I havent had the urge to poop in a week or more could it be from my diet because i barely eat and when i do it something very small
Scared haven't had the urge to poop i... - Anxiety and Depre...
Scared haven't had the urge to poop in a week

increase your fiber intake to prevent constipation. drink fruit juices, natural laxative mixtures (raisins, prunes, dates). drink lots of water. if you don't have the urge in the next 4-5 days i'd get worried because you're not releasing toxins from your body. how many calories are you eating a day would you say?

Probably under 100 i just started drinking water again too i have been scared to choke on food
Is it difficult for you to chew/swallow? Is that why you aren’t eating? Even 1000 calories a day isn’t enough. 100 is dangerous your body can shut down

Yeah my anxiety made it this way but about 3 days ago found out this trick to start eating i set a alarm for 2am every night to get up and eat because my mind is not thinking about anxiety upon waking up so i eat then but before then i was literally only eating m&ms everyday
Gosh I guess m&ms is better than nothing because at least you’re getting some glucose to feed your brain. But yes, do what you have to do to eat better and get around it. You won’t be yourself and feel miserable without getting a minimum of 1200-1300. Even that’s not much but that’s what I’ve been surviving on most days
Drink your calories. If you can drink water you can swallow things like Ensure MaxProtein shakes, drink smooth soup like broth, make your own smoothies, ice cream, milkshakes, yogurt. What about mashed potatoes?
If can you suck on a chewable gummie, fiber supplements like Fiber Well will give you 5 mg of daily fiber. You need around 25 mg combined soluble and insoluble fiber per day (approx) as well as dietary fat intake as well. How about a spoon full of peanut butter, or mix that in with the shakes I mention above.
You need to get your digestion system working again so this this can get you started but you need to be talking to someone about you lack of eating, eating mainly M&M, this will surely not having you go the bathroom. Your Health anxiety needs addressing.
Off the cuff response you aren’t eating enough on a daily basis. As LGrace asked about how many calories are you eating a day?