your eyes. Tears always do something good to you. Laughter is spiritual health and it is very unburdening. While you laugh, you can put your mind aside very easily. Laughter is one of the greatest values that no religion has ever thought about it. They have always been insisting on seriousness, and because of their insistence the whole world is psychologically sick. Therefore, stay in the moment, be free to cry and laugh to unburden yourself!!!! ☮️

112 Replies
Hb2003 profile image


in reply to Hb2003


Oh heck, I'll get in on this too😆😆😇😇😁😄😄😭😭😭 (and last but not least, where do you find the peace symbol?)

Good post!

in reply to

😆😆😆 just do it! 😇 I use my phone for all these emojis so I’m not so sure where to find peace symbol on the computer 🙏xxx

in reply to

I'm on my android, but still can't find it. The only one I have is this✌

in reply to

I have iPhone so it’s a little bit different. I searched and it said “☮️ Peace Symbol Emoji on Google Android 6.0.” is your software updated?

in reply to

Yes, it is. That's ok. I'll just use this✌, but thanks for trying to help😊😊😊

in reply to

Anyone have an idea what this emoji is: 🫁? (Sorry, but now looking through every single emoji)

Sillysausage234 profile image
Sillysausage234 in reply to

It’s a pair of non smoker lungs ....probably a mouse

in reply to Sillysausage234

I just zoomed in and you're right! It is a pair of lungs! Thanks!

Sillysausage234 profile image
Sillysausage234 in reply to

Groovy pair aren’t they .....how’s the Minnie Mouse?

in reply to Sillysausage234

Totally🤣In some pain, but doing okay I guess. Doctors and I are investigating pain I've had for a few weeks now. Was in the hospital on Monday for tests, but nothing was found. I know that's a good thing, but it's annoying not knowing the source. I'm on painkillers, which are helping. I talked to my doctor this evening and am supposed to call back tomorrow.

How's the Sillysausage?

Sillysausage234 profile image
Sillysausage234 in reply to

Hopefully nothing serious....same .having a bad fibro flare up pain is relentless....feel like crying but no tears come out 😄 just have to suck it up and watch comedy.....hope yours calms down for ya

in reply to Sillysausage234

Yeah, I hope so too. It's just frustrating.Thanks. I hope yours calms down soon too.🙂

in reply to Sillysausage234

I just thought of something. If you have epsom salts and a bath tub you could try soaking in that. Epsom salts can be itchy though, so you don't want to soak too long. Magnesium oil also works wonders for my RLS-related pain. I do understand that Fibromyalgia (sp?) is different though, so my suggestions might not work.Good night from me!

Sillysausage234 profile image
Sillysausage234 in reply to

Thanks Minnie ille try the Epsom salts I have heard people say they get relief....goodnight 🙂

in reply to Sillysausage234

You are most welcome!🙂

Agora1 profile image
Agora1 in reply to

I'd like to know myself Minnie..I get as a response sometimes

and I take it that the person didn't understand what I meant? :) xx

in reply to Agora1

Hi, Agora! What's the question again?🙂

Agora1 profile image
Agora1 in reply to

LOL Gee my question was so removed from your response Minnie

that I couldn't remember what it was myself. After scrolling back,

I see you asked about the emoji "??" and what that means.

I often wondered as well. :) xx

in reply to Agora1

Oh, haha!! No sweat. Yes, that was interesting alright. It's a pair of lungs. I was trying my darnedest to find that peace sign, so I was going through all my emojis. I saw the lung emoji and was wondering what it was. I never thought to zoom in; I just thought "what IS that???" and couldn't resist asking.

13ga profile image

that's such a lovely thought... tho in my current frame of mind from last 7 days... i'm forced to disagree - at least slightly....


what this world needs - is a good cleansing of the intolerant and violent people - they need to be cleansed at the bottom of the ocean.

so that statement reveals my intolerance of intolerant people - and means that i'm not completely tolerant - and that makes me a hypocrite also.

so i guess i should revise my statement to say "... of the intolerant (excluding intolerance) and... "

but that only excludes people like me - it doesn't make me less of an intolerant hypocrite!!! :-)

well - no ones perfect... and i guess that makes me only 99% perfect! ROTF ;-)

in reply to 13ga

From you Rob? Slightly Disagreed? I’ll take it 😅😅😅🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂😂

13ga profile image
13ga in reply to

why.... whatever do u mean K? 😅🤣🤣🤣😂

in reply to 13ga

This is for you 🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂vm.tiktok.com/ZMJcaF78Y/

13ga profile image
13ga in reply to

i do like mj; and that was a good song!

