I really had the worst day possible yesterday and it continues. Depression set in. I feel like I tripped and fell into a pit. Yet, in this pit and Im stuck there. It’s dark. There some light that I can still see above me . It’s just people can’t hear me calling for help. They are just passing by with their everyday life’s, driving their normal cars, having their great dinners together. Like life is good and normal as usual. And here I am in this pit. The also don’t see me because I feel so invisible, invalid. My way just is working no more in this life. Moment by moment changes come and go. I feel like a empty shell of a person. Everything can change in a matter of a seconds Ive learned and your life will never be the same again. Some people don’t care what happens to other people , until it happens to them.
Bad day: I really had the worst day... - Anxiety and Depre...
Bad day

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Thank you ⭐️... Appreciate you
I’m sorry to hear about how you feel. I guess there must be something in the environment that’s provoking this. I’ve been feeling quite the same.
I understand how you feel. We feel broken. Only pieces of what we used to be. Those of us who are broken are the first in line to give a piece of ourselves. How will we put ourselves back together?
With Covid I’ve lost hope for the days that used to be. I sit in my woman cave alone, losing the ability to share my thoughts
I am going through the same thing...you are not alone.
Hi there, I feel especially down today and I read your post of 11 months ago, you have put into words exactly how I feel. I do hope things are much improved for you.
Well I feel for you… lately I felt good but now things took a turn for the worst but I see a new horizon. However, it’s going to take a lot of work to get there. There may be casualties and falls. I pray there isn’t . I have felt saddened lately as people can be stupid. And don’t care