What an excellent post KoKo and so very true. We should all have a good laugh and cry when we need to, it really does cleanse the soul.

Alicia xxx 💜💜

in reply to

Love you Alicia, you always got the gist! That’s how we can have a balanced being ☮️❤️❤️❤️xxx

in reply to

Exactly, I totally agree with you. A good cry never hurt anyone be it laughter or sorry xxx🌈💜💜🌹

Dolphin14 profile image

I like when I are crying tears of sadness and someone can break through that. Say something funny enough to put me in a better place. There's nothing like laughing. It's so healing

in reply to Dolphin14

That’s right Dolphin14, when you laugh, there’s no past or future, just the present of joy ❤️☮️🙏

Dolphin14 profile image
Dolphin14 in reply to

Yes so important!

I could use a good laugh today. Mayb one will come my way :)

in reply to Dolphin14

Knock! Knock!

Dolphin14 profile image
Dolphin14 in reply to

Who's there?

in reply to Dolphin14

Control freak.


Okay now you say,

“Control freak who???!!!”

Dolphin14 profile image
Dolphin14 in reply to


Control freak who?

Dolphin14 profile image
Dolphin14 in reply to Dolphin14

You lost me hahaha..... not hard to do

in reply to Dolphin14


Dolphin14 profile image
Dolphin14 in reply to

Ok you got me! Good one. I'm laughing. Just what I needed today

Thank you so much you are brilliant :)

in reply to Dolphin14

I’m glad 🤗 You’re welcomed ❤️🙏xx


Say no more Sir!!! Grab some ice cream, preferably vanilla. Put on the Notebook and call it a night 🤣🤣🤣🤣

Hb2003 profile image
Hb2003 in reply to

Lol 😂

in reply to Hb2003

You too. 😂😂😂😂😂

Hb2003 profile image
Hb2003 in reply to

I am good with chocolate and cookies and cream and cookie dough 😄🤣🤣

in reply to Hb2003

That’s alright, you can have cookies and cream and IWLR can have his vanilla 🤣🤣🤣

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No silly movies can make me cry 🤣🤣🤣

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Darnnnn it. There’s no pic option for me to post to convince you the Notebook is the number one movie that put Ryan Gosling on the map☝️If he can cry, any man can 🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂

Hb2003 profile image
Hb2003 in reply to


in reply to Hb2003

Hiba, help me out here 🤣🤣🤣

in reply to

I've cried plenty of times😭😭😭 lol but I feel really silly if I cry staring at a TV at something that is not really happening 🤣🤣🤣

Hb2003 profile image
Hb2003 in reply to

Your silly 😂😂

Hb2003 profile image
Hb2003 in reply to


in reply to

Okay easily solved☝️Bring your phone out. I’m sure there’s a couple of questionable pictures in there would help you out 🤣🤣🤣

Hb2003 profile image
Hb2003 in reply to

yesss 😳🤣🤣

in reply to Hb2003

🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂yes 😂😂😂

Hb2003 profile image
Hb2003 in reply to

Ooh let’s play would you rather ☺️

in reply to Hb2003

Okie I’m game ❤️❤️❤️

Hb2003 profile image
Hb2003 in reply to

Let’s start ready set ...

Hb2003 profile image
Hb2003 in reply to

GO !!

Hb2003 profile image
Hb2003 in reply to

Ok 😇☺️

in reply to Hb2003

Okie. Would you kiss a frog or a hamster? 😂

Hb2003 profile image
Hb2003 in reply to

A hamster 😇 frogs are bleh 🤢

in reply to Hb2003

Great answer, Sonya thinks so too. She will kiss a hamster to death 🤣🤣

Hb2003 profile image
Hb2003 in reply to

Lol 😂 more like eat it

in reply to Hb2003

U elaborated it very well mam. Now GO!!!

Hb2003 profile image
Hb2003 in reply to

Would you rather eat a pickle or a pepper 🤣🤣😄

in reply to Hb2003

I like pickle. No brainer there 😋

Hb2003 profile image
Hb2003 in reply to

Yes same

in reply to Hb2003

Would you rather be able to talk to animal or read people’ mind?

in reply to

I can already read peoples minds so talk to animals

in reply to

Alrighty then. What am I thinking??

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You're thinking that I'm not being truthful

in reply to

We don’t do reverse psychology here sir. But wrong 😂😂😂😂

Hb2003 profile image
Hb2003 in reply to

Talk to an animal

Hb2003 profile image
Hb2003 in reply to

Ok would you rather turn back time or go to the future

in reply to Hb2003

For my practice, I always stay in the current moment. But I gotta choose either one, I would rather go to the future.

Hb2003 profile image
Hb2003 in reply to


in reply to Hb2003

Okie. Would you rather have diarrhea or constipated everyday for the next 3 months? 😂

Hb2003 profile image
Hb2003 in reply to

constipated 🤣🤣🤣

in reply to Hb2003

Butttt u keep it in not good 😂😂😂😂

Hb2003 profile image
Hb2003 in reply to


Hb2003 profile image
Hb2003 in reply to

Would you rather sing every word or dance every word 🤣🤣😄

in reply to Hb2003

I rather dance cuz I wanna snack 🤣😆

Hb2003 profile image
Hb2003 in reply to

Lol 😂

Hb2003 profile image
Hb2003 in reply to

Your turn

in reply to Hb2003

Okie. Would u rather walk around naked or fall asleep inside your house for a year? 😂

Hb2003 profile image
Hb2003 in reply to

Fall asleep inside my house for a year 😂

in reply to Hb2003

Boringgggg 😂😂😂. Ok your turn

Hb2003 profile image
Hb2003 in reply to

Would you rather see ghosts or see demons 🤭

in reply to Hb2003

Which one is funnier ?🤣

Hb2003 profile image
Hb2003 in reply to


in reply to Hb2003

Ghooost it is 🤗

in reply to

Ok last one before I gotta go make some dinner. Would you rather have ur hands stuck in a jar or your head in a 🪣? 😂

Hb2003 profile image
Hb2003 in reply to

Head in a bucket

in reply to Hb2003

🪣 🪣🪣 😂😂😂

Hb2003 profile image
Hb2003 in reply to

It’s bucket time 🤣

in reply to Hb2003

Yes you know it and that made me miss falalalala 😕

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Hiba knows what I'm talking about👍👍🤣🤣

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What you mean 🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂

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I'm not even sure🤣🤣🤣🤣

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When in doubt, watch the Notebook and chill out 🤣🤣🤣

Catsamaze profile image
CatsamazeADAA Volunteer

I have laughed so hard that I could barely breathe. But that was so long ago. Way too long ago. I’d give anything to feel that again!

Hb2003 profile image
Hb2003 in reply to Catsamaze

Maybe playing would you rather will help 😄

Catsamaze profile image
CatsamazeADAA Volunteer in reply to Hb2003

You hit it on the nail, Hb. I do not play.....I mean really play....nearly enough! Too serious......

Hb2003 profile image
Hb2003 in reply to Catsamaze

You should have a dose of humor it helps a lot 😄

Hb2003 profile image
Hb2003 in reply to Catsamaze

Same 😄

in reply to Catsamaze

I’m sorry to hear that. I hope in a very near future, you’ll be able to laugh at the silliest thing like I did when I went through my hardest time in the past.

Catsamaze profile image
CatsamazeADAA Volunteer in reply to

Thanks. I’m not saying I don’t laugh. I laugh a lot at myself for silly things I do, for example. I’m talking about that wonderful kind of laughing that is almost convulsive....that’s what I’ve been missing.......

Hb2003 profile image
Hb2003 in reply to Catsamaze

I hope that you feel better soon 🙏😄

Kainan profile image

Yep I just did that yesterday 🤣🤣🤣

in reply to Kainan

That’s wonderful. Feel fresh after all.

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